is shin megami tensei a good series?
i have never played it but i like the designs of the monsters
Is shin megami tensei a good series?
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Start with nocturne.
If you like dungeon crawlers that are not really about grinding
No, it's very poorly designed with an awful combat system and bosses that will hard wall you. 2/10 easily but I'd be lying if I said I didnt love it. Just play Persona 3-5 stay away from SMT
The main series just weeb pandering now. Just play the old games before the 3DS.
>getting shit on smt
>recommending the easy personas
although i agree with fucking social shit i just want to kill demons
>poorly designed
>awful combat system
>recommends games with literal procedurally-generated dungeons and watered-down combat
git fucking gud
It's really edgy Wizardry with the setting of a pulpy anime OVA and about ten thousand spinoffs. Brainlets hate it.
Ye, its my favorite RPG. Nothing beats the feeling being underleveled but fusing up a demon designed to get you through a tough dungeon or boss.
>weeb pandering
Apocalypse went for a different (and shittier because mainline writers can't do good characters anymore) tone than normal mainline.
>poorly designed with an awful combat system and bosses that will hard wall you
>awful combat
>recommending watered-down combat games
i bet your faggot ass you haven't experienced the wonderful press turns icons combat
It's like Pokemon, but with demons instead of cute critters.
*Also featuring Dante from Devil May Cry series.
>good characters
Stop playing games for the story you cancer
>he thinks SMT has good gameplay
yeah, smtg on vg has a good sticky that might help you out
shove off, iv and iv:a are good games
SMT II had great story and characters but you're too young to have played it. Sad!
Nocturne still one of my favourite Vidya.
I played that 10 years ago
It does not have good narrative
No videogame does
Now fuck off to /lit/
Fucking weebs ruining my SMT
>God is evil
>great story
Devil Summoner games and DDS are a pretty happy medium between Persona style story heavy games and classic SMT.
Just play Persona 3, 4 & 5 desu. Both Digital Devil Saga games are pretty good too.
Apicalype has the best gameplay in a jrpg ever
Hope you like RNG and designated boss strategies, cause there is no meaningful player input where you're going.
>exploit enemy weaknesses
>stack buffs/debuffs
How's it better than Persona again?
Absolutely, nocturne is one of the my fav jrpg. The SNES series is a bit meh tho. Start with nocturne or IV.
What a dick
Nocturne is better balanced.
>better balanced
>magic can crit making phys fucking useless unless typical enemie only vulnerable to phys
Nocturne's evasion buffs is extremely unbalanced
You don't dodge anything in IV:A without full stack evasion and an evasion passive
Why the fuck every thread on this board about persona or smt turns in absolute shit after few replies?
OP, I play SMT solely for the demon designs and fusing them.
Gameplay is better than most JRPGs cause it's glass-cannon style.
>no News for the Switch SMT
They really need to put out a HD Nocturne where they improve the menus.
That game's great.
>switch smt
I hope that at leasr they are developing it and it didn't go into some sort of limbo. We don't have any news since the january trailer.
Phys deals much more damage (even with mag crit) and protag pierce everything anyway. SJ and IV have no mag crit and they are still better than phys in those games
The way mainline Press Turn works with the whole party sharing their turn count emphasises team synergy to keep the combo going and use your extra turns effeciently and it also emphasizes defense since you are also trying to preemptively decrease the enemies turn count to limit their actions. One More is a lot more simple by comparison, p5 made a lot of improvements that make it more like classic PTS but its still inferior to PTS. Additionally, Apocalypse added the demon affinity system which I think is brilliant since it gives each demon diffirent degrees of effectiveness to and against each element and ailment on top for their weaknesses and resistances which both makes every demon unique and gives you another layer of strategy to what spells you use.
What the fuck? It's been that long?
>emphasises team synergy
You got it backwards. Press Turn's main advantage over regular turn based combat is exactly the ability to skip all the demons turns and let the overpowered protagonist act twice in one turn.
Unfortunately yes
Yeah. You should try it.
>Just play Persona 3-5 stay away from SMT
>Skipping all the demons turns
>Not using those turns to buff the over powered protagonist, do routine maintenance and debuff the enemy so the overpowered protagonist doesn't have to worry about it while he hammers away
is that a green dick in a wheelchair?
No that's Mara
Yeah, well, you could all that and skip just one turn, still leaving half a turn for the MC. The point is, the demons aren't there to get extra turns by hitting the enemy weakness. They're just buffbots, one of which skips his turn every turn. There's no synergy, just buffing the MC's damage output to stupid levels.
its Mara and she is on a chariot dont dare to disrespect the big and grand Mara!
You're thinking of wrong Mara.
>They're just buffbots, one of which skips his turn every turn. There's no synergy, just buffing the MC's damage output to stupid levels.
i never saw them like that unless you directly go for full support demons
I'm sick of penis Mara. He need to actually riding on Girimehkala next time.
Why skip the turn when you could be hitting the enemies weakness though? Why not have an overpowered protagonist and all your demons blasting away when they have the chance, isn't that a waste? In other words, the game rewards you for having a team that synergize well.
Demons in SMT can't ever possibly get even close to MC's damage output because of shit stat spread, while you can just manually pick which stats to level up for your character.
Good demons = demons with kaja/unda/debilitate/karn spells.
Bad demons = demons trying to do damage.
>persona babies
If the boss even has a weakness in the first place, sure. Although you still risk running out of MP attacking, or missing and wasting a turn, while passing lets you safely ensure an extra turn for the next character.
That's coming from someone who wiped on YHVH because I wanted to optimize my performance by hitting him with a melee attack, when he was weak to phys and missing.
anime + satanism/edgy shit + clunky turn based combat + inane storylines full of plotholes and plagiarism
it's fucking TRASH, no wonder Sup Forums loves it
So what are those plot holes you are referring to?
>Nocturnebabies pretend that SMT was never about the story
Every time.
We had an extended trailer (with statue's hand or something) during DSJ reveal.
Tokyo Game Show is literally in a week, so calm down.
I hate japanese gods never the main villains of any SMT game. Just YHVH and other foreign gods.
I'm calling it, TGS is just DSJ and the mobage game
>SMT intellectuals
8/10 pretty good tbqh
Mara > Rooney
There's the National Defense demons in IV who are bosses for most of the games. Special ops of gods are cool as fuck imo.
OwO... it's fucking nothing.
>Atlus Design team
Even the Ace Attorney guy is better
>wanting Japanese gods
>"No, no we can't have the white woman sitting next to the white guy that's not progressive enough. Put her next to the mulatto"
MC is always the best but there are definitely some demons that come close. In older games you could use Magatamas to get them to have similar stat spreads to MC and in the newest games, demons with a high affinity for a type of spell get an added multiplier
Baically if your damage dealing demons suck that's on you.
>Forced to fight against their will, not actually evil like YHVH and Krishna
you didn't actually play didn't you?
there he is
good thread while it lasted, guys
She's Russian
I liked the idea of the national defense demons but they were kinda crummy as a boss team, they didn't have a big enough presence in the story and the leader and the only one who actually is important, Masakado, is locked behind a DLC.
Divine Powers and the Tyrants/Mothers blow them out of the water.
Russians are just eastern whites.
play the game, faggot.
That guy is Asian.
the guy is japanese, you fucking retard
>Masakado, is locked behind a DLC.
thats an alternate 'young' masakado. his head form joins your party in the neutral route. its how you learn occult slash
Not really in the Us version of the game your guy is American like Jimenez
Megami Tensei in general is good.
You could argue it has the best combat, but its dungeons are shit and drag it down as far as gameplay goes.
When will Amaterasu be the main villain next
>in the Us version
But the dungeons are all pretty good? They're not SJ but they're about the same as Nocturne. Definitely a big improvement to IV's dungeons.
is shin megami tensei iv apocalyse a sequel to IV, a dlc, or its own thing?
He is Japanese.
US version*
Sorry about that phone post is a pain in the ass
Atlus has said the SJ hero isn't meant to be strictly Japanese like the others. He is whatever players interpret him as.
Holy fuck now this is a real plebbit opinion
Do you think she used it?
Kinda like an alternative story. It is its own separate game though. I wouldn't recommend it as a starting point. It's tone is very different from the rest of the series as it serves as a subversion of persona tropes.