Why is Soldier of Fortune 2 still the goriest game ever made? Sure, the graphics don't make it look that great...

Why is Soldier of Fortune 2 still the goriest game ever made? Sure, the graphics don't make it look that great, but it has the most advanced gore system to date.

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pretty sure it's on par with KF2, but in KF2 you don't get to see it like you would in SoF

what kind of shitty OP is this? "why"? well because they fucking decided it so. Dumbass.

wrong, kf2 doesn't have as many points of dismemberment.

Killing Floor 2 is way gorier, but it's less impactful because they are zombies.

Can you read?
VS the gif
KF2 does have a graphical advantage, but it's not better technology wise, also keep in mind hands/feet don't dismember anymore.

shit thing too is that you're never really going to get gore unless you play certain classes or even certain weapons (demo, support, zerk with blades)

>want to replay SoF2
>remember the never-ending jungle levels
>remember the never-ending chinatown levels
>remember that mission where you get that prototype weapon that requires you to bind six new buttons just to configure the scope of that fucking beast

That multiplayer was pretty awesome

Gears 2 was really gory, more so than 1 or 3. In 1 it was like generic flesh chunks, but in 2 every multiplayer character had full anatomy so when you gibbed with the shotgun a lot of the times you could really see a good detail of organ and bone depending on where the body was torn.

I recently was replaying it. Other than the accurate gore mod, I don't get much else out of it. It has not aged well, despite enjoying the game.

>you would never get to play this
>not even the tech demo


>Enemies die in one hit
>Super slow
>Would have just been a linear tech demo of a game instead of something interesting
Didn't they say that what they had just wasn't fun or interesting?

Yup, they had difficulties making the game challenging but fucking hell if it isn't cool.

Proper gore and reacting to being shot is like the most underrated part of what makes a good shooter. Seriously, nothing makes a game feel shittier than
>enemies soak up bullets unflinchingly and accumulate blood decals until their HP hits zero and they ragdoll

Shame they didn't have the time or budget to release a free mode, access to each area and enemies with that version of combat, where you're just too OP as hell. Imagine the webms we could get out of that.

I want a shooter that realistically portrays how people react to getting shot and emphasizes shot placement. The game could be set in small enclosed areas with small but very rapid gunfights
>game comprises mostly of handguns
>no ragdolling 10 feet away with blood spraying everywhere
>shooting someone where there's clothing doesn't spurt blood but blood will appear right after
>you have to aim at the high thoracic cavity to induce rapid blood loss or the t zone to shut them off
>small amounts of factors and rng play a part in getting an enemy to go down physiologically
>they bleed profusely and can get their lungs filled with blood
>enemies can get their limbs disabled by gunfire, reducing their movement and shooting abilities
>even if you do get all the shots in the right places, enemies can still keep fighting for 5+ seconds more
>all of this applies to you

So like GTAV and Max Payne 3 only you can get one shotted more easily.

Christ. That webm is pretty rad. I guess that's what happens when you try to rob a place with a gun. The people being robbed have every right to shoot your stupid ass.

>So like GTAV and Max Payne 3 only you can get one shotted more easily.

Probably going more for GTAIV and the physics engine feel the game has but the aiming controls of Max Payne 3 could be close to what I'm describing. I really liked the arterial bleeding in IV by the way.
You would really have to be fucking stupid to try anything in the States. There's a small minority of people who carry guns, and an even smaller minority of people who work their asses off preparing for such an event.

Not at all what you're looking for but Crisis Response was one autists attempt at this.

>Probably going more for GTAIV and the physics engine feel the game has but the aiming controls of Max Payne 3 could be close to what I'm describing.
They both use Euphoria

IV did have more resilient NPC's, forgot to mention this
Do you have the webm of the guy headshotting the guy with a snubbie?

I played SOF2 recently and the gore was super fucking basic, and you guys got me super excited for this super gory game, just for detachable limps, an exploding head and sometimes a red chunk will be hanging out of the stomach

Why does this webm from Naked Gun search the french name for it when I reverse image searched it?

SoF2 is still the best shooter


KF2 is pretty much on the same level, but you don't shoot actual humans there.

least intelligent post of all time.jpg

MGR turned out so criminally good, I've got no regrets.

>t. games that for some reason I can't make run on my pc

Anyone know where I can find a download for Soldier of fortune 2? It's literally impossible to buy digitally and the download on ISO zone seems to be corrupted