>load up steam
>check new releases
>nothing but indie trash
What the fuck is the point even?
Load up steam
If you're gonna complain about indie trash then why haven't you filtered indie stuff yet?
>muh indie boogey man
Why do you think anyone cares?
99% of all steam games are indie shit (unironacally)
>PC gaming
Go to account options and dig around. Best solution ? Don't use steam.
Have you already finished all the aaa games available from the past 20 years?
>tfw enjoying tons of indie games
I'm so glad I'm not a normalfriend
You mean the ones with niggers shoehorned in and "muh stronk female lead" no thanks. I wouldn't play that shit if I was being paid to.
>Want to play something
>Load up steam
>224 games
>Nothing I want to play
>Remain bored
There must be a word for this.
desu I went PC 3 years ago because I wanted to catch up on the horror games that no longer existed on consoles. After I played them, I waited, and waited, and waited... SOMA and Layers of Fear came out. Okay but nothing to write home about.
Now there are 7 or 8 really good looking horror games awaiting PC but I'm realizing they're donation scams with highly mobile release dates. Every horror game that DOES make it to Steam is some Eastern European trash or a side-scrolling game that's literally Mario with darkness and skeletons.
At least I got to play TF2 with more than 6 maps, spent 2300 hours on 360 TF2
PC is shit now but at least it ain't mobile or console.
there is, kinda
You seriously refuse to play games that feature black people and women who can kick ass (which makes sense because a large amount of games feature violence of some sort).
lots of games without that
So you hate big budgets...you hate indies...what DO you play?
Take up reading, buddy.
>open my switch
>only good games
>open my pc
>Only good games atr from beginning of 2000s
What happened?
You could call it tsunyou
Can you meme any harder you obnoxious parroting shitposting faggot
>open my pc
>only good games are from 1985 - 1994
get on my level
SJW cunt
>bought a book series because i liked the show based on it
>this was 5 years ago
>didn't start reading them until Irma knocked my power out