How do I unlock the secret character?
How do I unlock the secret character?
Have 6 000 000 kills throughout the campaign on hardest difficulty.
muh 600 billion meme
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
By paying reparations, Hans.
ferrous blood pumping organ
.t geralt the plumber
Never, Stanislaw
Right, right, right, right, X, left, right right right
Nah. it really is like this:
Up, right, neutral, right, down, neutral, down, left, neutral, left, up.
What, Poland doesn't want their native population raped and murdered and slowly replaced by an islamist army? The bastard!
>Giving aid is the same as accepting refugees
user, please
Didn't Japan kill more civilians?
Stop reading tabloids.
Right+Up, A, Down, Right+Up, A, Down
>"heh, those stupid cis male controlled tabloids spreading hate speech and right wing propaganda"
>"instead be like me and read a state funded newspaper! now that is real news! oh, another story of a somalian engineer saving a kitten, those are my favorite!"
>giving money to non-europeans with no christian-background at mass
>this is something good somehow and Poland is wrong
Up, Down, Up, Down, Chu, Chu, Chu.
>stop reading tabloids
>stop watching the news
>stop thinking too much about it
>just embrace refugees who went through 10 muslim countries to get welfare on your non-muslim country
I think people like you are just naive. I wish I had saved those images of user analysis islam, which shows muslims indeed believe they are on a religious cruzade 24/7, they indeed believe they are there to replace you and conquer you, they are purposely spreading all over the place when they could just stay at a neighbor country.
The idea of "refugees" crossing half a continent of countries not-at-war to move to a specific place should alarm you. All the women and the men who are not insidious and don't believe they are on a holy mission stayed behind on other countries, that's why all the "refugees" are mostly adult men.
>can openly show Stalin and Mao in games despite them killing tens of millions of their own citizens and foreigners
>can't show Hitler because???
Seriously, why can't they show Hitler?
Why didn't the Syrian refugees seek asylum to one of the countries next to Syria, like Turkey or Saudi Arabia?
Why were there tourists flying in to Southern Syria for vacation while at the same time Syrian refugees were crossing the med sea to get to Germany? Couldn't the Syrian government relocate its own people to the peaceful, tourist resorts in southern Syria?
Why are about half of these refugees from Pakistan, Bangladesh and other third world shitholes that are not currently at war?
Why are most of them men?
Germany in charge of falsifying history.
They have separate version with censored Hitler portrait. And guess which mod is the most popular along German users on Workshop.
>Seriously, why can't they show Hitler?
its the german version only that's censored; muslim peoples believe its blasphemous to depict pictures of their heroes and religious saints
>Not playing as Shadow Hitler
there's like millions of refugees in lebanon, jordan, and turkey. lebanon is a tiny country and holds 2 million, same with jordan.
The ones that actually go to europe are a drop in the ocean. western countries complain about taking in a few thousand, whilst tiny countries in the middle east with no money have to cope with millions.
How do I get the game to register my kisses?
Wow that's a real shame, I guess the "drop in the ocean" Muslims living here can go back as well since it clearly wont make a difference for them
By not being german cuck
Its a shame most people have human empathy for people fleeing war and aren't autistic edgelords like you are.
Not an argument, nobody wants your kind.
>le brainfart statistic of cherry picking
it's time to pick up your wife's son from school you baiting faggot
>cherry picking
>literally encompasses all muslims on the planet
You're arguing they aren't refugees, when they clearly are. There are international obligations and conventions regarding refugees fleeing war; most people in the west aren't autistic edgelords like you that don't care about people fleeing and dying from war, that's why the west takes in refugees.
Outside your Sup Forumstard hivemind, your views are treated with disdain.
>sample size of 1 billion
>you can't cherry pick surveys
>they asked 1billion people
How can a faggot have a wife? Unless you're saying I'm a lesbian? Try better with your memes.
>they surveyed 1 billion people
I bet the way they phrased the questions from the "survey" was completely different from the way they are trying to represent them. Polls are full of shit, anyone with a brain cell knows they can't be relied on.
Here cums the slime defense member
Swedish or British? We'll never know
>hi look at how much i dont understand statistics lol
>>you can't cherry pick surveys
Vague and unsupported assertions of bias do not evidence make. Saying that something was cherry-picked does not make it so. Not to mention that no, you cannot cherry pick in a properly designed survey. That's the fucking point of doing one. Go ahead and open up that study and have a look at the methodology and report back to me on the specific flaws you see. "It disagrees with my assumptions about the world" is not a flaw.
You're wrong, senpai. You have been wrong for a long time and other people are paying the price for your naivety.
read a book wigger
Watching you try to talk your way around Muslims telling you themselves they despise you is hilarious
>western countries complain about taking in a few thousand
Germany has already taken in over a million you fucking retard.
weird how youre telling me to read a book when the information youre seeking is in the very image youre bitching about. they call this irony, dont they?
If you're going to act like a condescending fuckwad at least make an attempt to reply to the correct posts.
in every legitimate study, you have to post the method and how you randomised and corrected for bias.
if you just post results without sample size or methodology, your "study" isn't worth the paper its printed.
The joke is if they actually did interview 1+ billion people the numbers would be even more frightening. To be a Muslim means to submit, it is a religion that exits only to conquer others. This has remained the case for thousands of years.
Shoo shoo Muhammad
That really does just makes Hitler look like a locked character that you must unlock since he's so overpowered.
>3rd highest GDP in the world with 80 million people takes in 1 million
>Lebanon is a dirtpoor tiny country with a population of 4 million and has taken in 2 million refugees
>Jordan is a dirtpoor country with a population of 5 million and has taken in 2 million refugees
Oh wow, how will Germany ever cope!!!
Maybe if you faggot americans/anglos dont go around helping terrorists or starting wars, there wouldn't be a refugee crisis.
The citation is right there. It's literally in the picture. You can type in that link and go there and see the things that you are bemoaning the lack of.
You are a fucking idiot and every post you make only further embarrasses you. Do yourself a favour and stop arguing because ten seconds of you attempting to defend yourself and failing as miserably as you are is worth more than an hour of me pointing out all the ways your ideology is dumb.
>when you double-down on your mistake in an attempt to retain your pride (on an anonymous imageboard) but only make yourself look more like a retard
Fucking love this game.
Too bad veteran difficulty fucks up some of the more complex mods.
why don't you post what it says in teh link then if you are so confident?
what game is it? The menu looks like some standard 4x shit. I haven't played a 4x game since europa universalis 2 though.
>be objectively wrong
>attempt to dodge admitting your mistake by deflecting to an entirely different line of argument
Say the words you fucking spastic. Say that you were wrong, that you got your numbers wrong because you didn't do the research, that you are not informed on this topic, and that you are talking out your asshole.
>the middle east was a peaceful land of milk and honey until the burger nation attacked
Sure thing sweaty
Hearts of Iron
If you're so interested in this topic, and so committed to a rational and dispassionate appraisal of the issue, why are you unwilling to do even a basic amount of research into what appears to be a significant issue that would merit a response?
Are you, perhaps, not those things? Are you perhaps a dumb ideologue spouting off opinions and then desperately scrambling for ways to cover up the fact that those opinions were formed based off gut reactions and as a result of societal expectations of what you ought to believe, instead of being based off facts and as a result of research?
That doesn't look like 2, they start making new ones? Neat. How is it? Like is the AI decent enough to hold a candle to someone who played lots of 4x? How robust is the ingame glossary and annexes. Can I figure out how to play without going to outside sources?
here a better version
Hearts of Iron IV. More casual than the previous versions but pretty good none the less.
No idea lad, I just watched a stream or two of it as I'm still an EU4 baby.
then people wonder why Sup Forums advocates gassing liberals
I'm not "committed", because I know most people in Europe already are accepting of refugees and don't hold the autistic edgelord views that you do that "hurr durr just let them stay there and die".
I'm just pointing out the stupidity of you treating "surveys" like they are holy gospel, when you don't even know the methodology use or the sample size, and you know any survey or poll could be twisted this way or that to give the outcome you want.
Dang. Well I might give EU4 a try too. I heard a lot about it. My PC just died so i've been on consoles since like mid 2010 since work likes to give those to top performers. About to finish up a new build and i'm eager for some good long games.
I'll give it a try I guess, might pick up the third too, is it any good? I played 2 a lot in the past. it and EU2 were my favorite games next to civ4. My email partner probably wondered where the fuck I disappeared to, now that I think about it.
Sup Forums pls go
You know most of them are from north Africa, right?
Many people are just abusing the system because Europe has no way to control migration and just let in anyone brown.
Iraq was a stable secular country without terrorism before america invaded
syria was a stable secular country without terrorism before america started supporting terrorist groups and arming them
You're an idiot if you fail to see how this is america's fault. But no, its just easier to blame arabs and brown people, america dindu nuffin!!!
AI is somewhat bad even with Veteran difficulty if you are playing as any major country. Choosing a smaller country and taking on major countries can be very rewarding though.
It's pretty easy once you learn every menu and tab. Combat is extremely simplified if you let the AI handle it according to your battle plans/lines but manually giving orders makes the game very, very easy as you can easily exploit pockets of enemy troops.
Once you get bored of vanilla however, there are plenty of mods ranging from alternative history scenarios to gameplay tweaks.
There's an exploit though where you kill your own workers, I've seen people go way over 6 mil using that
The refugees can "drop in the ocean" , if you know what I mean.
>You know most of them are from north Africa, right?
and how does that change the fact that there are many legitimate refugees fleeing from isis? If you wanted to, you could easily differentiate iraqis/syrians from africans, they speak a completely different language/dialect
>I'm not "committed", because I know most people in Europe already are accepting of refugees and don't hold the autistic edgelord views that you do that "hurr durr just let them stay there and die".
This is not an argument.
>when you don't even know the methodology use or the sample size
But I do. The sample size is literally written right fucking there in the infographic, and the methodology is available at the link.
>and you know any survey or poll could be twisted this way or that to give the outcome you want.
Yes, COULD BE. Could be =/= is. You are the same as the fucking conspiracy theorists who assert that because something may be possible that means it definitely happened. You have zero fucking evidence that this survey is anything other than wholly accurate - in point of fact, this survey has been accepted as wholly accurate ever since it came out in fucking 2013. It's widely cited and scarcely criticised because there's literally nothing wrong with it - except that you disagree with it, so therefore it's deeply flawed and there's a conspiracy covering that up.
I trust this survey because I have read the report and I have read the criticism of the report and I have done the fucking research.
You distrust this survey because you don't like the results.
Let the record show who the fucking idiot is.
>Sup Forumstard thinks its edgy because it wants people to die, and then wonders why everyone hates it
>Iraq was a stable secular country without terrorism before america
>claims he is on the "right side of Sup Forums" (which is retarded in the first place)
>the entire thread is mocking his shitty arguments and telling him to fuck off
Guys, either talk about Hearts of Iron or take it to Sup Forums. This game doesn't even have anything to do with Syrian refugees.
Kaiserreich coming through. Fuck the syndicalists.
If every Muslim on the planet dropped dead right now the world would objectively improve in ways you couldn't possibly imagine.
SASUGA Sup Forums , we've been through this already.
>Iraq was a stable secular country without terrorism before america invaded
Any where, any place, if you want your "study" to be taken seriously, you must provide proof you reduced bias through randomisation and blinding, and using non-biased survey questions.
Does your article show that? The onus is on you to prove you're not full of shit if you want to be taken seriously.
Do you even have a degree in anything? I'm pretty sure this is basic stuff in first year of most courses.
I was in your boat a month ago before I finished my build.
Except I had outright stopped playing games rather than move to console.
I could say the same thing about if every american dropped dead.
European authorities don't care apparently, they are letting many undesirables inside their countries wich limits how many legitimate refugees they can ultimately take.
>Divide a region in such a way that ethnic/religious conflicts are invevitable
>When those conflicts happen, earn money by supporting both sides
>Start sperging out when people fleeing from those conflicts come to europe
What did the west mean by this
>Authoritarian democrat
>Elections never
Where does the democracy come in?
it absolutely was ,the Iranian revolution was US backed and started their trend of fucking with the middle east, there were coups and such before but that really through shit into overdrive especially given how out of nowhere it came
>the american invasion didn't destabilise the entire region and world and create a massive power vacuum and magnet for terrorism
Even your dumbass president admits this, how massively in denial or ill-knowledged do you have to be?
Why has Sup Forums "been through this" at all? Video games.
>Even your dumbass president admits this
Which one? Unlike Germany we don't have an eternal dictator.
a friend of mine who is over 40 and father of 2 literally thinks like the people in that comic
self inflicted white guilt is worse than any middle eastern threat.
These Sup Forumstards should just play the Millenium Dawn mod.