If you can't tell what each of those sprites are inspired by you are a massive pleb.
If you can't tell what each of those sprites are inspired by you are a massive pleb
Sorry that I don't play every faggot game that cums on my face like you you fucking queer
all: team fortress 2
1 megaman
2 ness
3 idk
4 cave story
5 that desert thing?
6 that desert thing?
7 idk
8 fat people simulator
9 idk
10 idk
11 idk
12 idk
How did I do?
3 is Final Fantasy VI
11 is Ragnarok Online
the rest is faggy literal who territory
6 sword and sworcery
9 is FFT
Final Fantasy
Cave Story
Final Fantasy Tactics
Ragnarok Online
1: Megaman
2: Mother
3: Final Fantasy
4: Cave Story
5: ???
6: ???
7: ???
8: ???
9: Final Fantasy Tactics?
10: ???
11: ???
12: ???
Without reading replies by other people, in this order:
Final Fantasy, I guess?
Cave Story
No Idea
An absolute shit game for twats
Entire third row is FAR too generic to be recognizable.
No idea, but it looks ugly as sin
Tactical Ogre, I think
Could be many things, including Fez.
1. Megaman
2. Mother
3. Looks familiar
4. Cave Story
5. Looks familiar
6. That shitty looking indie game
7. ???
8. ???
9. ???
10. ???
11. Ragnarok Online
12. ???
Is 6 Gods Will Be Watching?
Final Fantasy or Romancing Saga
Cave Story
Breath of Fire IV
Final Fantasy Tactics
wow how the fuck did I not realize 3 was FF
1. I wana be the goy
2. harvets men
3. spice station 13
4. kobe's story
5. shower wit ur dad simulatro
6. jorney
7. megoman battle nettwok
8. american simulator
9. Final Fantasy Tactics.
10. wtf is this bro
11. ragonrock
12. Mein Kraft
Arguably: I think it's a reference to earlier game done by the same artist who used the exact same character design for both. I think it's specifically trying to refer to Sword and Sworcerery though, as it's more notorious of the two.
Is 6 swords and sworcery? I liked the backgrounds and the music but loathe the art on the characters. Pixel wide arms and legs and those heads/necks aren't minimalist or unique, they're lazy trash
6 is sword and sworcery
1) Megaman
2) Mother 2
3) Final Fantasy VI
4) Cave Story
5) no idea
6) Risk of Rain?
7) no idea
8) Breath of Fire IV
9) Megaman Battle Network
10) no idea
11) Ragnarok Online
12) no idea
>games use single pixel arm thickness sprites for no bloody reason except "ITS RETRO YOU GUYS"
honestly the only game I've seen pull it off well is Risk of Rain, where every single damn pixel is used to convey scale. really brings home how much of a twig you are
WHO are these two characters anyway?
I know all but 3.
FF 6
Risk of Rain
Sword and Sworcery
Breath of Fire 4
FF Tactics
I recognize 1 2 3 4 6 9 and 10 but I'm ashamed to say the only one I've played is Cave Story and I didn't even finish it. I didn't enjoy the 3DS controls
What the hell is 5?
Looks more like FF5 than FF6 to me.
Im 90% sure that's ff5 not 6. 6 doesn't have that look at the screen sprite on the left.
1. megaman
2. Earthbound
3. FF
4. CaveStory
5. idk
6. idk, it looks like bit.trip, same as 5
8. Tactics Ogre
9. FFT
10. ?
11. RO
12. idk
The last one reminds me of GraPhig.
I could've sworn Relm's sprite looked like that but you're right.
Single pixel legs like 5 and 6 look like SHIT.
Cave Story (4) looks like SHIT.
>never got the giant enemy crab boss
They should've released it in one of the updates
1) Megaman
2) Mother
3) Final Fantasy 1 - 6
4) Cave Story
Dunno for 5 and 6
7) Dunno
8) Saga Frontier 2
9) FFT
10) Dunno
11) Ragnarok Online
12) No idea
If you know 5 and 6 consider killing yourself with that SJW garbage
what's SJW about sword and sworcery
5, 6, 7, 10 and 12 are indie trash for sure
dumb Sup Forumsposter.
what the fuck is 12
I only recognize 1-6
the others look like 'rpg tactical' games like sameface fire emblem
12 is funko pops
fake nerds s mh
so 7 and 10 are the only ones remaining
Ive definitely seen 7 before but it's not a game I've played
10 almost looks like layton
Anything except the first 4 are games for plebs.
Do I have to know who the hell those people are as well, or is it the opposite in that case.
>no metal slug
they dun goofd
If you know any past the first four you're the massive pleb with shit taste.
>inspired by
They're literally ripped from games and edited in photoshop.
12 is something related to 箱ドット / hakodot, but I assume this isn't a game.
I think I figured out 7 but I can't remember the details
it was a game with a lot of pink and purple, you fought really hard bosses, and it had a techno soundtrack, came out about a year ago
not transistor
>final fantasy
>cave story
>sword and sworcery
>Final fantasy tactics/ tactics ogre
hyper light drifter / furi
There's nothing sjw about sword and sworcery, but there's also nothing "video game" about it either. It's just an interactive picture book.
It's sjw trash and you are cancer for defending it
megaman, earthbound/mother, FF6 but you fucked up the one on the left pretty good, cave story, dont know, dont know, dont know, FFTA, FFT, dk, ragnarok, dk
I have failed.
I figured it out just as I refreshed the page, and that means we have all 12
1) Megaman
2) Mother
3) Final Fantasy 5
4) Cave Story
5) Risk of Rain
6) Sword and Sorcery
7) Furi
8) Saga Frontier 2
9) FFT
10) Professor Layton
11) Ragnarok Online
12) Funko Pops
>risk of rain
Lolwut, nice bait
I only know 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8
The Acrid is clearly a metaphor for a strong woman of color.
>It's a indie game, therefore It's somehow related to SJW
1: mighty #9
2: undertale
3: dragon quest
4: momodori
5: gay hipster shit
6: gay hipster shit
7: k-on
8: some kind of tranny simulator
9: tictacs
0: monkey people
11: maple story
12: legos
>all the plebs shitting on risk of rain itt
Faggots the lot of you
1. Alex Kidd
2. Undertale
3. Final Fight
4. Undertale
5. Pokemon
6. Risk of Pain
7. Animal Crissing
8. Golden Son
9. Burger Time
10. Reddit
11. Xenoblade
12. Roblox
Are you STILL viral marketing that shitty game?
Can someone actually name the shitty indie games faggot OP included?
It's ok user, you just have a case of shit tastes
I don't know 5, 6, 7 or 10.
>If you know games you're a massive pleb especially Ragnarok
How to spot the underage