This campaign is fucking terrible. Are the next two parts the same?

This campaign is fucking terrible. Are the next two parts the same?

nah they're much worse

for fuck sake. good thing i torrented first.

Depends on how much you like hero units

>Are the next two parts the same?
They're fucking awful. The Zerg are my favourite sci-fi race and i'll never forgive blizzard for what they did in hots

Worth it for Abathur and Alarack. They're both shorter anyway.

HotS - Half the missions are the Kerrigan hero rolling around and fighting bosses, a lot of the upgrade system is centered around Kerrigan.
LotV - Defense missions. You like defense missions? DEFENSE. MISSIONS.


What you do is you rush to the zerg mind control tower research and then cheese every remaining zerg-involved mission (which is only a few, granted)

Lore wise it will get worse as you go on

i actually thought Wings of Liberty was the best campaign, weird that you didn't like it user.
the nova missions are kinda fun, if you can get them at a discount

So Kerrigan was Darth Vader?

No, she's Jesus. She literally becomes a god.

kind of that but in reverse

>nah they're much worse

sadly this

second is a like a mexican soap with jim and kerrigan and the third kerrigan goes super sayajin

The mind control tower is only good for toying around in repeat runs and possessing ultralisks before they got the frenzy effect in Lotv. The one that slows down all Zerg units in the area is better.

Darth Vader was jesus, remember his mother was a virgin?

shmi is a lying slut
vader's dad was a sexbot filled with the collective spunk of mos espa's males

I liked them HotS was stupid easy with Kerrigan. I enjoyed the LotV unit changing option, and the spear was fun too

>Caring about the story
>not making meme comps to have fun
Baka desu senpai

what's so terrible about it?

underage kids crying about the story instead of discussing the gameplay.

zerg not so much

the protoss is pretty decent imo

I love the spear main for the reconstruction beam. It partly fixes my issue with the Protoss of being unable to heal themselves.

The campaign still has a notable gameplay issue of having no missions of destroying a big enemy base (natually, not through story objectives like one of the last missions in WoL) and the A.I sending preset waves at you instead of what they can afford. Crippling the computer's economy and watching them send smaller units at you is a lot of people's favourite thing about SC1.

>playing the sc2 campaign for the story

are you for real? The story was always trash, like all blizz games. But the missions are a ton of fun, loved it. hots had the most fun missions of them all. Legacy of the void was boring.

WoL was alright if you squint at it. Heart of the Swarm is actually complete shit though gameplay wise.
It was terribly balanced around Kerrigan's MOBA abilities.

StarCraft 2s campaign is objectively better than 1 in terms of mechanics. Not story obviously.

The next two games are much worse.

>in terms of mechanics.
Sometimes. It gets tiring when an entire mission is built around the new unit. And then the unit is almost completely fucking useless from then on. Like the Diamond Backs.

Wings of Liberty at best is a mix of atmospheric and "comfy".
Heart of the Swarm makes you have a brain aneurysm in the opening cutscene, then become tolerable for a few missions until it becomes absolute fucking shit.
Legacy of the Void has absolutely nothing going on. It either makes you press the uninstall button a few missions in or become depressed because of how uninteresting it can be later.

>Like the Diamond Backs.

Those always confused me

>Not into multiplayer since can't do the APM needed to not get ass kicked in 5 minutes (refused to buy anything until all 3 campaigns were out and other casuals dropped the game after the first few years)
>Convinced the Diamond Backs were a multiplayer focused units due to the micro needed to make them do much and they were just shoehorned into campaign
>Turns out they were never apart of multiplayer.

Only use I ever had for the things was Stukov's infested versions in Co-op.


you could just keep her in her base for the actual basebuilding missions.

Diamond backs were optional. You could unlock siege tanks before that mission and just blow the trains up.
you could buy marauders with the slow and slow the train down. You could stim marine and kill the train.

I can't imagine fighting HotS Hybrid without her. Lotv ones maybe.

And the mission would have been better if Diamond backs never existed and you needed to think of one of those methods on your own.

Hydra spam is pretty good. that frenzy thing cuts through anything.
the first half of each mission is introducing a unit that can fulfill that mission's niche. Like the hellbat. It's completely useless but the mission that it is introduced in has a fun thematic with them.

hydra spam + enrage is great.

>It's completely useless but the mission that it is introduced in has a fun thematic with them.

I wish Firebats were useful in that mission. I thought they'd be good in bunkers but the range is just a bit too short in bunkers. I just end up going marine, medic, and reaper.

I saved the mission right until I got wraiths just so I could do tacticool strikes at night and cheese the achievement.
It was pretty cool watching 20 wraiths do airstrikes on single structures and oneshotting them.
You could buy the bunker upgrade that made them increase their range by 1.

It's not a complete game if the story is shit. Enjoy your overpriced UMS

>You could buy the bunker upgrade that made them increase their range by 1.

That's the second upgrade I buy after the marine shields. It doesn't help. The infested marines just barely outrange the firebats and rip apart the bunker.

>story is shit
the side missions with ariel hanson, collecting artifacts for mobius were great.

What I did was charge the firebats out at the marines, crisp them and then retreat back so that medics could heal me.its kinda goofy but yeah. Firebats are pretty useless overall.