Why does Sup Forums have such unrealistic expectations for everything...

Why does Sup Forums have such unrealistic expectations for everything? I prompt this thread because of the most recent Nintendo Direct; but it stems to all things in general.

No matter what is, or isn't announced, what is teased or not, what the game they knew was going to be talked about was shown off to be or what it wasn't shown to be, etc, is never good enough. It's like a literal child throwing a tantrum. It's never good enough. If a game was being made and a dev asked Sup Forums what they wanted and make it 100% exactly to what they asked for, they would still hate on it somehow.

Like, what does it take? Sup Forums always hypes things up to insane levels, and then the moment it gets announced or they get to play it, they immediately think "it's shit" because it has no possible way of reaching their insane standards. Yes, I know Sup Forums isn't one single person or is it? but I'm talking in general here.

stop talking Sup Forums seriously especially platform war shitposting.

I tried having realistic and more cynical expectations and now I hate video games.

Because a large portion of Sup Forums was alive during the golden age and their standards are high

Welcome to the internet Fernando

I'm not going to fully acknowledge the specific subject of your post but Sup Forums is where i come to read ALL manners of complaints and gripes, and if the game has nothing but shallow gripes or stupid complaints or just things i don't give a fuck about, it'll likely be a good game overall.
It's the perfect review system, really. You can see every single possible point of contention and decide if any of them are a dealbreaker.

the only people who are disappointed by Sup Forums are people who come here looking to have their tastes praised, or people who simply cannot fucking ignore stupid negative posts (a lot of these lately)

I mean, it's good to have expectations, even if they're low or high, but when something doesn't live up to your ideals, there's no reason to cry bloody murder.

I personally have little to no expectations for any game ever anymore. Not from all the times I got burned in the past for getting hyped and believing in the trailers/etc, only to get a bad or mediocre product. Whenever I see a game I want to get, I tend to avoid all trailers/etc until I get the game in my hands and judge it for myself. Even if it isn't some amazing game, I don't end up purely hating it, I typically tend to enjoy it and end up thinking "yeah it's okay" instead of "this shit is worthless I was so hyped".

>expect things to get better and improve
>they don't
>you're a child if you're unhappy with this outcome

>there's no reason to cry bloody murder.
there is no reason to acknowledge or validate those kinds of posts yet everyone does it. the angstiest, whiniest posts get the most attention, so what the fuck do you think is going to happen?

>Expect game to be good
>It isn't

I know I'm asking for a lot.

It's more like this tho.

>Why do people have such unrealistic expectations for everything?
Advertisement. Willful misleading. Lies. In Sup ForumsĀ“s case sprinkle a dash of cynicism and contrarianism on top.

See, this is what I'm talking about!
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this picture?!

But that's what I'm getting at. A game gets announced, Sup Forums (and other websites) say THIS IS THE BEST SHIT EVER IT WILL BE THE ONLY GAME EVER TO RELEASE AGAIN BECAUSE IT'S SO FUCKING GOOD, then when it comes out it's a 5, 6, 7, or 8 out of 10, everyone shits all over it constantly, and the shitposting ensues and restarts for whatever new comes next.

What is "good" to you people? When someone says "this game is good, 6/10" is that not good to you? What if they say 7 or 8/10? When does it go from "pure shit" to "it's okay"?

What I don't understand is that how lots of people here don't seem to understand that stuff like pre-release gameplay videos and such are advertisements and that they're supposed to make the game look better than it actually is. Usually there's even a mention that it's not actual footage of the finished product but the retards here still choose to believe. Yeah it's fun to be hyped about something but you can only blame yourself if you end up buying trash.

It was actually a good direct imo.

That won't stop people like me making threads to rile up autists.

The truth is, many of us are just bored of videogames and get a bigger kick from >you's

i can't refute your internal generalizations of how thousands of people communicate anonymously online. nobody can.

sort yourself out. learn to filter shit. stop focusing on the stupid and pretending like it's all that exists
again, people wouldn't behave that way if it wasn't the only way to get replies and attention. plenty of well-written posts go completely ignored in favor of shouting slurs back and forth because someone kinda has a problem with a game mechanic

Games that aren't just prettier versions of the same games we've been getting for the past ten years.


I'm perfectly fine with my view on games/releases/etc, and how I rate them. But coming to Sup Forums (or other websites) and always seeing "THIS IS SHHHHIIIIITTTT" no matter what is just annoying. It's childish and stupid. And makes browsing the sites a chore.

I'm not telling people to slurp up the shit that trailers put out and get overly hyped, but just lower your expectations a little bit. You'll enjoy things more. I'm not talking specifically to YOU but "you" in a general sense of the website.

I haven't had expectations for anything in the last 7 years or so, and I have been pleasantly surprised by a good video game a shitload of times.


>Charge me $60 for an incomplete game
>$100 for a complete game
>the complete game has microtransactions and random loot boxes
>Also pc version will be delayed so we can implement denuvo
>Hey! you should have not realistic expectations about (new game) user!

Why people on Sup Forums like to suck corporation dick so much?

Lots of posters here are kids and hyperboles and provocation are generally the best way to keep threads alive and active. It's just a part of imageboard culture.