Lola Pop thread? How do you all feel about her so far?

Lola Pop thread? How do you all feel about her so far?

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I like her but we really need more time on the clock, time outs are getting too common and it smells like SFxT


this, I've had plenty games where me and the other guy were both playing aggressively and avoiding attacks well and it times out before we can reach a satisfying conclusion

someone post her alts


She is without a doubt top tier her mobility is bullshit if carefully played well

So excited!

Twintelles stage is awful for it I dont think ive had a non-time out there in the past few weeks

post her alts


too lazy to take pics

>light blue, light green, pink, another basic candy scheme
>green, red-orange, very light brown, looks based on a candy apple
>white, brown, light brown, dark brown, looks based on a s'mores
>says boop boop! when you select her

She makes me feel funny, and not the haha kind either.

>Min-Min hates her
do chinese ppl hate clowns or candy?

fun and happiness, most likely

what KIND then, user?

Min-Min looks drunk as fuck here

Min Min is already the food fighter. You don't need another one

>Every thrust makes a honking noise

I can't fucking wait.

I realy like this bob haircut
a shame no woman irl can pull it off without looking old or hipster-vegan-SJW trash

well, what else is there to do when your government bans clowns, candy, fun and happiness?

I WANT TO comfort her after months of trying we find out that she is barren!


Nigga, you're just not trying hard enough. Even if she says it's impossible, you never stop pumping her full of your baby-making juice until you've successfully impregnated her, you goddamn faggot.

Someone post the screencap.


You mean this one?

That would be it, thanks.

But user, We went to a clown hospital to get a clown prognosis
Her clown womb just isn't working,
there's simply no way I'm gonna get to give her a gaggle of clown children just like she wanted
There was a clown doctor and everything

Is the update available? Mine doesn't have the notification yet.

yep. It's up

This is the good stuff

What do her feet smell like haha,

Does it sound like rubbing a balloon when she gives you a Handjob or footjob


You forgot the music dummy

I don't think a collection of clowns is called a gaggle. It's probably called a giggle, or a guffaw depending on volume.


ok you guys, stop clowning around

It's called a fucking nightmare is what it's called

Clowns are fucking scary

I disagree

actually, it's called a congress

Was going to take a day off from fapping today, oh well thereĀ“s always tomorrow

Clown girls only look good when they have supremely big tits

A group of clowns is called a murder

>that last 2 ARMS thread's died
>people still want to roleplay that they like this game
Bro, come oooooon. Stop it already.

Min Min haet clwon

Is this the face of imminent /ss/?

non-consensual /ss/ yes

Min Min know's she's about to get raped


Just go into the OS options for the game and hit software update, the second the stream ended that's what I did

why the fuck are they stalking her?

She's really fun! And seemingly really good

I like using the Clapback; it's a different playstyle from what I'm used to. The Funchuks are slow to throw out initially, but they seem to do a good job at stopping punches with how they twirl. I'm not much of a fan of the blorb hydra, though.


because she's best girl

It just stamps your face, you can still see pretty well with being hit by it

Did I stutter? You don't stop trying ever. The greatest the odds that are stacked against you, the harder you must become.

the "best girl" room only fits one, and the rest are reminiscing about the time they were in there

except Mechanica, she was never in there

Someone post the body outlines


ooookay yup

So how do you use her bounce move? Do you just guard while in the air?

But user, My dick is starting to hurt pretty bad. I mean it still feels good when I'm in her, but man am I tired and my dick is sore. Cum stops coming out regularly after the first few hours, too, so every 30-45 minutes we take a break so I can get rehydrated or pee and then we get at it again. She hardly even ever gets up from the bed, she just sits there and waits while reading a book that I never see unless she's reading it post coitus. I mean, there was that one time she came with me into the kitchen and chugged an entire bottle of Gatorade right in front of me, then we sat together in silence while she ate a couple slices of key-lime pie, but that's pretty much it. Granted, her enthusiasm is pretty hot, but at one point, it just that these day-long sessions started to feel like work to me at one point. And yes, any amount of work is worth my wife's happiness, but the point is that I'm tired, I'm firing more and more blanks, the clown doctor doesn't even think we can pull this off, and I've had to pee like five times today.

Hold the dash button mid air


She's fucking OP she's so fucking agile / has high mobility if you know what you're doing. being able to move forward and backwards while guarding (great for getting in someone's face while they rush), quick dashing out of a guard to the left or right, a high jump out of a guard, and I've pulled off a dash counter at least twice I think so she has Spring Man's counter.

Next time you play grand prix use the clapback shield against Hedlok. Even a level 7 is stupid enough to kill himself with it.

>Complaining about having to fuck your wife all day
Look at this faggot
Look at him and laugh

It's hard to do her dodge out of shield with motion controls

She's really cute and I'm glad they didn't give her that weird clown lip lipstick.

Is this game worth a purchase?

I'd say so, I thoroughly enjoy it. I have more hours in it than Splatoon and not just cause it came out first.


>He doesn't check out the competition

Why are clown girls so poifect?

Don't break the golden rule, Sup Forums! Don't touch the clowns, let the clowns touch you!

I like her but I couldn't do level 7 with her. Those fucks read button inputs too hard. Pisses me the fuck off. Also the shield arm is op as fuuuck


shield arm is too good. If you don't pack the right arms, it is impossible to deal with

I wanna fuck that inflatable clown.

Of course Nintendo decides to release her now when my Switch is still in for repair.

I want Lola Pop to eat her own arms and get fat from it.

wonderful design but I don't think I'd like Arms


>these balloons are 100% meat

Up where?


She moves like crazy. But she's fun. I like her.
>Maintaining your dash in the air makes you shield drop
>Can bounce forward while guarding

Because they're assessing where she should be in their spooning hierarchy, you can tell based on how they're positioned.