Is it true you need connection to get job in video games industry?

Is it true you need connection to get job in video games industry?

Only if you're dumb and talentless.

it's really easy to network
anywhere with developers will have a shitton of conventions and conferences

No you just need to cut your penis.

t. working in vidya

Nope. But its nice to know people. I do video work for the industry and I'm only 20.
Done video editing jobs for Nintendo, Bethesda, 2K and other places.
I'm mates with a few ex GameSpot UK employees and good with the DigitalFoundry guys.

it can take as much as half a year to find a position in these kind of jobs.
programmers for military companies have to undergo a half a year-long interviews because of security tests

Nah. Being minority is more important.

Is it true that Nene is a slut?

dumb nene poster

You need connections to get any job. Well, technically you don't but it makes the process a thousand times easier.

How do you think she got her position?

The only thing in mind is to never ever fall for the Game Design degree meme. Nobody with a formal game design formation has ever made a relevant game.

You need to be on conventions and be as pretentious as possible. You also have to be very active on social media.
With that you can make a lot of connection and even land a job as an "idea guy"
A friend of mine literally did that. That's no life for me fortunately

There are no male in Eagle jump.

That artist still can't draw hands properly

Hands look fine, what are you talking about?

I was gonna say they do, judging by the one ruffling the other girl's hair up top, but then I looked at the lower one.

Jesus Christ.



What? The fingers start with the knuckles, they aren't noodly, long, fingers

You don't.

it pays terribly and the industry is insanely crony. Publishers exploit the living shit out of developers. Also, there is a high chance of your game flunking, running out of money before it takes off and you often don't have work after the game is completed.

He probably traced the upper one, just like half of the image.

Is it true you need to be a slut to get job in video games industry?

you just need to know and be good at C++

>video editing
>being in the games industry
You might as well have an HR position

Eww, gross language for old men. Just use C# or JavaScript.