because it's on English
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Treehouse really doesn't give a fuck about voice acting.
How is this any different to an mmo?
It's liTeralky an mmo with no player base.
How long will Americans remain buttblasted that every character isn't voiced by Matt Mercer and Laura Bailey?
cause it's actually fun precisely because there is zero online in this
X was ok, but that's about all positivity I can spare
I don't have a way to play previous xenoblade games, can I just jump into chronicles 2 as my first xenoblade game?
Voice actor strike
Yes. Sven though its labeled 2 it is its own game.
I think the voice acting is pretty okay. Not amazing but it doesn't offend me.
Seems pretty early and under advertised
>they will delay! They will delay! No way it'll be released this year!
>seems early
make up your mind
Doesn't bother me at all desu.
>reeee why don't they all sound like real people in this fantasy game
Holy shit, no flair at all.
Yea you can, but Xenoblade 1 is that good, consider playing it on an emulator
The problem is they're trying to cash in on the popularity of the Brit voice cast from XC1 without actually bothering to QA their cast as to whether they're actually competent. Additionally XC1's dub was different in tone, a lot more subdued in line delivery compared to the JPN version. This was half the reason why it actually turned out BETTER than the original JPN VO.
i liked the xcx English voice dub
I agree, much better than I initially expected. Can't say I have the same feelings for XC2 thus far.
I havent heard much. Besides a few promo lines.
Was overlooking it like a hawk. Why would you leave your address in there friend
Since i know your address can i come over for dinner tommorow, Gustavo Rincon
Nintendo has the Treehouse staff dub the game. I thought this was common knowledge? It's one of their "perks" of working their and totally not a method of skimping on good VAs and Japanese audio.
>can i come over for dinner tommorow
you can show up, good luck getting past the lobby tho
>thinking i would lower my standards by entering Miami
Jokes on you pal.
So the game now has Gatcha for random special Blades or will this special ones like Quest Rewards?
Both maybe probably
>>thinking i would lower my standards by entering Miami
>Jokes on you pal.
Come on, Is not that bad Who am I kidding, this is a whole. I dont move out cause I hate cold weather and TEXAS
Because you're a dumb dubcuck.
It's almost impressive how much retardation you managed to cram into so few words.
I'll give that I prefer Gramps' voice in the ENG dub compared to the Japanese. As for every single other character though...
X is one of few games to do open world right so you should really play it but yeah you can jump into XC2
Holy shit I like Xenoblade but that shit was unbelievably boring.
That's the fat guy from Dark Souls
they tried to do Xenoblade X thing from stream
but kinda failed
No, it didn't. You guys, for some reason are offended, that an old man sounds like an old man.
It was a perfectly fine overview of the games battle mechanics.
For people who were interested in the details of the battle mechanics, that was great. If you were looking for something that was going to try and excite and shill you on the battle system, that was not what that is.
I thought the old titan sounded like that one red clad dude in New Londo.
It was a pretty standard JRPG dub for the most part, maybe above average.
Yeah that video should've been released as a seperate thing or something.
Hey gis do you think this will arrive to my house on time?
yes user, I messed up, jesus man
And this is what happens when you post without thinking.
I think they reused the same actors for different characters, he was apparently also Andre.
The real question is why does the game look so bad?
cause you are a little contrarian bitch that is only interested in Cinematic experiences?
Did the hurricane knock out a few of your brain cells?
Because you don't like how it looks?
>that's an old man
no that wasn't an old man.
overview was ok, but still no info on any sort of equipment system or how you travel between titans. It was all old news.
have you tried the big retailers?
I can from work, was tired, not thinking right, deleted the post and now this user is haunting me, Blame me
Probably both. Maybe even a crafting system to create a specific core that would always give a certain Blade.
>are we the bad guys?
>Why is the voice acting so fucking bad?
To fit with the character design
Do you think we'll get to fuck the dragon thing in-game?