This is lazy. Nintendo had a chance to bring back Gamecube era Mario Party, but instead they just threw their hands up in the air and cobbled together this shit.
This is lazy. Nintendo had a chance to bring back Gamecube era Mario Party...
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The boards were the meat and potatoes of Mario Party. Why sell us just the mini games and nothing else? It's smells like shit.
Easier to make DLC mini game packs.
I'm never gonna play another great Mario Party game, am I?
I wouldn't call it lazy...
More like misplaced. I think Nintendo believes that the Boards are an outdated concept, while the Wagon (or whatever the fuck is called) is universally panned.
This reeks of Miyamoto. Since they can't come up with a new "innovative" concept to revamp these games, they just let them rot.
Honestly, I think it's been so long since Classic Mario Party that making one now would be refreshing. Add online functionality (maybe make online rounds shorter when playing with randoms to discourage quitting), and some classic boards/mini games ala Mario Kart, and you got a reinvigorated IP.
>wah it's all miyamoto's fault
Is this a fucking meme? Are you gonna blame miyamoto when you over your untied shoelaces or lose your car keys?
Nobody agrees with me that Mario Party 8 is the best.
>gamecube era mario party
N64 was the good ones, GC only had one really good one in 5, the rest were at the level of 1 or worse.
Miyamoto killed iwata and fucked my dog too
>Gamecube era
Fuck that slow shit
that was the wii one with the Hotel map?
That one was pretty sweet.
wow I'm so grateful I get 40 5 second games to play!
>mario party 100
The difference is that WW games are fun
Am I the only one that really likes this but just wants a Switch version?
does it at least have online this time
if you talk shit about wario ware then you need to get removed asap my friend, good sir, mister man.
>Gamecube era Mario Party
So shit?
Mario Party is a series that started out amazing and progressively got shittier and shittier. Honestly, just make a combination of the first 3 Mario Party games on Switch with new characters. Boards were at their height of design and fun, music was at its height, mingames were at their height of creativity.
Hell, because the Switch's thumbstick turn easier and its design won't dig into palms you could put the spinny games from MP1 in.
First mario party was a mixed bag in terms of minigames because a sizeable portion was just spinning the stick really fast.
>is this a fucking meme?
Yes, and no.
I do believe that the hate he gets nowadays is overblown a bit, but there's definitely a case to be made about him being a hindrance rather than an asset nowadays. Especially with Mario spin-offs. Look at all the spin-offs we've had over the years... 95% of them are rotting away unused, or have been changed completely (Paper Mario)
Josh is a faggot, Mario Party has always been borderline shovelware anyway
Add boards and put it on the Switch and you have a killer app.
Bullshit. Mario Party 1 sucked balls. Mario Party 2 is GOAT, Mario Party 3 is a great follow up.
Now... if you had said that the games started to get shittier after Mario Part 4... it's a different ball game.
Dude's so mad lamoo
>including the top 100 Mario Party mini games of all time!
>for the Nintendo 3DS
I don't get it. What the fuck were they thinking? This would be SO FUCKING GOOD on switch
With Top 10 best boards.
rip Mario Party.
This. Let the old man be already and stop attacking him like he fucked your mom. Too many impressionable younglets regurgitating the worse of Sup Forums like they think they know what the fuck they're talking about.
>Gamecube era
They should bring back N64 era desu
I want costumes and board themes back god fucking dammit
If you think there will not be a Mario party the top 100 for the switch you're retarded