Star Citizen

What did he mean by this?


I don't understand, why does he need evidence to prove he made a refund?

The zealots didn't believe him

Post the link, OP, I don't want to search through rebbit.

Church of Scientol -whoops- I mean the Star Citizen Community would not believe him or try to hush it up as lies.

i tried to get a refund of my $1000 ish dollars.

They only do refunds to americans, because of a pending criminal fraud case where a DA is looking for people who aren't happy.

I got my refund denied because i live in europe

Isnt he supposed to do refunds via email? Thats how I did it and it was flawlessly fast, took 1 day.

Better late than never I guess. Good for him.

whats the problem if he got his money back though?

>$45k refunded
>spending 45k on a game to begin with
Feels like a bizarro world, here I am as a poorfag pirate.

Reading this now and he did. Apparently it took so long because some support keeps giving him the runaround.

Star Citizen Cult trying to silence him so others don't know they could get even bigger funds back.

Implication of a sinking ship

u american right?

cuz anyone else gets shafted

Starcitizen is the best game and anyone who claims otherwise is a uncultured liar.

SeeDrones are seriously afraid of people getting refunds because taking money "away" from the devs could "kill" the game. Basically if the game flops or still never releases at this point they'll blame the shitlords who wanted their money back

If anything, an upswing of refunds would push the game out faster due to the escalating pressure, no?

Reminder, there's star citizen employees that literally get paid to police and harvest information you give out on places like Sup Forums, and it's been confirmed.

Nah, yurop. Asked the refund around June

They are literally releasing a shitty 3.0 and probably calling it a day just to say they released "a game" and that's with a 150+ million development fund.

And this is with no huge uproar from the cult.

Makes you respect the people who can make games on their own without resorting to Kickstarter and shit.

>And this is with no huge uproar from the cult.

You can sell a man a bag of shit and he would still try to justify his purchase when other people start making fun of his spending habits. Their own pride goes above their rationale.

What? Police and harvest what information? Tell me more senpai.


What ? I got mine denied for this exact reason

I thought you guys have a government consumer board or some shit like that.


I guess I'll try again with your stuff as proof, WTF

Why they fuck are you spending $1000 for anyway?
They're can't be anything in this game that's worth that. You deserve to lose your money.

Jonestown 2

Is there link where i can see this and the reactions

It's a scam, they want to steal your money and use whatever legitimate sounding mumbo jumbo to keep you from retaking what's rightfully yours.
Just be glad they are not politicians or jews or have connections in those fields because otherwise you would never be able to get your stuff back again