Are there any vidya that do combat right?

Are there any vidya that do combat right?

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no, real life combat is boring and vidya tries to make it look flashy.


real life combat? no

star wars combat? jedi knight

Dark Messiah

Chivalry is pretty cool


>not simply mastering the katana and slicing through your opponents sword and armour

>Real life combat is boring


What complete bullshit this webm is. The attacking guy just gives up as soon as he makes contact. He just stops moving completely and lets the other guy whip him around. I know it's a demonstration but it gives a very wrong idea of what combat actually looks like.

Fatrollin around the battlefield sounds more fun

Thats a movie user.


Isn't half-swording a total meme and there's like one single illustration of it in some medieval codex and then all the ACKSHUALLYfags dicks exploded in anticipation of being able to one-up people with useless knowledge and started acting like that was how everyone fought all the time?

Jackie Chan is a real boy

Unpopular opinion : Dark Messiah is a shitty game

Why does the knight go for pommel-slaps when that peasant doesn't have any armor? Close the gap and cut that nigga.

>be metal fedora tipping idiot
>practice flashy sword moves
>try stupid flashy technique irl
>grip actual sword blade and try to block a real sword
>impact sends edge right through fingers
>drop to knees screaming thinking of countless hours practicing dumb shit

I'm literally in fucking tears right now. This is the most autismal thing I've seen in a while. The slowmo is fucking perfect.

I know gripping the blade is a thing, but he would have seriously fucked up his hand at the 9 second mark sliding his grip on the edge like that

holding the blade with bare hands.....yea fake as shit if he want it to be realistic he would also need armor and metal gloves

him not wearing armor gives him more dexterity in this fight aswell.

Where did you hear that?

Pommels could rekt someone's shit or bang up their head enough to stun them for a second
Seconds matter IRL

I like to imagine tho that they trained the village retard as a joke and he managed to kill a knight before being drawn and quatered for killing a knight

>What are gloves

Most fights look autismal in application

reminds me of how little kids fight by just slapping their lightsabers together

I swear this is like the sideways firing of medieval times. Some retard probably tried inventing his own fighting style and wrote a book on it. In a thousand years historians are going to be claiming that the most effective way of firing the 9mm glock is at a sideways angle.

sword fighting is an obsolete skill
why do people waste their time training in it these days

all you need is armor piercing bullets these days

Explain the popularity of Arma

>tfw these days was 1000 years ago

Many swords didn't have an edge during the period
Only fantasy media portray swords as anything other than status symbols

Real niggas rode around with an axe or mace in close combat but the day was won with polearms


That is indeed pretty unpopular. Good job.

>the day was won with polearms
yeah, in an army vs. army scenario not a fucking 1v1

Until level 15

So, he died by his own sword?

1v1s are pure fantasy nigga

And even then, a polearm was still the go to

Humanity will always fuck each other with a really big stick

Sometimes that stick has a pointy bit and sometimes the stick goes boom

Is that the Cossack fencing style that Olgierd uses?

26k 24h peak, the game is also over a year old at this point, so clearly it has a significant following.

Steam spy puts it at over 3 million owners

>1v1s are pure fantasy nigga
i agree
>And even then, a polearm was still the go to
no fucking way, polearms are only effective in formation
>Humanity will always fuck each other with a really big stick
>Sometimes that stick has a pointy bit and sometimes the stick goes boom
these statements mean nothing

>real life combat is boring
This. It's been known since Ancient Rome or possibly earlier. That's why gladiators had to be trained to fight in special styles that incorporated broad slashes and flourishes instead of the 'shield and stab' affair that actual soldiers used.

You want an accurate medieval siege? Here's how it would go:
>surround castle
>sit there in your own shit starving to death for two months
Riveting gameplay.

How is it a fantasy are you a special needs kid?


hand to hand kung fu and satisfying boxing pick up absolver.


Edge weapons are mostly for peasants and decoration

Smack a dude in a metal suit with a blunt object and you'll fuck his day up

Go fight a nigga with a 5ft dick and then get back at me

Because in actual battles, you don't fuck off on your own like a retard
1v1s were duels held by nobles squabbling about who gave who's wife syphilis

>I am a sheltered suburbanite who thinks that flailing around a PVC lightsaber makes me a master swordsman: The Post

>he has never played DayZ

The Total War franchise: You sit up in your ivory tower eating fried chicken and masturbating to Japanese torture porn while a bunch of other dudes go fight your wars for you.

Doesn't get any more realistic than that.

I linked Arma 3 not Arma 2

You think people only fought in "actual battles"? where did you get your degree in history? medieval total war university? fucking retarded kid running his mouth
>The only way people could had fought 1v1 during the middle ages is a duel I'm so smart hurf durf
How about a robber demanding your valuables on the road? your neighbor breaking into your house because you made his daughter pregnant? two soldiers clashing after formations and discipline went to shit? two soldiers clashing in a narrow hallway during an assault? ETC ETC YOU DUMB NIGGER

>mace on a long stick
me on 14 and 21

She'd do it for you, user

>Doesn't get any more realistic than that.
Crusaderkings 2

5 master race

>CTRL + F bushido blade
>0 results
welp, the "Sup Forums is full of underages reddit lovers" is true

How often do people get into 1v1 gun fights nowadays?

Not at all. One side is usually stacked or both sides are. Or one person is unarmed.

>All of those scenarios you listed

Are you retarded or just pretending?
Not to mention most peasants would be carrying around the family stick so HYPOTHETICALLY even on your shit tier random encounter chart, polearms would still be in the situations you fucking double heathen

>video game

pick one

Number 14 is dope af

Nioh does it right

>14 bros

why do people waste their time playing video games these days?

>Guy who keeps losing gives up after one swing
He's not even trying, holy shit.

It's like punching someone, but 5ft further away

because no one will love them so they need something to do

Definitely looks like it. It's a pretty distinctive style.

why strike with the not stabby end when he has no armor?
thought the whole point of that stance was to make a pseudo mace against other armorfags?

Total War has long boring sieges

>next turn
>next turn
>next turn
>...14 turns later
>next turn

>How often do people get into 1v1 gun fights nowadays?
All the time, are you actually retarded?
All those scenarios are realistic
Family stick vs rich boy sword sounds like a clash that was very frequent

Armour piercing bullets? All you need is a hammer or large rock to fuck up 90% of the people on the planet.


No because it's impossible (Read: Extremely fucking taxing) to code weapons that realistically bounce off of armor or other weapons in a near infinite number of ways. Thus, all games just have some form of "Swing until the red meter is empty"

You know castles were actually attacked before right? Usually when nobody could be fucked to wait the months and months it would take for the defenders to run out of supplies because of things like strained supply lines or another enemy army coming to relieve the siege.
Like the siege of Jerusalem lasted a little over two weeks of almost constant battle.

One of the biggest reasons why the sword fell out of favour was because of the proliferation of spears/halberds/polearms. No matter how good you are with a sword you ain't beating someone who outranges you with a similar skill level.

>All the time, are you actually retarded?
Hardly. It's usually a bunch of police officers vs one guy. Or one criminal vs an unarmed civilian. It's rare to see only two people start shooting at each other.

1v1 are just so unlikely.

Nigga when?

Robbers would never act alone because surprise: Law is a thing. Kill enough peasants and you piss off the populace enough to have the local castle's knights shake up the joint

Breaking into you house? Nigga what? Again, laws were and are a thing. And that'd jsut be like a normal neighbor fight not some duel like you imagine

If you formation crumbled, you were probably massacred
Most battles were not pitched fuckin battles like in your fantasies. The majority of battles back then were one sided fucking slaughters and the few pitched battles that DID occur are still spoken about. Ex. The Battle of Agincourt

What dumb fuck would be ASSAULTING a castle? That's not how you fucking siege, are you an actual faggot?

You'd be one of the dumb cunts put in front rank without the front rank pay

Why do you do this, you know this isn't true. Swords were continuously used as sidearms. Rodeleros were created with the sole purpose of breaking the deadlock of spear to spear confrontations and fucking up the enemy formation.
You're like those people who say armor fell out of favor because it was too heavy and knights were too slow to deal with faster, more skilled DEXfag opponents.

>Robbers didnt exist because it was ilegal
>No one ever assaulted a fortification,village or any building whatsoever EVER
>No battle ever turned into chaos
Imagine being so fat and american
You're just uninformed.

Nigga what? that's completely true

Rodeleros were popular because of the densely packed forest of pikes in those heavy block formations and the heavy fielding of breastplate meant that rapiers would do the job of poking a nigga in the armpit
Armor fell out of favor because of guns

Spear > swords, even in 1vs1 situation there are plenty of demosntration videos showing that, rodeleros were used against pike formations, another matter entirely.

yea I never ever want to see combat gameplay in video games turn into this frog leg crab walk faggotry

You're the one that's misinformed. There's hardly going to be a situation where a 1v1 is going to happen.

Robbers tend to catch unarmed victims or they strike before their victims withdraw their weapons. In a battle, you will never be alone, no matter how chaotic. And nobody ever attacks a village by themselves, or they'll get their shit pushed in.

>There's hardly going to be a situation where a 1v1 is going to happen.
Prove it

I didn't say robbers never existed faggot, I said they wouldn't kill niggas willy nilly like your shitty DnD campaign nor would they be hanging out alone. Robber bands were a thing but they didn't kill everyone they met
Knights were just as heinous as outlaws but they had the armor to back their shit up. Give them an excuse to ride around the countryside and you just fucked your money train

If you're assaulting a village then you are RAIDING it which would be a massacre anyways
Assaulting a fucking fortification is retarded and the successful ones are the only ones sung about

Pitched battles might have become choatic (again, pitched WERE and ARE rare) but that's why there were deserters, niggas that ran rather than being a faggot and squaring up against a line that broke your ranks

Read a fucking book nigger

1v1 me outside fggt

o wait

No man it ain't completely true.
Spears are more effective than swords, it is true. They are simple, cheap, hit much harder than one would think and have long reach. A guy with a spear going against a guy with a sword stands a high chance of winning.
The spear did not, however, cause swords to "fall out of favor". That is nonsense. Swords were fucking fantastic backup weapons/sidearms. It's like saying the sniper rifle caused handguns to fall out of favor. Then there's shit like zweihanders which are functionally like polearms themselves.

>then get stabbed in a gap
You know generally you want survive after a fight.


Prove to me that a fucking peasant would start screaming 1v1 fag after his formation broke

You seem to be wholly ignorant on how actual battle worked

Wat? I never said the spear did that
I said guns made heavy armor fall out of favor
Not to mention the sidearm of choice was a dirk or a small axe
Shit, a bludgeon would do

>nor would they be hanging out alone.
Why not?
>Robber bands were a thing but they didn't kill everyone they met
Why not?
It happens TODAY why could it not happen in a time where they could get away with it easier?
>Assaulting a fucking fortification is retarded and the successful ones are the only ones sung about
So? you conceded you were wrong?
>Pitched battles might have become choatic (again, pitched WERE and ARE rare) but that's why there were deserters, niggas that ran rather than being a faggot and squaring up against a line that broke your ranks
>Read a fucking book nigger
What book? one written by an omniscient being that observed everything that happened in the middle ages and found out 1v1 combat has never occurred for hundreds of years because some user is playing pseudointellectual in an anonymous imageboard and wants to be contrarian and edgy and challenge all we think we know?
Burden of proof is on you

In fact the sharp edge is very close to the point, swords weren't sharp all along.
Either way, anyone using a sword like that would most likely have gloves, even if not true gauntlets, just simple gloves.
Having practiced some HEMA locally, I realised how fingers are the most likely part of your body to get injured, regardless of a person's skill level.

Why would robbers not band together? Strength in numbers.

>He said 1v1 me as we stabbed him in the shins


man i'm really used to my animu af games that this like a comedy skit to me

DayZ is an arma mod you stupid shits.

>implying someone holding their sword in the middle would last 2 seconds against an actually muscular person hitting them once

>Wat? I never said the spear did that

>One of the biggest reasons why the sword fell out of favour was because of the proliferation of spears/halberds/polearms

The armor thing was never in question. Forget about it. I was making a shitty insult at you.

Fake. His fingers would get cut off in an instant.

Flails are dope, I wish more games did those.
>Getting around shields
>Hitting on all sides
>Chance to backfire and hit you back

Same reason some robbers work alone in the present,poor personal hygiene.

>what are mail gloves
Do you think they fought wars barehanded?