Have you ever gotten into game just because the girls were hot (besides the most glaringly obvious fapbait like Senran...

Have you ever gotten into game just because the girls were hot (besides the most glaringly obvious fapbait like Senran Kagura)?

Only if the game has lolis.

I intend to pick up hat in time for just that reason

Yes, I'm terrible at these types of games.
But the story is decent and the music god tier.

yes new tomb raider I liked it


my dick bought this

Only if i know the gameplay is also at the very least decent.
I wont play a shit game no matter how hot the girls are

I bought Dragonia on Steam for a dollar. It's not a good game.

Often. When I make purchases with my head I'm often disappointed since it turns out not quite how I expected.
When I make purchases with my dick I'm never disappointed since I know exactly what I'm going to get.

If you don't think that falls directly under "glaringly obvious fapbait" you're a literal retarded nigger.

>If you are not 18 years old, Do not download the game plz,Because there are R18 content in the game.
oh ok





It was well fucking worth it though

yes, that's one of the main draws for trying out games for me nowadays. That said, i don't actually play them to any sort of completion

It's basically the only reason I bought sigma start saga as a kid. It turned out to be pretty alright

More if the game has a character creator.
I love games with cc.

That's why I picked up Odin Sphere. I'm sure there were others, but I can't remember.