Vidya PTSD

vidya PTSD

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Go to bed Phil

Nope, not a fan of this.

Reminder that DSP failed missions 69 times in Modern Warfare Remastered on normal difficulty


>they've added an option for auto crouch-jumping in the standalone release
>it's on by default

this entire game

As casual as it is, it is objectively a good thing for crouchjump to be the default if there is no reason to non-crouch jump.


this game was pain

For some reason, in this fight my game had a bug where Adol would move right noticeably slower than left
I thought it was supposed to be the wind or something and managed to beat the boss like that anyway

Don't know about Black Mesa but HL1 shows you the key combo for crouch jumping at one point. DSP is too lazy to read so he probably would've overlooked it anyway.

I literally never engaged the Nightmare
I've seen people say it's buggy as fuck and very easy to take care of, but I never stuck around it for long enough to figure out how to take it out

This fucker on the other hand

Attention! This annou~ sys~ now. Under. Military. Command.

It's still fucking hilarious because the option is there because of people like Phil. How unintuitive do you have to be to not get it?

Half-Life was one of my first games when I was like 8 and I never even thought of crouch jumping as a problem. It blows my mind.

Reminder that this unfunny hack is far, far worse at videogames than DSP but it's okay when Japan does it.


The difference is that he's a skilled entertainer.

Bad bait. He usually starts pretty bad at games. But he's gets better pretty fast.

That wasn't in the original mod, was it?


This. Also Arino plays some old ass games like Castlevania, Sonic and old games in general which can be pretty frustratingly challenging, especially if you've never played them

DSP also plays modern games which are much, much more forgiving. And Arino knows when he reaches his limits and call in an expert. DSP on the other hand shits on everyone except himself.

I don't think I'll ever get so fucked up by a video game trash enemy ever again.

>inb4 shaman's dagger

>posting black mesa dogshit

Just finished Ys 1, that final boss as some bullshit.

All the bosses were either stupidly easy or a fucking mess (that first one.

Even 14 hours of heavily edited footage nets very few comedic moments and it's not from a lack of trying. It's very telling that a comedian is more famous for being shit at video games than being funny and yet you still call him a "skilled entertainer".

DSP has played plenty of old games. You can even directly compare the two on a lot, e.g. Megaman. DSP is far better at games than Arino.

>newfags don't get it

>try in vain to beat a boss
>decide to grind some
>get one (1) level up
>boss instantly becomes effortless

>having to deal with 2 at the bottom of the well

that was the final boss of the dlc desu

>not bunny-hopping straight through this segment before the platform gives way

really user

Me neither, I always either discovered its spawn point, or in the case of Arboretum was always in a place that protected me from it.

On one hand it's impressive what this game did in 87.
On the other the balancing is all over the place.

Standing at the exact correct spot on the ledge, using the beast cutter in transformed mode to cheese it was the only way I could do it


The 87 version is slow and easy as fuck. You can see some footage on youtube and compare it to the PSP remaster.


RNG abuse was discovered, so it's reasonable to speedrun now.

What the hell? It was nothing.

MC's a bit over levelled and you have direct party control in that version, I don't see it being so bad in that situation.
I hated it the first time I fought Nyx though.

How? The game is like 4 hours

>Even 14 hours of heavily edited footage nets very few comedic moments
Wait so every moment isn't in real time? Do all shows do this? If so I'm probably pretty frustrated.

I've never gotten that weapon because of those 2 fuckers

also souls games need to stop putting awesome fucking weapons at the end of the game, where you won't have anything to really use them on
would love to do a burial blade or rakuyo playthrough of bloodborne, but if I HAVE to do it in NG+, then I'd rather not bother

>where you won't have anything to really use them on
what's NG+
what's PvP

This. I was so scared of those enemies, but the level music was dope.

but it had dem jams, mine theme from the second game is my favorite

That's true, because Nightmare's enormous size prevents it from engaging you in tight corridors and chokepoints, e.g. elevator exits or checkpoints.
It also got once ripped apart by an army of sentry turrets. Hilarious.

Also, pic related, the fucking Haunted Cathedral.

>hello yes I am here to make your pure platinum run miserable

The jump in Assassins Creed II.

You know the one.


Ubermorph is cute! CUTE!



The Thief 3 developers actually wrote a paper on making levels that are genuinely scary.

git gud

Never got this. Tried and failed going down the other end, doing a 180 and coming back.

Can someone link a video? I want to feel depressed about how stupid i am.

>tfw you first thought that the whole place is empty and it's just smoke and mirrors
>mfw you see one of those down the hall


You don't have to go to the end all the way. Turning around consistently is the easy part i think

Holy shit fuck these guys.

Okay, so I haven't played this game, and I've never played a game with "crouch jumping".

How was DSP supposed to know to do it? Do they tell you in a tutorial or something?


Fuck, the hours long intro gave me ptsd. What a piece of shit. Dropped it and realized to never take Sup Forumss recommendations.

It took for four years, but I'm finally playing it properly and enjoying the experience.

Just let me mine

this one perhaps even more so, the grinding is insane.

we can't all be rain man


Mind posting the paper?

>not using the pillar in the middle of the well to your advantage
>not fishing out their slam move to get a free heavy attack
Lauging @ you, never had a problem with these chumps.

I can't find it, but the Wikipedia page for the level mentions how the level designer developed a theory for creating horrific levels, and a few tenets of it. I'm sure there was a paper.

>never engaged the Nightmare
pretty sure there is a part in the game where you have to fight the nightmare user.
I played human only powers run and saw the nightmare 3 times.


DSP played megaman with a gameshark

>mine theme from the second is my favorite
mah nigga
I haven't played it in over 10 years and I know exactly what you're talking about.

Is that starfox 0?

who counts these things

85% of the times this popped up, I didn't see the faggot at all, then I'd find him standing like a moron in some big room completely unaware of my existence. I would then just throw 3 recycler charges, shoot him a couple times, wait for him to walk on them, and finish him off. He's great for collecting materials. In the end, the nightmare was me, GUTEN MORGAN.

Maybe i just suck, but i never finished it.


>hours long intro
You mean the first game?
Somehow I lost it at the last chapter and never finished the game.

was trying to play FF12 without any assistance from the internet and had to phone it in here

this area is much worse than chapter 13 from FFXV in my opinion

As someone who has followed DSP from the first TIHYDP, is familiar with SOK and have watched/kept up to date with most of Phil's youtube 'career' and 'life', have been blocked from his instagram and twitter and has a friend who isn't a crippling retard and actually likes DSP, I wanted to try and defend those who post about this guy instead of ignoring him.

I can't help it, I'm a moth to a flame. From day one, I cannot believe someone so stupid, so unable to blame himself, so self destructive and disrespective of such a comfy lifestyle and so bad with money can be bundled into one person. He's a borderline cartoon character, he surpasses even being a troll, because if he was, he'd be the best troll that ever existed. I find myself watching TIHYDP, I've watched deconstruction videos on him, SOK podcasts, etc. So I feel like there's something about this guy that has such an interest to me. It's like I want him to fail, I want him to realise how fucking shit his life is because it's amazing to see how such an ungrateful piece of shit human being can't realise if he just didn't live in a gated community and buy BMW's he'd have a comfy life. A life a lot of Sup Forums would've loved to have, certainly me. Having a fanbase, playing games for a living, a younger girlfriend you can mould in your own way (maybe not her though, she's a fucking idiot too), all he had to do was not be so prideful and realise this YouTube life wouldn't last forever. But he can't do it and he continues to move towards the total self-destruction of his life because he just doesn't get it.

I can't help watch or follow DSP, I could write a book on the guy. If that makes me autistic, that's fine, but I can't help being fascinated with him, he's a real character. I find myself celebrating his downfalls but at the end of it, I just want him to realise his faults and become a better person before it's too late.


>beat Battletoads
>is bad at video games
Pick one and only one, faggot.

>Motherfucker can't move anywhere
>Equip shotgun
>Pop combat focus
>Nightmare dies before focus ends
>Take no damage
>Get fuckall loot
Wew how hard. Literally waste of ammo

People like him at that age don't usually change until they hit rock bottom


Nope, there is not a single part were you are forced to fight it on a human only powers run
He first spawns in the Lobby, but I just fucking sneaked around him every single time
I think he eventually pissed off, but I never saw him again


all because his parents didnt buy him a wolverine doll

The Japanese version of battletoads is extremely easy.




>Nightmare tries to be a big boy and fuck with me
>Whip out the shotty and bust his shit



no please

IIRC that happens when you have a refresh rate above 60, managed to beat him like that too however.