12 hours left, how are you waiting it out, who are you going to use and what classes will they be?
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Other urls found in this thread:
>furry image for the thread
good job
1 more day until another shit Larian game filled with
>Shitty cliche story
>Boring one dimensional characters
>Retarded meme lol so randumb humor
>Dialogue so bad Chris Chan would blush
>you won't read this line you fucking faggot
>slow as molasses
>constant shilling
>outdated turn-based "combat"
>same reused graphics
>quests locked behind characters to make the game "longer"
>mages are op as shit and make every other class irrelevant
>LE interactive environment meme
>I'm dying pls don't leave me DOS2 shills
inb4 furfags
torrent out?
>skellies detected
I did read it, faggot.
Lizard witch, but I want to customize it to be a necromancer/summoner. I have this concept for a blood shaman cultist leader I want to roleplay as with some of my friends.
Posted this before in the last thread but then people got sucked into bitching about thread politics and blaming furrys for wanting to roleplay anthropomorphic lizards in a high-fantasy RPG designed for immersive roleplaying with friends.
Hopefully more people will post their own concepts and just be more tolerant of others.
>I'm dying pls don't leave me DOS2 shills
I blame the furries
I'm happy this meme is going to die.
Rogue or shadowblade?
I tried the first Original Sin but just couldn't get into it.
Should I give it another shot?
Eder will live on in Pillars of Eternity 2, a game I look forward to playing whenever it comes out after I am done playing this one
>new thread
>9 posts
>zero are furrys
>3 are people shitposting about furrys
You are the cancer here my dudes.
All rogues become shadowblades eventually. I mean you got no reason to not get some magic shit like invisibility sooner or later.
back to /trash/ furfag
>be lizard race
>go to cold climate
Make me
GM mode could be HUGE if, IF the game has good mod support/a modding community.
>mfw you realize 100% has a +- uncertainty value and won't always hit
xcom finally makes sense
So wait, why does it matter if its coming out tomorrow? I can play the EA just fine, is a lot changing or something?
>no halflings
I-is there at least a height slider
There are dorfs. You could also play a female lizard, the shortest thing in the game
>still shilling this larian shitpile that is somehow worse than the first game
There needs to be wank mods like in TES. Its the only reason autists stay and develop shit for normies. Look at TESG, we might need the lizard fur faggots to stick around so cooler shit is made.
Can I make a megumin in this game?
no survivors
Should i dl EA or wait? Shit internet.
Fane (Main) - Necromancer, Geomancer
Red Prince - Warfare, Pyrokinetic, Polymorph
Ifan - Huntsman, Summoner
Lohse - Aerothurge, Hydrosophist
Rate, post your planned party and skill combinations.
I'm making a skelly necro/summoner but polymorphy looks cool as fuck. It scales with strength though right? Do you guys think it'd be viable to go into those three schools anyways?
all human party killing all lizards, maybe ill let sebille join since she has the right idea
I like halflings though. Oh well maybe mods
back to /reddit/ normie
I wish I had beautiful scaly paws.
is this one better than the first? I tried it but it was really boring also I hated that disgusting ear piercing main menu music
Sell me on this
>still talking about wasted skill points
Read "what ya want" I suppose.
10/10, would adventure with.
Making a party of muscle-bound lizard men that goes around racemixing with all the other races by breeding with the females as much as they possibly can.
That's it, just four big naked lizard cocks to impregnate every human, dwarf, elf, or other sentient fertile species in Rivellon until they're bred out of existence.
so are there plate helms that cover up your face or does every skelly have to carry around a paper bag to wear in town?
fuck the magic shit, if i wanted to look like another race i would be playing them.
first for rocket riding mechanical goblin thing
maybe this is better
>furries are literally the blacks now
wow who would have thought that they would shitpost the moment it wasnt their personal hugbox
Sounds fun, having a common goal and values in your party could be interesting.
thank u user
also kill urself the fur(scale)fag stuff is making my autism flare up
So will custom characters have access to more tags at launch, or will it just be what your 2 backgrounds are?
i think you can get more tags through your actions, so if you kill a single lizard you become a villian or some shit like that
Nobody will because everyone's afraid of being called shills
I'm gonna go to bed and sleep 8 hours so only 4 hours left for me, sorry different timezone cucks.
some armor will give you new tags and there's oppertunities to gain some through...something dunno but this achievement looks sweet
Custom Lizard: Hydrosophist, aerothurge
Red Prince: Warfare, Polymorph
Ifan: Huntsman, scoundrel
Lohse: Summoning, pyromancy
Are they cold-blooded? Do we know anything at all about the lizard race biology?
Just look at the trailers on their YouTube channel.
There aren't any cute girls, but you can cast explosions.
>stop stealing our waifus and making them have lizard babies
>wauw lizards are blacks now!
>reeee furrys!
This is what you deserve, so this is what you get. Every day, every thread, until the game is dead.
if i roll a skeleton can i still romance something
i want to make bone puns
This, fuck mask, i want to be skeleton in armor.
What is the edgiest possible race/class combo?
I want to be an undead Elf rogue/necromancer that eats corpses and shit
>also I hated that disgusting ear piercing main menu music
Holy shit taste Batman.
no, other than they come from the desert and are descended from orcs
im pretty sure you can wear any headwear and it would count
Good choices user, I think your party will do well.
Red Prince (Main) - Pyrokinetic, Polymorph, maybe warfare
Fane - Necromancer, Geomancer
Beast - Warfare, Poly
Sebille - Not sure yet, maybe Aero/Hydro
I could use advice on what the best combos on Beast/Sebille to round out my party would be. My min/max autism tells me to make Sebille something finesse based but rangers/scoundrels seemed shit on my Div:OS play through and not much better on my incomplete EE playthrough.
What should I do Sup Forums?
Stay awake late so the game will be available when I wake up or sleep now and spend the morning preparing for when the game unlocks?
Doing an online run with 4 friends, all customs.
Shadowblade, Pure Necromancer Mage, Warfare/Necro death knight, or Geo/Pyro kaboom mage?
>can't pirate it because im on campus internet
>no money
what do i do?
sleep probably
sleep, it's still a while away.
Even helms that don't cover the face?
That's stupid if true.
Good picks, you have all elements there and physical damage so maybe you can sneak in some summoning or something.
>Even helms that don't cover the face?
I mean they would have to go through like every helmet/hat to check if it covers the face.
>there are people in this thread seriously considering playing anything other than a skellington or mighty dwarven master race
why are normies even interested in playing this game? this is clearly a game catering specifically to /tg/ neckbeards and furrys
Yeah but It's Larian so i kinda expected them to do that.
Seems weird that they don't realize you're undead when you're wearing a full open faced helmet.
Stealthy nigga is no one else is playing one. Perma ccing bosses is still a thing and now I hear they can instant kill them in one turn.
>sorry different timezone cucks.
Maybe they think it's a silly prank and you are using illusionary hat that makes you look like a skeleton?
It's a super elaborate helm that makes you look like a sikellington.
>wanting to play a disgusting skeleton or 5finger-discount-dorfs.
To be fair, not like elves are any better
We all know that Lizards are the best race in dragon commander
4 totem summoners
raff at ez fights
Sleep dude. YOu know that launch is going to be a nightmare of "it won't DL for no reason" and lag in general.
Hell it may not evne come out on time, given how Swen was talking.
Being right up for immediate launch is a recipe for disappointment.
tfw no femdwarf to mating press
>Already 14th of September here
Can I play as undead in this game? If so what classes are available to them?
I just don't get the demographic for this game in most of these threads. All I see is normie faggots that have zero interest in the game as a roleplaying game and just want to min-max "muh builds" to beat it as efficiently as possible.
Dwarves are the shallowest race in every fantasy setting
Custom dwarf/human as a warfare, necro, metamorph
Beast as a standard cleric with some aero spells
Fane as a geomancer/pyro
Ifan as a ranger
You are not playing it when it releases anyways, you will have to go through the Release hell window and then hope the servers dont explode and let you download the game in a timely manner
IF they actually release in time.
Threadly reminder that if you're not rolling skellybro day 1 you're a complete degenerate.
all races can be undead and they can be all classes, they are only a bit different in that they have to be masked in cities and around NPC's and they take damage from healing spells and heal from poison spells instead.
Got a friend to play it with? Shit was cash cooping
I'm looking forward to it.
I made a lizard knight named Geronimo. He's a Barbarian Solider.
People are discussing builds because its content to discuss. Saying "wow I wanna be dorf so bad" isn't really going to go anywhere.
Also "as a roleplaying game" this is hardly the best to do it with.
Shit that's rad, thanks. Which race is most skeletal while dead?
I'm saying the game is marketed to /tg/ table-top fags, not normies like you. Look at Larian and his crew. Look at GeekSundry and that crew they got to shill the game for them super hard. I'm not framing it or putting a spin on it, this game is literally designed inside and out to cater to them. Yet every one of these threads is just normie trash treating it like it's XCOM2 or diablo.
I think they all look very cool user, there are Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Lizards, both male and female for each race, undead and living versions.
I will be playing as Fane which is an Undead origin character (pre-made with a special back-story).
Here is the Fane spotlight video:
Get a group of six nerds(faggots) and just organize a pen and paper game.
I can't afford it, so I'm playing the first game. God I suck at these kinds of games
It literally already is.