Remember that time Solidus did something wrong?
Me neither
Remember that time Solidus did something wrong?
Me neither
If he had done nothing wrong, he wouldn't have gotten beaten by some twink that had just picked up a sword earlier that day, while crazy ais laughed condescendingly at the both of them
this, sadly.
if he hadn't got cocky and give Raiden a sword, he wouldn't have got himself killed.
Solidus wasn't smart enough to win
Remember that time Solidus voice actor died?
Maybe he also shouldn't have killed Raiden's parents either. Or done the whole child soldier thing.
Yeah, R.I.P. I'm still kind of bummed they didn't go for John Cygan to play Big Boss instead of Kiefer Sutherland.
It wasn't his fault. It's LITERALLY in his nature
>It wasn't his fault
The fact it's not his fault doesn't mean he didn't do anything wrong.
Like a child molester, it's not his fault for having a mental illness but he still does terrible things and he must be punished for it.
>I didnt play mgs1
Same, hell I'd even take Richard Doyle over Sutherland
>Richard Doyle
That would have been even better. I can only see him ass Old Boss, but atleast we'd recognize him.
>I didn't play mgs2
>child molester
>mental illness
I wouldn't say those have to be together always. I have a mental illness but I'm not a fucking pedo.
Nobody said that.
All child molesters have mental illness, but not the other way around.
user, there are many different kinds of mental illnesses.
>no Liquid Snake spin-off
>no Solidus Snake spin-off
>no Philanthropy spin-off
>no Raiden game between MGS2 and MGS4
>no Boss/Cobra Unit spin-off
>no MSX metal Gear remakes
>no MGR2
>here's your co-op horde survival game re-using MGSV's assets though
I actually hadn't heard about this, holy shit
John Cygan was my favourite vidya VA just for Solidus and Canderous.
Don't forget the pachislot reboot
Just let it go, user. The world is better off without snakes.
>wanting anything original without Kojima
Remakes would be the ONLY thing they could do to win true MGS fans back
>no other man who declined absolute power
That's not true. There is that Roman senator who retired and became a farmer, then was made dictator in order to repell an invasion. Once it was over, he went back to being a farmer.
>no Liquid Snake spin-off
I will never be able to die happy knowing this.
Call me naive, but I still feel like the MSX remakes can happen. That is to say it feels like the only thing out of all that.
Just wanted to say: I like your sunglasses.
After V, I'd like to see what the MGS team could do now that Kojimbo isn't trying to make an overblown interactive movie. It might be shit but then we could just say the last good MGS was 4
>Deepest lore
This is why MGS2 the first time you played it was the best game you could own and play.
Sorry you had to find out like this, I found out a month ago when someone linked me to a Yong video about it. A shitty way to find out.
V's gameplay is the most fun I've ever had with a video game. Sure it was a bad MGS game but I think it deserves a spot with the big boys
>>wanting anything original without Kojima
Honestly I'm sure an enjoyable Metal Gear experience is more than possible without Kojima with the right people involved. Especially given the direction he took with Peace Walker and The Phantom Pain I'm sure others could do just as well if not better.
But I also enjoyed Portable Ops more than Peace Walker so I probably just have shit taste.
Kojima isn't 100% responsible for what was good about MGS even if he gets all the credit.
But Kojima isn't the only one that left
Thanks, Snake.
Fukushima did alright, and no gave his game shit
To bad he's wasting his talents at some desk job for Sony
I actually enjoyed Peace Walker more than the MGSV saga. It was a better MGSV than GZ/TPP was in my opinion. Could have ended the series there and it would have been perfect. Guess they didn't want to end it on a handheld.
It's a travesty we never got a Solidus game set in the 80's, expanding on both he and Raidens backstory. Pisses me off honestly. Instead we get MGSV: The Phantom Plot, a game about literally nothing.
Liberian war was in the 90s, Solidus was still a kid in the 80s, being groomed by the Patriots.
The Patriots were the heroes.
Humanity doesn't deserve free will.
Peace Walker would have been a bad place to end it. Too many loose ends and unexplained things between it and MG1.
>cygan is dead
>the voice of the president who was also vorador from legacy of kain is also dead
man fuck this
What they should have done was cap it a MGS4. I thought Peace Walker was fine, but I see you have a point. It's still 21 years until the Outer Heaven Uprising.
I've played through (and loved) every metal gear except 3. Is the 3ds port any good? I don't have a lot of time for console games but I spend a lot of time on planes.
3 is the best one, but the only thing the portable version has over the others is crouchwalking and a custom camo gimmick
Play the HD/Legacy versions
So you say it has that over the other versions. Does it do anything wrong? I'm not sure I should buy a vita for the HD remakes
Wrong. Solidus says his command over Raiden and the small boy unit took place in the 1980's.
I always assumed Solidus had accelerated aging considering he looks identical to Old Big Boss.
You don't own a ps3 or 360?
I do, and I have the HD collection, but most of my gaming is done on a plane. I travel a lot for work.
>there are brainlets STILL hate MGS2 to this day because "le raiden was a bitch"
MGS2 might have been Kojimbles magnum opus.
>I always assumed Solidus had accelerated aging considering he looks identical to Old Big Boss.
He does. Don't forget Solidus is younger than Solid/Liquid.
Most under utilised character in the franchise
would of great to see him and big boss get into a situation or something
It's uglier and Snake looks more "grizzled" than he should
Look, as a longtime fan, all I have to say is that if you have the option between the console and handheld versions for a first time run, the console version is the better experience. Especially considering that MGS3 is the best game in the series imho.
If I were in your shoes, I would wait until my flights were done for a while so I could really sink my teeth into it. I'd say it's worth it.
Someone got the years wrong when they wrote the script, first Liberian war was from 1989 to 1996, and second from 1999 to 2003.
Liquid and Solid were 12 in 1984, so Solidus couldn't have been much older than that, and somehow I don't see them taking the risk of giving him accelerated aging that speeds up puberty, and even his brothers aged normally until they hit 30s and their accelerated aging began.
Yes Liquid and Solid dont know thats you are also BB clone even though you look just like him, dont worry mr president no one watches the news anymore.
I don't know if I should defend Snake by saying he spent years isolated in Alaska, or also point out that he didn't realize Master Miller is a different person, even with all the slip-ups from Liquid.
IQ of 180, my ass.
I think I'll take your advice, thanks.
now to find something else to play for my next 8 hours on a plane
Liquid knew he was a test tube baby from the get-go. Solid didn't and his first interaction with Big Boss was when he was in his Sean Connery years.
As for Solidus getting away with the George Sears presidency I leave that up to Patriot information control and bad writing.
Anyone excited about the Metal Gear Solid movie?
I was never too crazy about Richard Doyle and I don't understand why the MGS fanbase is so obsessed with him. Whenever I replay the 2D Metal Gears, I always imagined Big Boss sounding like John Cygan.
>Anyone excited about the Metal Gear Solid movie?
Not really. We already have five MGS movies.
After GITS and Death Note, I'm more scared than excited for anything.
4 movies and a mixtape actually.
I don't want this. I don't need this.
I just want the series to rest.
Sorry to ask, but I'm curious about what kind of job would that be.
I work in IT / Big data. Most of my job is flying to a client, setting shit up, and flying back. I hate it so hopefully one day I won't have to travel anymore.
What kind of notebook do you use for gaming?
It's going to be dog shit and you know it
I have a gaming PC at home, for work I use a MBP. Can't run shit except emulators.
usually take a swtich / 3ds with me when I travel for something to do
>that had just picked up a sword earlier that day
confirmed for not having played the game
When was Raiden ever shown using a sword before the one he got from Olga?
He'd literally write what films he was ripping off for particular scenes in the borders of mgs2's script
When he was a child soldier
You do realize that he never wanted to kill raider and realized that he had fallen into the patriots trap right? He loved raiden and wanted to him to see first hand why the patriots needed to be stopped.
The duel was his last lesson to him. Solidus literally did nothing wrong.
>making an mgs fan the director of the mgs movie
literally the worst decision they could have made
this, mgs2 is a brainlet filter on a lot of levels
>Fukushima did alright, and no gave his game shit
You mean Shinta Nojiri. Fukushima had nothing to do with the GAMEPLAY of Metal Gear GB.
As a child soldier he used an AK rifle and a knife.
>was nicknamed Jack the Ripper
Probably because of his shooting skills, right?
original jack the ripper didn't use a sword either
Did you just forget the scene in MGS2 where Snake is like, "Here kid this is some superior Japanese steel. Flail the thumbsticks around for a minute as you've never used a sword before."
>African Civil War
>Not having a machete
Jack the Ripper, the original killer, used a knife to butcher women, so what makes you think only a sword can earn him that nickname?
Besides, a sword would be a bit too clumsy for a short kid, no matter what anime may tell you.
Why would Snake, who on record hated knives/blades, know anything about using a katana?
and Raiden didn't kill prostitutes in Whitechapel, that's the funny thing about nicknames
Why would he hate them? They're useful.
He literally say's "never was a fan of knives" in that scene. Snake got triggered by a lot of shit BB used, it's why Snake totally was a cqc expert in mgs 1, 2 and the MSX games but only decided to use it in 4
The phone twists are retarded. Like Ocelot being not gru but kjb and cia. Aparently Kojima think is clever to design a character as an enemy that tries to kill you 4 times and then revealing that he was helping you.
Ocelot either pretends to be retarded anytime he comes close to killing Snake or else something prevents him before he can even get that far. Did you not pick up on the significance of Ocelot saving a "special bullet" for Snake that turns out to be a blank?
It's kgb, not kjb, dude.
I actually liked the whole idea about the agent whose true alliance one doesn't know, it shows how convoluted a spy game taken too far can become, that you can't really trust anyone.
>in his nature
the entire point of these games is its memes not genes
I think my problem with MGSV is that it only answered a handful of things (Huey/Strangelove, how no one noticed Big Boss making an army in South Africa or why he survived MG1, or what happened to Zero), and everything else was either a tossaway or pointless to the overall series. Plus Peace Walker had grinding, but it was a portable game with short missions that facilitated this; MGSV outstays its welcome despite great gameplay, and stonewalls you in truly fiendish ways just to fulfill more game time than actual practical design reasons, on top of repetitive kidnappings being the entire heart and soul of the gameplay after a point.
With Ocelot not really being much like Ocelot, Venom Snake being nothing more than a decoy, and Liquid and Mantis faffing about with their unfinished plotline just to fill an obligatory wink to the fans, the game could've really done a whole lot more. Like, y'know, not been about a body double and actually started the origins of FOXHOUND, instead of building up the Diamond Dogs who never really get any resolution besides fanon theory that they'd become the Outer Heaven mooks.
What about his boss battle? Those are not blancs
It would work if it wasnt nonsense
>besides fanon theory that they'd become the Outer Heaven mooks.
It's blatantly obvious they became Outer Heaven from MG1 but yeah MGSV was wasted potential
Ocelot would have found some contrived way to get out of that situation if The Pain hadn't interrupted, that was before he promised his mam he wouldn't kill Snake too
There's also the fact he's a literal teenager in mgs3 which essentially explains all of his retarded behaviour
>even with all the slip-ups from Liquid.
What slip-ups?
the whole Snake having a 180 IQ and knowing like ten languages is filler material from old, old canon back when BB was Japanese-British
So ocelot is suposed to help snake cause hes adam and yet he never tells snake that eve is not who it should be
Its so badly written.
The patriots being zero and sigint cmon
Then who are the philosophers from the american branch?
>So ocelot is suposed to help snake cause hes adam and yet he never tells snake that eve is not who it should be
Throughout the game Ocelot never really gets good one-on-one time with Snake, as even in the interrogation room or the WIG, Eva and/or The Boss is there. It's implied that Snake figured out on his own anyway, which is why he was able to outsmart Eva and doesn't hold things personal with Ocelot.
>The patriots being zero and sigint cmon
there's plenty of foreshadowing for it
>Then who are the philosophers from the american branch?
Killed by Zero