>buying a mediocre licensed game just because it's best character is playable
I seriously hope you guys don't do this because I will and have no regrets.
Buying a mediocre licensed game just because it's best character is playable
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>another IM SUCH A WEEB XD thread
I put a ps4 on layaway for this....
Good thing it's one of the least weeb shows in recent times.
I will buy this and a PS4 to play it on.
But best girl was already announced playable and made me buy the game.
>explorable Luna Nova
>play as the best girls
>Dragon Crown lite
It's not that bad.
>buying a mediocre licensed game just because it's best character is playable
that could describe every Bandai-Namco game. They just make cheap licensed shit of popular anime and profit endlessly.
but can you fug sucy?
But Ursula isn't playable
She has a sidequest, so hopefully.
the graphics look pretty good desu
why can't all anime shit look like this? I know the arcsys stuff is too tall an order but this one looks simple enough
The actual gameplay doesn't look to hot and the animation looks cheap. Points for trying I guess.
Gonna pirate it and decide if it's worth a buy or not.
It probably isn't.
>shill a bad character as being the best fucking thing ever conceived
>the fans fall for it
How did Trigger manage it?
Trigger drones will eat anything they shit out.
She better have a ton of /m/ references.
Yuritards. They also killed best boy's plot and relevance.
I dunno, the animation seems like they did that on purpose to make it look like the anime
>they put shoes on the brown witch
preorder cancelled
I just hope there's special idle animations for the characters. That would go a long way to flesh out the characters.
that's not how you spell sucy OP
Delete this now.
>Gas Mask Sucy
They knew what they were doing.
It's referenced in the game too.
Why so many PS4 posts? Sonybro shilling? You guys realize that this is coming out on Steam, right?
I wonder if we'll see the dungeon from the OVA. Would be great fanservice.
What sport do they even play on the field?
Magic polo if one of the ED slides is to be believed.