Why didn't they announce this?
Why didn't they announce this?
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Who the fuck wants dark souls 2?
Jesus Bamco please stop
How much do you want to milk this game dry? I hate exclusivity as much as anyone but at least SONY respected from's games.
With the DLCs, it's better than the clusterfuck that is 3.
Release an anime edition and Nintendo fans will buy it.
>dark souls 2
I think fromsoft is owned by sony now so could this even happen anymore?
Essential collection? Are there spin-offs?
people are delusional if they think they'll actually release a trilogy pack of Dark Souls, considering they still sell the original for $20, and SOTFS and 3 for $50-60 on other platforms.
>at least SONY respected from's games
What part of "We aren't going to release this trash in the west. Nobody would want it." says respect to you?
Just gimme DS1. I'd jump back in again with a FRESH community.
It isn't going to happen. DS3 barely runs on PS4, it will never come to Switch.
They're owned by Kadokawa
I'd buy instantly. Portable souls would be GOAT.
That isn't respect or disrespectful. It's unrelated.
Demon's Souls was a niche game back then, their worry was legit.
>Apologized profusely
>Made Bloodborne
>The game Miyazaki wanted to make
Thats respect son
Nah man, nah
Hear me out aight? Hear me out
Armored Core right? AC?
but it's Dark Souls
I sure love the ganksquad, the blue smegma demon and of course the ps 1 era graphics. 10 / 10 gulags
because Bloodborne isn't there.
>DS3 barely runs on PS4
Even my fat PS4 was silent the entire time and handled it perfectly, where as it genuinely was struggling with the Doom 2016 demo and was crazy loud.
Because they aren't working on a Dark Souls collection you Donguses, the rumours of a Dark Souls 3 port are based on fact but not based on reality, From Soft did port Dark Souls 3 to Switch but it was to test their internal engine on Switch. Nintendo are publishing their own Souls like, it's called Hellbound, it's built heavily on christian mythology about a team of crusaders who are "hellbound".
fuck off no one cares
I didn't say it's good. I said it's better than 3.
Because the only games worth playing are DeS, DaS1 and BB.
DaS2 and 3 are trash, I'd wouldn't even wish those on Nintenbros.
DS3 is a current gen game. Switch is only comparable to last gen, ie PS3 and 360. It could not run DS3.
Prove me wrong. you can't
DS3 can't run on a fucking tegra 1 at more than 5FPS, even in 720p.
Actually, what they said is they were pissed they didn't hold on to Souls after it started making money for Atlus and Bamco. There's no repsect, only a desire to make cash.
They've announced DOOM so DS3 is definitely downgradeable to run on Switch.
Miyazaki said he doesn't like making sequels and it fucking shows,
It be like a fuckton of money literally impossible to do one on cart and it would run terribly. If anything they should get demon's souls remaster but sony would never let that happen. Dark souls is never coming to the switch mark my words.
2 is better than 3 desu
The got DOOM 2017 running on Switch with shitty settings, I'm sure the same is possible for DaS3 if they lower it to 720p and strip some fancy effects.
Not like it looks much better than a last gen game anyway.
nah man nah
hold on hear me out
it's armored core. but it's dark souls
armored souls
dark core
DeS is the worst one by far though.
Yesterday neither Doom or Wolfenstein II would ever come to Switch.
Now we're in a different time line m8.
But it's excused because it was the first one and very experimental.
Dark Souls 3 came out after Bloodborne it has no excuse to be worse than it in every single aspect but setting and that's debatable.
>Miyazaki said he doesn't like making sequels and it fucking shows
Not really. He may not like using the same plot over and over again but he clearly likes making the same game over and over again.
>b-b-b-buh 3!
every time
Go back to plebbit you fucking niggerhomo
>no demon souls
>dark souls 2
non-essential collection more like
ds3 dlc was impressively bad. Sad way for the series to go out
The point is you shouldn't single out 2 when it's not even the worst one in that pack.
>trying to cherry pick the worst parts
>can only come up with 2 and a hyperbolic lie
>you shouldn't single out 2
yes you should because it was fucking awful in every regard
Ashes was kind of shit other than the Friede fight but I thought Ringed City was pretty solid.
Because it's not happening.
Ringed city was good. Except for those fucking ghost archer parts.
Nintendo isn't getting the anime edition.
Megatextures bro.
The problem is not that 3 dlcs were bad, the problem is that they were ok while all other game's DLC were absolutely amazing.
if you believe that, then you don't deserve it all the more
Felt like i got done with it before it even started. Just short tbqh for what they hyped it up to be
And they did that twice.
I want to see a special edition with a statue of the elite knight set.
I mean, it was the longest DLC area out of all of them across the series. It had 4 bosses, 3 of which were real fights and 1 was a gimmick but at least it was a fun gimmick, not just a shitty NPC fight. Artorias of the Abyss had one more actual boss, but fuck sanctuary guardian, and the areas are pretty short.
I don't know why Artorias wasn't at the end of Oolacile township, though. He should have been guarding the entrance to the chasm
I don't understand DaS3 reused so many assets from BB why didn't they just reused too the way superior movesets from BB instead of just speeding up DaS1's which not only looks terrible but also doesn't flow with the rest of the game (and made straight swords broken as fuck).
They didn't result a single asset from BB
They made an entire major area of the game with shitty z-tier assets from Bloodborne's optional chalice dungeons.
This town's finished
>They didn't result a single asset from BB
completely mad
DS1 coudn't even port well on PC and you want it to work on a old tablet?
You are crazy, kid
I bet there is someone out there who can make it work
They reused like 80% of BB for DS3
This one has gone completely mad already
Such are the aftereffects of ShitSouls3
Fucking no one wants any of this Souls shit on Switch.
We even get fucking Prime 4 soon.
Can you Sony retards stop falseflagging all the time? No one wants your 20 FPS corridor crawling shit game except you and NeoFAG who loves it.
This is absolutely pathetic
>thread dies as soon as some massive Nintendo sperglord gets exposed
Top kek, you Nintenbros really do look out for your own, don't you?
This shit game is.
Literally glitches, shit hitboxes, respawn 30 minutes form where you died because of something that wasn't your fault, no music because they are poor but hold Sakamoto captive anyway, all the art stolen from manga or real life buildings 1:1, entire gameplay is press iframe button and then attack button twice.
Kill yourself, Sony niggers. Kek.
>he's still going after getting exposed
just stop
It might feel like they did, but they didn't literally reuse ANY asset. Not one.
>so we have this good sculpted mesh with bricks and shit, created it for Bloodborne and made a texture out of it, also there are a lot of procedurally generated materials that looks good, let's use them in new game because art direction is similar. Also, let's use those sounds from the sound library we bought, that one where the sounds that anime version of JoJo's bizarre adventures are from too, lol. Let's not forget about motion data we created years ago for our generic animations, that will make the development much easier
Fucking pathetic, dude-man
Except they didn't reuse anything, they just made assets that were similar in aesthetic.
They use the same audio files over and over again, and it's not their creation, but a bought library, so here's that. I'm sure there are some textures they reused too. Nothing wrong with this.
It's the child's argument: "Uh-huh, b-but they reused this and this, meaning the game is shit! The game is shiiiiiiiit! Listen to me!!!"
I think dark souls 3 lacks a certain inspiration for the type of world building and level design they wanted to make in the end anyway sadly, and it has nothing to do with it looking like BB in some ways. I still liked it but it bothers and tortures me when I play through it.
Just neck yourself without hesitation
Aren't they both published by Bethesda? Who ported Skyrim to Switch? Why would them throwing another port at it be surprising or a different timeline?
Do you think Dark Souls IIII will be released?
All the assets they used in Dark Souls 3 that may have been in bloodborne were also in previous Dark Souls games.
Sony literally owns all of those assets and through the pipeline in making those assets they are all tagged as Sony assets.
Just because they were on the partner list did not mean they had to make a game.
DaS3 wouldn't run on Switch
It barely runs on PS4
No, they've already explicitly said that dark souls 3 is the end of the series.
However, that doesn't mean new series' in the same kind of vein as dark souls aren't a possibility.
Who's he talking to?
Unpatched it barely ran on anything.
>dark souls 2 is teen
You slay me sir
Because from is shit. They could hire somebody to port for them.
You having trouble reading or something? If you bother reading you'll see he addresses who he's speaking to.
Not entirely true. Motion data - yes, some reused animations are exist in both games. And sound effects - again, bought sound assets.
Not so true with meshes and textures, because DS3/BB is the first games with PBR.
And some of these meshes and textures were made by this guys - passionrepublic.com
>They could hire somebody to port for them.
They won't and you know it. It isn't coming to Switch. Get over it
Ok, so who? Himself?
Fuck off autist you got exposed already.
Even if they ported all three I'd just play the first, just give me that, From/Nintendo.
People with good taste.
>sony nigger.
Its hilarious to me that you have to type this out after the mods got sick of your console war shit.