Download game

>download game
>play 10 minutes
>get bored

I think I have grown out of gaming

Now you need some grown up hobbies. Try /lit/ or /fit/ or something.

>play game
>long tutorial section
>lots of introductory cutscenes
>give up

I was having that for awhile myself.

Then I tried Yakuza 0 last spring and it revitalized my love of games.

Playing Kiwami at moment. Loving it. Also just got Metroid and expect to love that as well

>download MMO
>play thousands of hours
>miss out of timeless classics
>have lots of fun

Same feeling here, for me it was Nier Automata. This year started good, too bad nothing good is gonna release for the rest of the year.

The only good games coming out for me are Danganronpa v3 and maybe the south park game.

But other than that, its all pretty shitty from here.

Pic related is OP? Holy shit you are ugly man, no offense, stay in vidya

You obviously have ADD

>He doesn't read while lifting

Maybe you should stop playing trash, you child

Are you retarded?

>wake up
>go to work
>come home and eat leftovers from lunch
>too tired to play vidya
>fall asleep on the couch at 10 pm

>You obviously have ADD

lucky bastard

>babby's first gaming burnout
Try new games or find something else to do you stupid underage faggot, literally everyone who plays video games more than ten minutes a week goes through it eventually

Stop it. I want to believe my life will get better if I stop being a NEET.

You're more discerning now. With the current state of gaming, you're pretty much not going to give anything much of a chance (you know it can do better).

You'll find less games to play, but you'll eventually find something.

But yes, time to find other hobbies to help carry you until the next solid game comes your way. Try home brewing.

Either serotonin burnout or you're playing shitty meme games

Go outside and excercise, lift weights.

But you have fun on the weekends, while neets never have fun


Gotta keep your eyes on the prize. This image clearly has an unfocused individual, with each eye on different prizes

Audiobook, bruh

That use to be how it was when i was 16-25 but now everyone settled down and nothing happens for months we occasinally have dinner once every blue moon and just go on holidays together once a year. Fuck women.

They ruin neets and force them to be normies because they need someone to be their brag trophy paypig MGTOW seig heil


the only game I finished this year was nier automata and sonic mania. the rest I got to 75% and stopped for unknown reasons. I didn't pick up yakuza 0, but I did buy a lot of other games.

Get a Switch, it lets you play games at your own pace however you want.

First step towards becoming a man, congrats. Now get decent hobbies and learn how to talk to women and how to get a decent job/college course.

your going to crash again, its only a matter of time

>download game
>play 17 hours
>still not bored
>repeat on hardest difficulty

>buy a cheap old console
>have fun putting cfw on it
>thousands of games for free in my grasp
>never play the console again

I feel the exact same way OP. games are just choirs I can do while sitting down.

Jokes on you I already did that.

Why would the joke be on me? I have no investment on whether you succeed in becoming a man or not.

>think about spending over $1000 for a gaming PC
>it seems like a waste of money now

>play game
>download it again in 10min
Fucking internetlets that can't do this

Danganronpa v3 you dense mudafucka.
How dare u omit that

Most games are infantile. I am reading Umineko, it's very good. I also enjoy skullgirls every once in a while.


Fool, its a super overrated game. Too much long winded texts and too little action. I Played the first 4 chapters that take forever (60+ hrs) of reading. Then in the finale in the final epilogue they parhetically try to wrap up the mysteries in a very quick unconvincing way.
Stop wasting ur time

I'm enjoying it, it does have quite a few long-winded texts but I'm still liking it, perhaps because it's my first VN. What other VN's do you like? I mostly just read books nowadays, political theory and what not.

>used to play videogames for hours when I was a teenager
>averaging 6 hours a day
>played videogames less when I was halfway through college
>averaged 8 hours a week if that
>now a college graduate at a normal job
>can barely drum up enough shits to give to even play for a few hours a week
I'm just bored with it all I guess. Nothing excites me like it used to. I remember when new games were coming out and I was a teenager I would chase down information about it like it was an addiction. In college I had other shit to entertain me like parties and drinking, which I admit were much more fun than sitting alone and playing videogames. But now I am alone and I still can't bring myself to play anymore. I get home from work, I eat dinner, I watch some reruns of Seinfeld on TV, I browse Sup Forums for an hour in bed which I probably shouldn't do anymore because it keeps me from sleeping, and I fall asleep to get ready for the next day.

Its true. I just finished Uni and I'm back on the the 9 to 5 grind.

I have so much more fun during the weekend. Being forced to work the whole week lets you appreciate your free time so much more.

(Im the same person who messaged you)
Ok seeing how its ur first visual novel, you're excused.. i understand how ud like it.
Dont get me wrong Umuneko is NOT bad, but just decent at best.

Wana play an amazing series?? Go play danganronpa. I CANNOT stress this enough. Not only is it the best VN i ever played but also has a rich story and characters and music. Its just amazing, and danganronpa 2 is even better.
Otherwise i could also recommend Remember 11, or Ever17.. but nothing comes close to danganronpa


You have very lickable eyes

You have now joined the ranks of pretty much everyone else on Sup Forums. Welcome.

Anyone who truly loves videogames is not here discussing it. They are actually playing games. Everyone here is only here to shitpost.

>have fun at weekends

>grown out
You didn't "grow" anything, you shrank, just like your spirit have for years

>Try out Free Games on Steam
>That one gem you find actually fun and good
>It's original game not RPG maker and similar bullshit
>Pay 60$ to the maker

>install Skyrim
>download 100 mods
>tweak them for 5 days
>finally, start the game up
>take 1 hour to unfuck cart sequence
>take 4 hours to create a character
>2 more hours of after-tweaking
>play for 20 more minutes
>never touch it again

>grown up hobbie