Except for the city any other setting is generic as fuck

>except for the city any other setting is generic as fuck
Anyone else disappointed by this? I'm fucking tired of the desert and forrest setting, the ice level looked so fucking bad. Literally one of the most generic looks for an ice level you can imagine.

Are you implying the city isn't generic? I hope you aren't.

What about the food world and the cap world? Those looked neat.

We saw like 3 seconds of the ice level the fuck you on?

Also that island forest looks pretty unique, and so is the beach level

And you call the low poly one generic?

In fact I think the city level is the most generic of all

A realistic looking city is really unique for a platformer.
>We saw like 3 seconds of the ice level the fuck you on
Why did they show just ice and mist though?

tomb raider still has some of the best ice levels

any other game or series with good ice levels? I like ice levels

Because it's the gimmick of the ice level? In fact blizzardy ice levels in 3D platformers are rare too, I can't think of one off the top of my head

The forest level with the machinery looks exactly like Planet Wisp from Sonic Colors

I rather liked the ice areas in Half-Life 2: Episode 3.

The good stuff will be DLC. Don't forget to buy the season pass and get early access to Hard difficulty.

Ice Cap
Ice Cap(Sonic Adventure)
Ice Mountain
White Acropolis
Press Garden act 2

Me too. And when you find in the Borealis? AMAZING

Not blizzardy/misty enough

I'm the complete opposite. I thought most of it looked great but the realistic city is so ugly and clashes so badly with the cartoon art style that it instantly reminds me of Sonic 06.

Those aren't that misty

I wouldn't mind more worlds added later on desu

The city level looked at least three times as good as any other level in terms of literally everything so you just have bad taste.

I mean its an ice-desert a day of the dead and Aztec theme.
The forest is actually an indoor garden filled with factories and a spooky under-canopy area.
Also they showed the ice level of less then 30 seconds but even then it seamed like a earth's pole arctic desert always in a heavy blizzard.
I honestly can't think of another game with these sorts of setting.

Actually I get it. Your worried that because of what they've shown the game will turn out as the irrefutable game of the year. Nintnedo always wins baby! Stay mad!

That you felt the need to bring in console wars at the end of your post just invalidates your entire opinion.

>absolutely no meaning: the post
you might want to try giving some form of explanation to your mindset next time. the city level looks like a default GMOD map and the clash of art styles is hilariously bad

The fact that op didn't explain his reasoning invalidate his opinion. Its called a mere assertion fallacy. I explained why the areas didn't look generic therefore my opinion was valid and his wasn't. lmao scrub

Isn't that the point?
That Mario is going to places he's never been before, each with their own unique artstyle?

>3D platformers

>that city doesn't look cartoony too him

Never been to the big city have ya little guy?

Maybe that's the case in the african american school of rhetoric but certainly not in any other circles.

I've lived in Chicago for 20 years.
That would be a really cool concept if Mario changed with each art style, life if he became a tall normal realistic looking plumber in the city, but the seeing that little frumpy dwarf next to a life sized normal modern man just looks hilariously stupid.

>Everyones excited that it looks like Mario is finally taking a stylistic departure from the squeaky clean and generic mushroom kingdom revisits we've been getting since NSMB DS
>Forest level with it being in a dome displaying a forest looks like it was literally 1:1 ripped out of Splatoon
>Every level besides the realistic city is pretty much standard fair for mario bros
It still looks like an alright game but I was fucking ready for each world to be a fucking massive departure

>modern man
Jesus you really don't go outside much do you?

The game is going to be polished as fuck and fun to play. Can't wait to see this place be the same old "bitch about the popular thing" echo chamber that it always is. The tears are delicious.

imagine getting checkmated in an online argument so hard you had to pretend the basics of academic logical reasoning didn't exist you opponent was in a demographic you dislike just to cope with your loss
good job user, don't let the door hit you on your way out lol

>normal modern man
>Some user pops out of a time capsule from the 1940's and just immediately starts shitposting on Sup Forums

>modern men don't wear suits in a city
I think you're just projecting your lack of life experience.

Imagine something more pathetic than self assuring your win in an online argument. You win an argument by either getting the other party to agree or by public shaming of the audience. The former almost never happens on Sup Forums.

>every platformer has a vibrant, low poly food world
huh, never knew

Mario is supposed to be out of place.
It's why he has purchasable outfits.

I dunno, man. I'd say a spooky town whose residents are hats and almost everything is hat-shaped is pretty interesting. They all look pretty good in their own ways. It stands to be seen how they actually are, however.
>69 Moons in the Sand world
It sounds like it may be the spiritual successor to DK64.

Concern trolling
I give this shitpost a 2/10