What's with all the hate?
What's with all the hate?
It's shit
Yeah seriously why does everyone hate a bad game?
it became popular
It's ubisoft shit but in first person. I didn't know a shooter could be this bad
They had a fairly lazy update schedule which they couldn't even keep to, instead they took a break from it to ostensibly fix some of the infinite number of bugs and technical issues but actually didn't fix anything at all.
>Hey let's turn Rainbow Six into a hero shooter!
It's a far cry from the origins of the series
>t. overwatch player who tried playing but went 0-3 5 matches in a row
>you dislike something i like so you play overwatch
this is bad bait. you can do better, user.
>The above post
>t.mercy main
Operation health
It's not Rainbow Six and it's gimmick is wasted potential and could have been better applied to the Rainbow Six formula in the first place. Vegas and Vegas 2 weren't exactly Rainbow Six either but they were a lot more true to it than this. I have no bad things to say to it as a game, it's fine. Just a shame that it killed a potential new, ACTUAL Rainbow Six game that we could have got instead.
From 2010-2015 it was
>Cawadoody player
Now it's
>Overwatch player
wew lad
>playing cod + csgo
bayd gaym
>Let's see okay I'll take this huge 3 armor 1 speed tank
>A stray 9mm from an SMG hits me in the head
>Die instantly
I hate when devs make realistic games and it means making the game slow and not fun.
it controls like shit
People don't pick up my rook armor
I'm a spider
sure you are
>complains about how fast he died
>complains the game is slow
That's exactly what a Spider would want us to think
nigga fuck you
atleast give me some point$
Blood orchard broke the game
Every round both defense and offense have the new dlc characters, have yet to play a game where I don't see any new dlc operators being used
Went from playing on ultra with a 1050 to medium with drops to 40 fps
>Every round both defense and offense have the new dlc characters, have yet to play a game where I don't see any new dlc operators being used
That's been the case every time they've added new operators though, with maybe the exception of the BRs since people seemed to catch on pretty quick to Capitao being kinda shit.
>it killed a potential new, ACTUAL Rainbow Six game
Yeah, thank god.
Update somehow made the game more buggy and worse to play.
Poland got shafted
they lost there map
there female operator has green hair.
male defender is delayed.
And they are using a shitty system that lets 3 speeds put 5 rounds in you before they appear out of a corner.
>implying Ding Chavez from the first few ames wasnt OP
Your face is useless.
Patriots was going to be redpilled as fuck. Liberals as homegrown terrorists, it's no wonder the game was cancelled and instead Ubisoft made religious rednecks the bad guys of Far Cry.
What system?
system was the wrong word
read pic in first post.
Yeah, I am also surprised Ubisoft did not do something pants on head retarded
The only people who dislike Siege are the people who reinforce Kid's Room.
>teammates vote dorm room
>those who stay where the bio hazard spawns get peek'd
>they all rush through the window
>round 1 lost.
jesus christ this is retarded
How are you supposed to stop cuckbeard blitz montagne glaz and any 3 speed shitter from just rushing the window?
Post Operators who look like girls you had sex with
>game where everything is a 1-shot head shot
>crap netcode
You tell me
Ok, pic related
Stop injecting your Sup Forumsitics into everything you see cuck
Master bedroom window, backdoor to stairs, utility room door, frost traps, mute hammers, tripmines. If your team is ready to receive rushers you'll win the round
Do hostages count?
What about the netcode?
>there female operator has green hair.
I'm getting tired of people using this as genuine criticism.
Anyone else mad that the lighting looks like shit now?
Its so fucking ugly I cant bring myself to play
It's the antithesis of everything i want from a RS6 game. I want a roster of dozens of operators to pick and choose from for specific roles in several fire teams which are my to command. Basically i want Raven Shield, planning phase and everything, with contemporary AAA production values and a serviceable story. Not a MP shooter.
Lighting is way better. Adjust brightness etc
>Blood orchard
If you're this retarded then you clearly don't have an opinion worth hearing.
all the gay shit about you have to unlock shit or buy shit to get good also all the gay gadgets and those lock things you put on walls . driving that stupid remote control car. its all gay. and also they thing where u win in 4 rounds.
>there female operator has green hair
Why is this a problem again? Her bio says she has daddy issues for fucks sake, it's in character.
From Sup Forums's perspective, this. But jokes aside, Siege is a pleb filter. It takes time to git gud, it is round-based which means CoD kids can't keep dying and respawning. Unlike many games today, Siege requires some skill at the very least as opposed to Overwatch where within a couple of hours you are constantly on the top the scoreboard.
They should have made another Rainbow Six Vegas instead
Expect overtime Rainbow 6 Siege has become an over glorified COD
"Expect Siege to be casualized, like Call of Duty was, over time"
Is that what you wanted to say, retard? How the fuck would they even casualize Siege. During these past two years they've actually made the game more "hardcore" thanks to the esports audience, you fucking mong.
No its the way people play it now they realized that going 3 speed and running like a fucking madman around the map is a better strat most of the time
Why does siege have drop shotting? COD already removed that. Why dont ACOGs have scope sway? COD gave its ACOG sights scope sway. Why do the operators have unlimited sprinting? COD got rid of the marathon perk in its recent games. Why can the operators go from mid sprint into an ADS animation without fucking up their aim. Why is every gun including pistols and even though walls a one shot head shot? Even fucking COD balanced its guns for headshot damage and penetration damage.
watch the /r6g/ babies will say your rank is copper and your shit at the game they cant handle COD has more tactical mechanics than this fucking game
These are all me
siege shitters btfo
I genuinely think you have autism, not a single point you've made is valid.
>drop shotting
Only works if you have terrible aim and reaction times
>acogs having scope sway
Are you retarded?
That would be the worst mechanic to implement, peaking around corners would be impossible
>why do the operators have unlimited sprinting
Because the maps are small, sprinting gives off tonnes of noise, and they're elite special ops.
>why can the operators go from mid sprint into an ADS
Why not?
There's no reason a well trained operator can't quickly aim after running
>why is every gun including pistols a one shot head shot
Balance, rewards good aim, makes players more cautious since they can die instantly.
nice samefagging by the way
Because people learned the maps and how to play aggressively?
You're retarded.
First person multiplayer shooters have been around for decades, how hard is it to make good netcode?
Because Sup Forums is the perfect place to vent and piss and moan about games you don't like. Naturally, certain games get more hatred than others. Siege is halfway between casual and competitive, without the polish required for truly competitive gameplay. It's a Ubisoft game, it's a modern military shooter, it's got some operators that trigger retards who throw around the term sjw like it's not going out of fashion, and best of all, it's punishing.
It's basically the perfect recipe for a game to hate, and Sup Forums has no filter.
>B-but user! Hipsters and SJW's are infiltrating game development and R-REEEEEEEE!
Drop shotting I'll give you, but scop sway is fucking pointless on PC and Console has no aim assist, and limited sprinting is absolute cancer, because the entire point of sprint is to render you faster but offensively neutered, plus, you don't run out of breath after five seconds of sprinting.
Oh wait, you do.
It's a pretty fucking genuine criticism of a god damn special operations officer you fucking moron. She completely fucking deviates from any sense of thematic consistency in every god damn aspect. I know you're a pathetic, lonely faggot that needs his waifus to feel alive but try not to sound like such a good damn imbecile.
>Why does siege have drop shotting? COD already removed that
I thought we were looking to be less like COD? We can't remove dropshotting now that COD removed it, it would look like we're copying them!
>Why dont ACOGs have scope sway?
Because well placed shots matter in this game
>Why do the operators have unlimited sprinting?
Maps are small and tight enough to where it doesn't matter, shitter
>Why can the operators go from mid sprint into an ADS animation without fucking up their aim
Finally, a valid issue that needs to be fixed
>Why is every gun including pistols and even though walls a one shot head shot?
You ever been shot by a .45 that passed through a 4 inch thick drywall/sheetrock wall right in the fucking head? If you had been we wouldn't be having this conversation, or you would have probably suffered some brain damage. Wait, now that I think about it you probably did suffer from the latter, you might be right about the penetration damage! Instead of operators dying from headshot there should be a 30% chance they just turn retarded instead, great idea.
>Even fucking COD balanced its guns for headshot damage and penetration damage
Good thing call of duty isn't advertised as a realistic tactical shooter, and if you want the "realistic" experience in call of duty you just play the hardcore matchmaking variants, in which pretty much every fucking gun kills you in one headshot as well
>being this triggered because a pixelized girl breaks your roleplaying immersion
Because it stole the name of Rainbow Six and destroyed any chance of getting a real sequel/tactical shooter, instead we got a run and gun shooter and now we'll never see a successor to SWAT/Rainbow 6 because ubishit panders to casuals, as always.
she looks like a fucking crack whore
If it takes 1 bullet to die then of course the game is slow you braindead mongoloid
Had a lot of potential but ubi keeps fucking it up more amd more. Shit servers and netcode make it unplayable
>realistic tactical shooter
lol this delusion. you never need to communicate, stack up, establish 360 security, clear rooms as a team, or anything a tactical shooter needs.
>you never need to communicate
I hate to be one of those guys but
>playing casual
plat and above, hell even gold, you need to have a team that can communicate, otherwise you will never climb, you honestly sound like one of those shitters the fags in /vg/ complain about that are stuck on copper
>you never need to communicate, stack up
>t. ash main dies to cav 30s into the round
>waaaah muh pure tacticool shooter
Shut the fuck up bitch.
Insurgency, ARMA 3, Squad are all games you could be playing instead of complaining that game isn't what you're looking for.
>you never need to communicate
Stopped right there, you're a complete retard.
communicating alone isn't tactical. communicating in siege boils down to shouting out where bad guys are, its the same level of tactics as Overwatch. tell me when you actually see people in competitive overwatch stack on a door and flash and clear a room while following their points of control. or when people spontaneously know how to do fire team fire and maneuver, or fire team peels, or covering 360 security, or bounding.
look at these videos of diamond rank gameplay, tell me this looks like a tactical on par SWAT, original R6, Ghost Recon, Squad or ARMA.
it looks like fucking shinier CSGO. 75% of the time the players aren't even sticking together as a team, or in any kind of formation, or covering eachother, they're either camping alone, or running and gunning alone. communication and teamwork boils down to saying "I'm going this way!" or "He's over in the next room"! Fucking trash.
>Insurgency, ARMA 3, Squad
insurgency is worse of a tactical shooter than siege. ARMA and Squad are not CQB games, none of those usurped the name of their predecessors and became casual trash. and the OP asked why the hate, you just fucking got it. fuck off.
You're idealistic "le sooper tacticool SWAT team shooter" is not possible in a video game since there is no real punishment for failure, therefore more reason to act aggressively and throw caution to the wind.
overwatch has no scoreboard now you just looks like an idiot
i like siege but i still want what part of me hoped it would be - SWAT 5
and yet you will find that level of tactical play in Squad, ARMA, Project Reality, SWAT4 and previous iterations of Rainbow Six.
>it has something identical to a scoreboard but since its not literally the same shape I will pretend to be ignorant
paladins cuck
>the god awful netcode
>whoever has the worse ping wins
>10 year old game engine
>multiplayer is full of sweatys
Pic related, who you'll be playing with 90% of the time
>Operation Health 2017
>Operation Life Support 2018
>Operation DNR 2019
>Operation Burial 2019
You forgot
>add broken operators once per year and then forget to fix them for next half of the year
>the best way of playing the game is abusing the netcode to always shoot first
gee I dunno
havent played in a long time, half a year or so, did they finally fix these crappy latency issues? peaker advantage is crazy in this game when playing against 230+ pingers which was the case in like every game
[Spoiler] No [/spoiler]
I only get people with bad latency (excluding faggots who intentionally ping abuse) late at night, when Ubisoft decides that I'll play with people from THE LITERAL FUCKING PHILIPPINES AND OTHER THIRD WORLD NATIONS.