Raiden! Turn the game console off right now!

Raiden! Turn the game console off right now!

What did you just say?

Good luck finding something half as deep as MGS2 nowadays, dumbass.

you're retarded and wrong.

Ironic Shitposting is still Shitposting

Well im not saying it was deep or something like that but entertaining nethertheless.


Why is Kojima such a cuck?

This game's writing is really impressive if you've never read a book.

Objectively better written and more interesting than Tom Clancy

Yet better then most garbage that /lit/ jerks off about

what happens if you were playing on Vita or PC?

Said the same thing. They didn't re-record any voice acting.

>i was playing the PC version
Still went full wut.

that's kinda weird considering they did for controls

>dat permanent FPS VR mission
>with a keyboard alone
I still remember the pain.
Second place for me was requiem mission from hitman 2 on ps2, but that took the crown in the hardest shit because controls.

Let it be known I was pissed they left out the negative thoughts function for MGS 2's Vita port, when they could have just bound it to the back plate or something. The bind to get the characters to think something neutral or positive is still there but you miss out on the witty and rude remarks. Took some of the fun out.

The Vita is a game console?

which book? books aren't all made equal.

what? I thought that was still in. I don't remember how though, I think you had to tap the the codec portraits?

Maybe I'll look into it again.

Whatever the case they only had binds for either the '2' or '3' functions. I think it was L3/R3 but I can't remember; Either way I could only get one set of the characters' "inner thoughts" and I'm pretty sure I tried all the keys available on the Vita.

They fixed MGS 3 HD's intro on the Vita port but I wonder if they just forgot about that stuff and let it slip

was the PS3 version the one that started too early?

Yeah. Not sure about the 3ds version, but I thought it was funny that the "definitive" package had the most glitches, at first.

Can't exactly call it definitive since they they took out Secret Theater. And Ape Escape. And Guy Savage. And skateboarding.

>Snake vs Monkey
>exclusive gimmicks and items

wow I actually forgot they took them out.
And I just realized the camo feature the 3ds has would have worked just as well on the Vita too.

The 3DS one was some kind of weird remake with Peace Walker gameplay, wasn't it? The one on Vita was a straight up port.