Are there actually people out there who think that HL2 is better than the original Half Life?
Are there actually people out there who think that HL2 is better than the original Half Life?
Are there people who don't?
t. never played HL1
>Half Life
>Bad graphics
>Half Life 2
>Better graphics
Half Life 2 is the better game, objectively speaking.
They are equal. Each one has pros and cons.
Sure did, all the add-ons too. Great games, hold up well, and HL2 took everything that worked from them and added to it.
HL1 has more parts that make me groan when I get to them.
no it didn't. the main things HL1 had going for it was the story elements and shooting mechanics, both of which sucked in HL2
For me it's one of those rare cases where I literally see them exactly as equal and simply can't put one above the other.
Both are solid 9/10
You're confused, the gunplay was one of the most noticeable highlights of HL2.
I do prefer the tighter scope of HL1's story, but I had no problems with how 2 presented it's narrative.
HL1 weapons feel like ass outside the crowbar. It took people to mod counter-strike to make it actually enjoyable with this engine.
The gravity gun was also a revolution at the time
Half-life 2 had better gameplay variety. It's gimmicky but every level plays completely differently.
>Half Life
>More weapons
>Half Life 2
>Less weapons
better weapons > more weapons
The Gluon gun felt like vacuum cleaner.
but the weapons in HL2 felt like shit.
That's like, your opinion.
No Xen, and more variety in environments. I honestly found the vehicle sections comfy. Gravity gun was also great.
bad meme
I bet Crysis is just a tech demo too, huh?
my thoughts exactly
they are equal, equally garbage.
I do simply because it's how I was introduced to the series, also I think the opening levels are more fun.
>worse level design
>worse gunplay
>worse ai/enemy variety
I'd be surprised if anyone did like it more unless they haven't played hl1
hl1 was more comfy, you were trying to get out of a deserted facility like in portal, with militaries after your ass and stealthy assassins sent to kill you. you had to go through parts of the facility that were closed long ago, just like in portal.
I didn't like hl2
I think the combat and the AI are considerably improved in HL2.
Anyone who isn't viewing HL1 through rose tinted glasses can see that it's combat was utter shit.
HL1's setting, however, is still unbeatable.