What did Kojima mean by this?
What did Kojima mean by this?
I think it means he recently made a purchase.
Means Sup Forums was right. Again.
But it's morning...
Hitler found some good Asian allies.
he is bragging about his disposable income
It means that despite being a hack, he knows where the real (((problems))) of society come from.
Neun is about a German wiping out the Nazis
Nazi imagery isn't banned in Japan
He probably wants to read some history and inform himself to why Nazi apologists are wrong as fuck.
>kojima-sama is hella redpilled
Kojimas game has no gameplay footage and spends time on twitter on frivolous things. Like John Romero, Cliff B., he too will be proven to be a hack when left on his own accord with a new team.
I guarantee at least one Sony executive is regretting signing him on board without a release date schedule. Konami Corp is probably laughing their ass off at Sony newfounds parasite.
>implying kojima didn't buy it for that nazi propaganda
That's now how you pronounce it, dumbass
So today I went to the film boutique to rent a movie with my gf whom I've been together with for 6 years. Naturally being the gentleman that I am, I always lets her decide which movie to rent. After going rummaging through the shelves for a while she stumbles into the latest Brad Pitt movie. I looked and it looked innocently enough, but upon further careful examination I noticed a swastika on the cover. That's when I realized I've been together with an Nazi sympathizer and holocaust denier, I dumped her on the spot, as I told her I have no tolerance against racists. As I stormed out of the boutique I could hear people clapping their hands behind me, but as much as I wanted to look bad I didn't.
edit: THANK YOU so much for all the upvotes and gold! I don't consider myself a hero, but I am proud of my action and strong belief in justice and no-tolerance. I will never pull punches if I ever see a nazi, except if it's a lady because I'm a gentleman.
>i give my hat for id software for releasing Wolfentsein New colossus on switch, now i may kill nazis when i take my Snake Dump
It literally has the main character killing Nazis and one of the big baddies (from what I've read so far) is a guy in charge of pushing Nazi propaganda and Hitler himself. They aren't portrayed as good people at all and they're constantly making evil smerks and evil leers.
>implying kojima isn't alt right
O I am laffin
I never got the disdain for racial supremacy. Humans are naturally competitive. We compete in everything. So why are we complacent and say we're all equal? I mean I would do what I could to make my race one step ahead you know? If every race started having that mindset I think we would advance much faster.
soon we will be able to take snake dumps on Nazis in VR, but the party may have liked that
It's painfully obvious that death stranding is a ww2 metal gear solid game.
>one of the biggest themes of mgs is uniting the world and letting it be
>not a leftist idea
because no one wants to carry your shitter ass. Individual competition is superior to fascist shit where you force people to do things they don't like "for the better of the race" aka for the better of the retarded leader that convinces plebs to follow him
Is it a good movie though
Leftists want to remove borders, the boss wanted the world to stay exactly as it was then.
Kojima's such a disgusting westaboo at this point I wouldn't even consider him Japanese. He clearly doesn't want to be.
her ideology that fucked the entire world in the series came after she flew into space and saw a borderless world
Hitler was refering with The Reich of Thousand Years at actual Japan.
>goes to space
>sees the whole Earth
>wonders what the world would be without countries and the conflicts they spawn
What makes you say you can't be both forms of competitiveness?
she only wanted without any war user.
But Zero and Big Boss fucked, just like all the other after them.
Except for Solid and Otacon.
The Boss wanted a world not divided by borders. It's her dream because that's how she literally saw the planet when she went to space. There were no borders when she was up there.
How the fuck do you come to that conclusion?
I believe we are all born with equivalent worth, some individuals choose to lag behind and some stride forward, muh tribe strong is fucking stupid, the ones with least merit to their name are the losers the ones with most merit to their name are the winners
By actually listening to the games dialogue without any inherent political bias.
No, she literally wanted a world without borders. No borders what so ever. No borders, no wars. You can't skip the "no border" part.
because supremacists were always beta retards and now they watch anime so they have even less of a chance to win or do anything of worth.
Because he is mentally ill like all Sup Forumstards
But you're ignoring the part where she explains her dialogue because it somehow makes you butthurt, how isn't that political bias?
Her entire political thinking can be summarised to the following sentence.
"Let the world be"
Zero interpreted this as a borderless world ruled by 1 group
Big boss interpreted this through making a haven for soldiers, free from politics.
Kojima being a westaboo is what makes me a fan of him.
He mean that the only people that legit dislike MGS are Thiefags that are butthurt their sacred cow is currently being raped by Square.
Cry more, dirty smelly thiefag.
that's Solid's way of thinking, not hers dumb dumb
Big Boss was the correct one, creating a massive shadow government does not equate to let the world be, to me.
Solid snake and otacon are the only ones to have interpreted it correctly and have suffered for the sins of the father.
>People who I don't agree with are mentally unstable things that need to be locked away forever.
Project more faggot
The Boss: In 1960 I saw a vision of the ideal future from space. Three years earlier the Soviet Union had succeeded in launching Sputnik, the first manmade satellite in history, into orbit. This came as a huge shock to the United States. In response, America threw everything it had into its own manned space flight project, the Mercury project. Even as the Soviets seemed poised to send their first man into space America was still experimenting with chimpanzees in rockets. The government wanted human data. So they secretly decided to send a human being into space. I was the one they chose. At the time they didn't have the technology to block out cosmic rays and whoever they sent up would inevitably be exposed to heavy radiation. That's why they chose me. After all, I had already been irradiated once. Of course, you won't find any of this in the history books. I could see the planet as it appeared form space. That's when it finally hit me. Space exploration is nothing but another game in the power struggle between the US and USSR. Politics, economics, the arms race - they're all just arenas for meaningless competition. I'm sure you can see that. But the Earth itself has no boundaries. No East, No West, No Cold War. And the irony of it is, the United States and the Soviet Union are spending billions on their space programs and the missile race only to arrive at the same conclusion. In the 21st century everyone will be able to see that we are all just inhabitants of a little celestial body called Earth. A world without communism and capitalism... that is the world I wanted to see. But reality continued to betray me.
>Earth without boundaries
This does not equate to being anti borders
>Sup Forums thinks this manga is pro-nazi
i am 100% certain Sup Forums does not think any portrayal of any kind it pro-nazi,
good shitpost
What's with the japanese and the german things.
t. german
>A world without communism and capitalism
dumb centrist whore
Me on the right
To be fair if you think of what time mgs3 took place and so soon after the war you can see why a person could be opposed to all kinds of ideologies.
dumb american cuck
Imagine if a band like this appeared in the west.