Other urls found in this thread:


Most games do these days

>Gta V
>Every game on PC

Pretty much any PS4 exclusive has it

I don't think you can move the camera around in those and adjust framing.

Some games have different photo mode features and filters. This shit isn't new 'ya know? Sony's been pushing this since 2014

isn't this just a pared down version of theatre mode from halo 3

I'm aware they have filters and photo modes, even some PS3 games had that, but that's not what I was asking.

Literally proof right here that Nintendo fans have no idea what goes on outside their ecosystem

No wonder they think BOTW is new and innovative

you can in uncharted 4

Wow the uncharted thing

Nintendo fans are very sheltered. They never venture out of their Nintendo safe spaces and try other platforms, so it is understandable that they would believe that features that have been around for years are brand new and Nintendo exclusive. Be patient with them.

ok I've never played uncharted, good to know I guess. Still, OP's right, all games should have these screencap features.

Motherfucker Halo 3 had it in 2007. DQ VIII has it.

But the PS4 has an integrated screencap feature built in the fucking controller

Absolutely. Just like more games should have fully mappable controls

A Hat in Time has had this for a while.

Uncharted lets you change facial expression, which is pretty great.

>mario can CAPture his enemies

it's posts like these that make sony fans obnoxious as fuck. Nobody in this thread is claiming it's a new feature at all, just that every game should have it. Also, I think many anons have no idea what specifically OP is even referring to.


so does the switch

Wasn't Sm4sh the first game to do this?

I don't really consider shooters vidya.


>Also, I think many anons have no idea what specifically OP is even referring to.
Well then its OP fault for being retarded, not theirs

The popularity of this one feature will be insane.

You could take screenshots in the Smash series as far back as Melee.


not OP's problem if half the shitposters in the thread didn't watch the new odyssey showcase with the screencap stuff he's referring to

Nintendo pioneered free-roaming screenshots.

>Mario can also CAPture your screen

waiting for the youtube

This isn't a new feature in games at all user

>not OP's problem
But it is, if he made it more clear then he would've gotten the response he wanted, no need to defend OP's idiocy

Thanks to Nintendo.

>one post mentions sony
>the others mentions pc or nothing at all
You faggots are insufferable

same person trying to backpeddle?

>waiting for the youtube
(snapshot mode shown off around 5:00)
there was no reason for OP to be attacked in the first place, as I said before OP just asked for all games to have this kind of feature. That's it.

The irony here is OP hasnt bothered looking at anything other than Nintendo for 10ish years otherwise he would know this feature has been done before and would be praising it from the games that did it originally.
Just admit that he (you) is a fanboy and fucked up

There isnt any backpeddling bub.

Given his freakout about this it would make sense to see it as his first instance of actually knowing this kind of feature exists for games, so people let him know that this stuff actually isn't as rare as he thinks

>one post mentions sony
not really true, since the first post mentioned HZD
it doesn't matter if the feature has been done before, that's not even relevant to the fucking thread - OP is asking for EVERY game to have this feature, and nobody in the thread claimed or even implied that Odyssey invented it.

>not really true, since the first post mentioned HZD
But he also mentioned every game on PC and GTAV which is on pretty much any console and PC

it is a rare feature, though, I can't think of more than 10 games that let you pause at any point, move the camera around/apply filters/etc. to take a screenshot. Only the odd few major AAA releases have that really. The most noteworthy being HZD< Uncharted, the Smash series, GTAV (partially), some racing games (can't remember which specific ones), and now Odyssey. It's clear to me taht you just wanted to attack the OP just because he happened to bring up a nintendo title.

>what is Nvidia Ansel
Nintendo Innovation™

Halo 3 had a version of this that allowed you to see everything going on during the course of an entire match afterwards.

The only notable part of the Odyssey version is the fucking Instagram filters.

>just because he happened to bring up a nintendo title.

I wasn't one of the people 'attacking' him, but I was informing him given that it's fairly clear this is his first introduction to this kind of feature

gr2 has it

He's fanboying over it. Deny it all you want. It's been done to hell and back already but the idiot (once again, you) didn't realize. It's getting excited over a old as fuck feature, like getting hyped that Mario can fucking jump.
This is why you losers are so insufferable, you finally catch up to everyone else and think it's a godsend.

>It's clear to me taht you just wanted to attack the OP just because he happened to bring up a nintendo title.
You cant be this fucking paranoid

It's sad, really.


Stop talking like you're not OP. You're not fooling anyone


Smash's screencap/pause feature*
That was 1:1 the pause function Smash has been doing for years already.

It's not like that's a bad thing. I LOVE how Smash pauses the game and I wish more games had something like it. But Nintendo isn't exactly breaking new ground here, man

He's right though, no matter how assmad it makes you. Every game would benefit from this function.

You mean 2008, fucking Wipeout HD had it.

It's a brilliant step forward, really hope these devs go somewhere with this.

Why is the thwomp in jail?

Halo 3, a decade ago

>no matter how assmad it makes you
Not him but the only one mad here is OP for thinking Nintendo is being revolutionary when a lot of both modern and old games had this feature, even recent Nintendo games like Sm4sh

Do Nintenbros just never play another videogame outside the ones Nintendo makes? Because the fact that they're hyping up features or game design choices that have been in games for years prior to it is really strange.

kek nintendorks BTFO

Did Nintendo invent Halo photo mode?

this isn't after a match or post-level, this is during gameplay.
>given that it's fairly clear this is his first introduction to this kind of feature
nothing in the thread implies this at all, I have no idea why so many people are assuming otherwise. Not OP btw.
I still need to play that game at some point, is it good?
it doesn't really matter if I am or not, my point is you're making a huge leap in assuming that the thread was even implying this is a new feature - rather than being a noteworthy example due to the direct a couple hours ago.
I don't care what you think, reading this thread it's obvious as hell that some anons just wanted to post to attack for no reason whatsoever. There was literally no reason for it at all, the shitposting was based on a complete assumption that didn't even make any sense (as others have pointed out, the smash series has also had this feature for over a decade). I swear some people on this board don't care about videogame or vidya mechanics discussion and just want to turn every thread into more fucking consolewars.

Melee had screenshots like this before anybody else.

Nintendo stealing from Sony, as always. Those wahoo losers.

Will this be an unlockable costume?

if you have and nvidia gpu they have this thing called anzel. should work with every game that uses opengl, directx or vulkan.


basically it lets you paus a game. fly around with the camera, apply filters or change fov and all sort of neat things.
however the best feature is it will internally increase resolution of the scene so you can take screenshots that are like 40k resolution.

>t-they are attacking me i mean OP
nigga why are you upset over people telling you how things are?


It's okay OP you fucked up, happens to everybody once in a while, but you have to know when to suck it up and stop before digging a bigger hole.

huh, I have an nvidia gpu yet never heard of this before.
>still thinks I'm OP
also not an argument, not even an attempt at one - or do you just want me to repeat myself for a third time?

if you werent you wouldnt be upset over someone mocking someone who isnt you

>I still need to play that game at some point, is it good?
nah i didnt like it. too many stealth missions and other than the worlds being bigger they didnt take advantage of the ps4 hardware at all.

when did I ever express upset from being mocked? I'm only angry people are rambling about "hurr durr nintendo didn't do it first!" when that's not what anyone's saying.

did you also know that you can livestream a game to a friend and he then can control the game from his pc?
theres a lot of things nividia does but never actually advertises. i regularly play a lot of couch coop games with a friend that way.

>It's ok when Sony does it :^)

>you can livestream a game
I knew that actua-
> and he then can control the game from his pc?
how does that even work, do both players need nvidia cards or something?

just a browser plugin.
games live streamed and inputs he does are sent to you and basically seen as yours.

>I'm only angry people are rambling about "hurr durr nintendo didn't do it first!" when that's not what anyone's saying.
Then why are you acting like you're upset at it?

also gotta mention this video is quite old you dont actually send an email. just a link to the nvidia website that it generates for you then hell install a plugin and is ready to go. every time you open the nvidia hud controlls for him are paused so he cant fuck around and you can individually revoke or grant control.

I don't even get what the purpose of that question is, especially since I just answered it.

inFAMOUS: Second Son did it, and it was cool especially with neon powers.

>it is a rare feature

Not really.

He wanted a society arranged in squares so he could finally fit in.

yes it is, not that many games out there that have full camera and filter options for in-game screencaps.

ill take that as a yes

Look im just saying OP was acting like SMO was the first of its kind to have that screenshot thing with filters and all when a lot of others games have done that before and people are rightfully calling OP dumb for thinking that, it doesnt have to do with OP posting a Nintendo game or anything


It's pretty much just Smash Bros' with filters

>no Miiverse to share pictures in

Into the trash it goes.

Yes you can user, welcome to 2010.

He never said it was revolutionary you dense retard, just that every game should have it.

>years ago
>mention on Sup Forums how I loved the screenshot mode in TLOU and wish more games had one like it
>get called a fag
>new Mario game has a screenshot feature
>Sup Forums loves screenshot features now

>Look im just saying OP was acting like SMO was the first of its kind
how do you even jump to this conclusion?

likely because Sup Forums hates TLoU and rightfully so

>direct host called SMO segment a reCAP

>how do you even jump to this conclusion?
Instead of saying 'every game needs a screenshot feature that lets puts filters and stuff"

"photo mode" has been a thing since forever, you retarded nintendo faggot.

Imagine if no mans sky had an even better photo mode. Haha, imagine that.

it does

You have to be a fanatical soniggger to think PC even comes close to this.

by a while do you mean the 5 years it's spent in development hell