People waste time arguing about gays and 69 genders in games

>people waste time arguing about gays and 69 genders in games
>while disabled people are not even represented

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What was that zombie game which had a wheelchair-bound character who couldn't climb stairs?

Because they are disabled

re outbreak?

>kenny in backyard baseball


the main character in The Surge couldn't walk, and people who enjoyed that game were also disabled

>while disabled people are not even represented
>what are the players themselves

They're called movies.

you could get some interesting mechanics out of that. For instance, if it's a game where you can switch characters, you could have it so that when playing with character A you press x to jump or something, when you use the disabled character, pressing the same button makes you cry.


The 69 genders exist so rich people can claim they're oppressed.

That would be retarded.

Think again fucker
>genius and madness are the two sides of the same coin
>*autistic babbling*
>shepard punches his unconscious

there's your representation, bitch.

video games are not tools for representation


Trapped Dead

rich people need reparations

Tell me he asked for this, I dare you

He is not disabled. I'd say he is even more enabled than most people.


You should check Dota out, there's like 10 of them represented every game.

Cry of Fear was all about the MC's rage at being paralyzed from a car accident and the "good" end has him coming to terms with it and you play as the real him in a wheelchair killing the evil part of your psyche in some Silent Hill type shit.


Enabled physically
Disabled in the heart

>Main dude in the rebooted Deus Ex.
>The pilot in the new Wolfenstein.

Drift? What do you mean, drift?

The absolute state of the modern left

It's almost like they are just a bunch of stupid hypocritical freaks who need to just fuck off.

I was a part of making a game with a dude in a wheelchair

They are well represented in every multiplayer game.

F-fuck you! I made my own emulator too-!
>inb4 like christopher butthole reeves

Because they are useless.

everyone who makes fun of disabled people deserves to be lobotomized

Most disabled people actually go through hardship in their lives, so build up a little bit of character. Middle class gays and trannys on the other hand....

I was playing FF8 earlier and I'm pretty sure Rinoa is a retarded mongoloid so yes they are.

this wheelchair has a cute face

Anyone who thinks they are too weak to stand up for themselves needs to be lobotomized.

Disabled and handicaped ppl are represented by the players

stop making fun of lobotomy patients you retard

Any advocate of lobotomy deserves a lobotomy

>you will never play Steven Hawking's Downhill Baha Wheelchair Race

there's more disabled people in games than there are blacks

It's not that uncommon for a super genius in a wheelchair sort of character. Mental retards are another matter.

I think the reason this is so common because its easier to do gameplay wise.

That wouldn't make great gameplay would it user? Sat in a chair drooling everywhere, not being able to move yourself.
Maybe you could play as a carer in a mental home. Think of the possibilities?

Japs did come closer than you might expect though.

Game about a cripple in like a battle chair/tank thing would be cool.


Literally paraplegics in walking tanks.

What about the new Wolfenstein game?


>be handicapped
>always thought it would be a cool idea to have a handicapped character
>recently realise its a fucking stupid idea
If you can be anything, why be handicapped. It fucking sucks

>Implying fags aren't mentally disabled

>be black
>black character
>recently realise its a fucking stupid idea
If you can be anything, why be black. It fucking sucks

Black man here, I feel ya.

gays are disabled

badum tish

As a man blind in one eye I feel Big Boss exactly captures what having one working eye is all about.

Because it can explain gameplay elements, make game play differently without invisible walls, make a horror game scarier.

I have always wondered how do disabled people have sex ??

you can stand up for yourself even if your legs don't work

They don't.

their caregiver jerks them off

depends on the handicap. Some still can get hard so they can just lay down and get ridden. Others cant get hard so they cant

and Nurses get told that all the time as well.

for good reason

VN are not games.

Being some sort of all-around badass?

top kek

Tumblr doesn't give a fuck about disabled people

But trannies are represented user

Well Big Boss might be a slight exaggeration of the life but yeah thats the gist of it.

>trying this hard
>but not even inventing a joke
How reddit of you

Dunno if it is out though

Ah, the resistance leader that hired the mercenaries in Clear Skies 3! Good show.

They are and they're ready to destroy you.

There are tons of physically and mentally handicapped people in overwatch

>tfw bentley is more fun to play as when he's a cripple

I came here to post this.

>make VN about cripples
>5 years later on /vg/
>"Katawa Shoujo General #3355"

Like Undertale and other games, I always wonder how that game manages to stay afloat in /vg/ for so long.
If this was merged with a VN general, I'd understand but standing alone, I'm impressed and confused.

>the recount has started 2 times

Get in line buddy, bald people are next.

The only guy representing us is Hitman.

>Who is Dr. B

Think if this game actually had budget. Would be fucking great. Add some leves, powerups, character creator etc and it could be a really fun game.

Will he be in Fractured but Whole and become the only mentally disabled villain in video games?

It's just a glorified blog where tripfags circlejerk each other with some occasional fan art.

Bring it on bitch

Disabled people were a hot topic in the 90's, but not anymore. Get with the times gramps.