What's your favorite gun in vidya?

What's your favorite gun in vidya?

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You posted it. I also like the M1911.


Tough one. But I'd probably say submachine guns.


not real specific

why can't americans stop getting shot?

UMP45 in most games, I like slow rate of fire SMGs in anything
It's a shame MW2 ruined it forever

Why can't eurocucks stop being obsessed?

This baby in almost every game its in


it's literally a picture of a specific game's specific shotgun weapon

You dumbass, that's clearly an ak47, you can tell by the pixels.

Spartan Laser

you do realize there's more to the country than our nigger containment cities right?

For me, it's the PPSH. The best WWII gun.

All vidya shotguns are pretty much the same in that they can't hit anything beyond 10 yards, so he probably doesn't need to be that specific.

it sucks ass in csgo.

>not the StG 44
Ivan please

Because they are fat fucking nonwhite retards who can't handle guns.

Pic related is the gun laws in my country, very liberal and better than multiple US states like cali, ny, and new jersey for example. Our homicide rare is literally 0.5 and our last mass shooting was in 2001.

t. 57 percent

>Cheap slav ripoff of the Suomi M31

can someone send me out an sks

Portable railguns. Even the limited technology in Metro 2033 didn't restrict them from making a satisfying to use weapon

Not really a fair comparison since all the smg's are pretty shit, its also cheap to buy.


Fucking this
Love the MP7 so goddamn much, it's so sexy in H3VR

It's not a big deal if we have constant mass shootings or whatever.

I like the sound

This seems like a good place to ask
Where can I get a non-shit AR without breaking the bank

Here you go

i love this thing to death

I don't have to worry about niggers and spics shooting me and enjoy liberal laws, feels good

>gun has carry handle irons
>you can't see squat
>you never even get to carry it by the handle anyway


Ive heard gun shows are good places too look


Mossberg 590
nothing more satisfying than a long pump shotgun, r6g makes it satisfying but underpowered when you gotta deal with mid range peeks and dont have a decent pistol
also the Super 90

pic related, favorite revolver
.454 Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan

Hell yeah SKS, good taste.

looks cool
kills fast

mein negro


>looks cool
You have to be 18 to post here.

this music video is gold


The most satisfying gun of all time.

The pump-action version, specifically. MW2 had amazing guns in general.

Agreed. The US's public education and gun crime only looks bad when you look at the collective average, which includes...certain undesirables who love shooting each other and causing an assortment of other problems.

Go to the "non problem" areas and our education kicks ass, crime is low and the spirit/friendliness is sky high.

fellow schweizer?

>tfw romand cantons keep voting sp and trying to ruin the laws

so rare

I swear I was the only one that used this

it was good in MW2 but it's a shitty fucking gun in RL

if a game has this gun im almost obliged to use it
its the reason why I play buck so much in siege

Please be nice to me guys, okay? Jeff asked you to take responsibility, so I think it's okay to be honest about my feelings right now when I say I truly main him and really enjoy it and this is my favorite weapon.

I think it was recently added to Rainbow Six Siege, one of the new GROM operators has it.

>Pic related is the gun laws in my country, very liberal and better than multiple US states like cali, ny, and new jersey for example. Our homicide rare is literally 0.5 and our last mass shooting was in 2001.

your country is effectively a small state. in my state, north carolina, i can walk around carrying a loaded AR15 if I want. fuck with me

>why can't americans hurr

you can't comprehend america. It takes what, three hours to cross your entire country?

Well the ones we got in the U.S. weren't actually real Strikers anyway and the only thing they had in common was the similar shape.. So it's no surprise they were shit.

Not bad as far as bows go.
Nerf the scatter arrow, its complete bs

And it's ridiculously powerful

lol my state has a comparable gdp to his entire country

This is why europeons in general need to shut the fuck up by America. You live shoved into a tiny little enclave, void of military power, economic substantiality, or independence.

Your entire country is the distance THAT I DRIVE TO GET WEED FROM A GUY TWICE A MONTH. LOL.


and I drove to see her once a month!!!

please though, tell me more about your most famous person, julia graf

>I can walk around carrying a loaded gun

Cool Amerifat, My country is extremely safe so I don't need to carry a gun. And it isn't infested with niggers and spics with constant mass shootings giving a bad name to gun ownership worldwide.

Post gdp per capita.

Buck is fucking great, also

I think a good nerf for it would just to have it scatter in a spherical pattern instead of just splitting off whatever angle you shoot it at, that way it could still be used to clear small rooms and corners where people are camping, but you can't just be a shitter and use it to one-shot people with low HP by shooting at their feet. If it had a spherical split then half the arrows would bounce harmlessly in the opposite direction and you wouldn't be able to abuse it like that.

yeah my country is extremely safe too it's called "don't be around niggers"

your country will be invaded by muslims and your population replaced within two generations. the relevance of switzerland in the end will be a logo on knives.

It's tough for me to choose one. I enjoy using the MP5 ever since watching Die Hard. It's why Black on the PS2 had my favorite depiction of it.

Runner up is the M-16 with an under attached M203 grenade launcher.

but user, my state has retarded welfare niggers, but eh it's 50,000ish, ya got me

The ump is pretty good actually
So is the Galil

switzerland has highest gdp in the world but it also costs 160 dollars for a piece of cheese there

im sure its a nice place to live but they're even despised among other europeans for being stupid cocksuckers LOL

"country"..size of new hampshire rofl

nice submarines and nukes ya got there. ps we have a railgun

>muh cherry picked area represents the entire country


57 percent white
5.0 homicide

you're the next brazil/south africa

The only gun that ever matters

>you can hope to represent an utterly gigantic nation that dwarfs your entire reality of what a country can be with two numbers

number of nukes: several hundred
yours: 0

stay relevant on the world stage

Even if the cheese did cost 160 euro shekels, they have a lot of money, so thats like nothing to them

>number of niggers and spics
>over 100 million

By the time we're majority mudslime (most mudslimes here are going to Germany because our welfare policy is quite strict) you'll be 25% white.

Bolt action rifles in WW2 games

cerebral bore

i couldn't care less how white america is broseph, i'm not some Sup Forums wannabe white crusader like you

reality: we control the world, our debt etc is irrelevant, we can do anything we want

you're a tiny landlocked country that makes chocolate and cute dresses


maximum tacticool

there's something about standard issue rifles that does it for me, the kar98, the SMLE and (not bolt action of course) the garand

Kek, those niggers and spics vote democrat. You are fucked when they outnumber you dude. Nobody cares about your nukes dumb amerilard. You need to nuke yourself to cleanse all the garbage from your fat dumb nation.

Galil MAR fits the bill.

Golden Gun. Bang B|



yeah that's about what i thought.

This too, well done user.

Socom introduced me to this and proceeded to milk it in Splinter Cell etc etc

>no argument


I think that's more PDW, part of the designation for a sub-machinegun is the caliber.

children like you are just sad and tiresome to interact with

i miss moot, Sup Forums woulda been gone like 2 years ago

>Fires a rifle round
No, it doesn't

The only gun I own is an SKS, which games feature one?

Touched a nerve, didn't I? It's ok Jamal Hernandez, I can't wait for the liveleak videos like Brazil.


I just love the gun's special effect along with the Bee, of course.

Define breaking the bank.

You can get a basic bitch M&P Sport II for $500-$550 before taxes/transfer fees.

bruh let me explain this to you we tried already but your euro educated brain can't comprehend a town larger than 6,000 people

my country is very very very big

the bad parts where the black people shoot each other? that is far away from me. they don't and can't live here. understand?

of course you don't but hey kek pepe Sup Forums cuck cuck whatever kid bye

Manufactuers call ultra short rifles 'submachine guns' all the time. So it's not innacurate.

Many. Some highlights include STALKER series, Squad, Red Orchestra and ARMA3 has some good mods that feature it.

>~$500+ dollarydoos

I'd rather spend my limited shekels on PC hardware. If the civil war comes I can loot a gun if I need one

>Manufactuers call ultra short rifles 'submachine guns' all the time.

? No, they do not


Rising Storm 2