"it's not a bad game but it's a bad [series] game"

>"it's not a bad game but it's a bad [series] game"

It means it's a good game but strays off the series too much. It's a perfectly valid observation, you dumb frogposting mouthbreather.

Hitman: Absolution
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts

nah, these were both bad games

Nuts and Bolts is undeniably a great game

Dark Souls II & III


Name ONE person who said this.

Donald J. Trump

RE4, for sure.

that one guy who reviewed fallout 4 on steam

Yo mama

Everybody who defends Skyward Sword

If it's a bad (Series) game, and it is in fact, a (Series) game, does that not automatically make it just A Bad Game.

I've said it about games (banjo nuts and bolts)

A game is good when it accomplish Les what it sets out to do and meets a variety of objective goals set by standards at the time.
If you make a fucking sequel, you're setting out to make another title in a series with not only pre established standards by fans, but also a similar style of gameplay or at least familiar elements.
So no. good game but bad X game is completely retarded because if it was a good game it'd be a Good X game as well as that is one of it's goals to meet as a fucking sequel.

But it is a good game, just not a good zelda game.

that was me! Bad game that actually strayed off the fallout 1 open world.

RE4 and the last 2 3D Zeldas.

Pat Boivin about Dark Souls 2.

what if it sets out to be a bad game

Fallout New Vegas

>X Series is mostly 8/9 score average
>Game in X series is 7.5
>Is not a bad game but it's a bad X game

wow so hard to grasp

Max Payne 3. Fuck those who says Fallout 4. It's a shit game, nobody would care about that garbage if it's name wasn't Fallout.

Failing to meet the expectation set by predecessors is a valid criticism, sperg frog.

Max Payne 3
Shadow of Mordor

A game can have a high score and still not fit into the series well, if judged by all of the prior series conventions than botw would be a terrible game but it still got good reviews.

Jeremy Arbuckle

It means the person was expecting something that played to the series' unique selling points and instead got a decent game that wasn't exactly what they wanted. It's a completely understandable criticism.

Every fucking day the same thread.

Came here to post this. This is quite literally the perfect example of OP.

Jackie chan

It was also just a shit game.
Granted, the mechanics were there and worked well, but everything else about it was just plain terrible.
Story was a clusterfuck, the missions were boring and they should've never gone open world. It's like they perfected the gameplay mechanics but forgot about everything else.

What can I say? Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter is a great game on its own, but as a BoF game?

>It's a completely understandable criticism

And that's exactly why it must be memed until it's nothing more than shitposting fuel. This shithole won't stop till all forms of valid criticism, common sense, logic, and empathy are turned into memes and shitposting becomes the only posting.

no it's not
if it's a good game then it's a good series game

No it's not. If someone comes along and releases a fucking Devil May Cry Tactical RPG, it won't matter if it's a perfectly serviceable Tactical RPG. I'm still gonna get mad.

If I wanted to play Tactical RPGs I'd buy Jagged Alliance or some shit.

>minecraft wont go past the start button no matter how much i press it
So. Glitch or borked?

Fallout 4. Would have been a good game if it was named "Borderlands 3"


Modern Nintendo fans.

>world of warcraft is a good rts series game

Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge. The original NG3 is a different story however.

Recently played through DOOM 3 and Thief 3 for the first time and don't know how anyone can defend those games as anything other than just straight up bad.

If the spin-off is done well and is fun then why would it be a bad [series] game?

F.E.A.R. 2.

Its empty and boring

Max Payne 3

dialogue is written in pure shit while the plot was ripped straight from Man on Fire because old MP plots are too wacky n not noir XD.

Gameplay would be the best of the series if not for >3guns because muh realism

Deus Ex: Invisible War is a common example for this comparison. On the other hand...

>Universal Ammo

Because that's not why people like the series, and fucking with your audience's expectations can and will lead to disappointment.

it fails to deliver the kind of content the franchise is known for, the metric by which all previous games in the franchise were measured

>Thief 3

it's not ThiAf, I have a lot more appreciation for TDS after nu-thief, at least the game still has thief in its mind, the game was ruined by tiny levels thanks to consoles.

Because fans of the series like one thing and the game does something else. People who like Warcraft for its RTS elements aren't gonna like WoW or Hearthstone. So people who were fans of the entire series are now just fans of the (genre) games

Then that would just be a failure in marketing, if they clearly communicate that it's something different then no one would be disappointed.


>acceptable-decent gameplay on its own
>crucial elements that made the game in the first place has been stripped away to adjust for new/wider audience

>if they clearly communicate that it's something different then no one would be disappointed
>we told you we'd made a bad game so you can't be disappointed!

what the fuck is this logic

Warcraft is actually a great example of big departures in gameplay but that still remains fun and good.

>feel like having some Italian food, go to Italian restaurant
>restaurant is explicitly advertised as Italian food
>order spaghetti and meatballs
>get served a Pad Thai instead
>"waiter, I ordered spaghetti and meatballs, not Pad Thai. Also isn't this an Italian restaurant? Why are you giving me Pad Thai?"

People would be disappointed just by virtue of an announcement happening at all, just look at the whole Artifact shitstorm. That game didn't even have a series to be compared to and people were still salty.

The game was ruined more by the city hub than the tiny levels. If the game was just the missions, it would be an "okay" game at best but still not nearly as good as the first two. Adding the padding of the awful and tedious city that adds NOTHING to the game is what ruined it.

If a series does a genre shift out of nowhere that's a pretty valid complaint. Not like I'd expect a retarded frogposter to even attempt to think about something for more than half a second.

People were mad about it because Valve hasn't released anything since forever and it was announced in the middle of a tournament for another game, not because it was a departure in gameplay.

>Adding the padding of the awful and tedious city that adds NOTHING to the game is what ruined it

How so? It's not like they spent much effort in making the city in the first place and even if they didn't, it's not like that it will make the game better anyways because it's a doomed project from the start.

the only thing it did for me was that it made the world much smaller for me because almost everything can be reached from the city hub.

>How so?
Because traversing the city is probably the biggest chunk of the game and it's fucking awful. The missions are inoffensive, the rest of it is actively bad.

>food analogy

It's not a bad game though, turns out the DMC turn-based strategy game is actually great.
Would anyone be mad? No, except the illogical retards like you.

C'mon dude, have you watched the announcement? Everyone was losing their shit right up until the words "Card Game" showed up on the screen.

More like incognitodd.jpg

Doesn't make it wrong.

>go to Sporting Goods store
>ask for a cricket bat
>get handed a baseball bat
>"uh I wanted a cricket bat"

>"it's not a good game but it's a good [series] game"
Find me a game where this applies.

You're just talking about bad marketing, not bad games.

food analogies should be a bannable offence tbqh

I guess it didn't tickle me in the wrong place as it did to you or maybe it's because it's my first thief game, I will be replaying all 3 later and I will see if I feel the same way as you do upon replay.

>makes a game that has nothing to do with the original franchise
>perfectly clear that the only thing it has going on with the original franchise are the asserts and the title
>you are illogical for hating blatant jew tricks trying to bait retards who know nothing about the franchise save for it's recognizable title!

fuck off

Because people were expecting Valve to make an actual fucking game

If people are interested in card games they're going to already be invested in Hearthstone or Gwent - and those were mainly successful because they already had ties with other majorly successful franchises

Valve are just being greedy fucks as per usual

Bioshock Infinite. Without the Bioshock name it would be a slightly above average fps that takes its story way too seriously.

But for A Bioshock game it's practically on rails.

Half Life 2

That is impossible by very definition

A good [series] game MUST be a good game at the very least

Dark Souls 3
Everything the fans wanted and its crap

Some game with a strong storyline and references to older games, but nothing comes to mind tbqh.

Everyone who likes DMC but doesn't like turn based strategy games would be annoyed, at the very least.

I'd imagine there is a lot of crossover between the two groups, DMC being known for having a very fast paced active gameplay style and all.


Bad shooter, bad survival horror. But it expanded on the fiction and aesthetic in a great way, which allowed for a great game to be made with DOOM 4.

>a slightly above average fps


Bioshock Infinite was atrocious. I played through the game on 1991 mode and the only time I ever died was to The Ghost of Artificial Difficulty Present. I even got an achievement at the end of the game for not ever buying anything from the vending machines, because I literally forgot they had a purpose since Elizabeth kept handing me free shit every 10 seconds. I never even used ironsights because hip-firing was pinpoint accurate anyway and the AI was fucking retarded. The only entertaining parts were the fights against the "vigor" guys. If it hadn't had the "Bioshock" label, it would've been the most ignored game of its year.

I mean, I don't know from FPS games, but I found it playable at least. Stuff like CoD and battlefield bore me immediately, so infinite was more my speed in terms of combat even if it was lacking in everything else that made Bioshock good.

Mass Effect Andromeda. It's a great game after all the patches but the entitled whiners and nostalgiafags ruined its reputation with their hate campaign. BioWare should have just made it a new sci fi IP and everyone would have loved it.

maybe it's just a shit series

My face is tired.

>battlefield bore me immediately

COD I can understand but battlefield? Even though they might have controversial elements in the later games I still find it pretty fun.

Regardless, the BS:I is a below average FPS and was only regarded as decent by the general public because of the powers you can use.

Play FEAR and the 2 expansions.

skyward sword

>Have to fight shitty walking pinecone boss three times
>Stupid looking monsters inc boss
Only good thing about it was koloktos

Ace Combat Assault Horizon.