Other CRPGs like tyranny?

CRPG noob here,.

I just finished Tyranny and loved it, its the first CRPG that I actually finished because it wasn't bogged down by a ridiculous amount of bloat and shit-tier grinding and side quests.

Usually I prefer turn-based combat but the real-time combat actually kept the game well paced as you could quickly kill enemies whilst still being challenging enough (on the harder difficulty) to make it more than just a time-waster.

The shorter narrative in exchange for more meaningful choices was also great, and reminded me of why I love the Way of the Samurai series.

Are there any other CRPGs that has a similarly tight narrative and good combat or is Tyranny a first?

Also before the SJW-tards show up, the game gives you a bunch of meaningful choices over how much you want to tolerate that.

try pillars of eternity, it's much better

Doesn't PoE have a bunch of unbareable bloat? Or does the writing/story make up for that?

To be honest OP, if you liked tyranny then you have shit taste, I can only recommend to go fuck yourself you fucking piece of shit.

Try the KOTOR games

If you like turn-based combat and difficulty is not an issue for you try Age of Decadence.

Give OP a break, it was his first cRPG.

>hype: you can be the ultimate bad guy
>game: you are actually the good guy

Shadowrun Returns. It's mission based, so very focused with little in the way of side quests. The first game isn't as good as Dragonfall and Hong Kong, but a good start since you liked Tyranny.

It's absurd how Obsidian has made excatly TWO good games and people treat them like their gods and everything they do is masterful.

>Doesn't PoE have a bunch of unbareable bloat?
not anymore, just ignore the backer npc's

Pillars of Eternity is good

Pillars of Eternity doesn't have grinding, but it has a fuckload of side quests. It's much more "bloated" than Tyranny. It's also much better.

>My favorite game is Mask of the Betrayer be sure to check it out. TFW so jaded.
Good for you, be ready to open a vault of CRPGs with classic like Neverwinter Nights and Planescape Torment etc.

Also don't forget to try KOTOR and KOTOR 2.

But I was a bad guy. Really mean and edgy. Tho the game's story wasn't really something good, out of all the moral decisions I only remember that scene where you choke a baby.

>Shadowrun Returns

Good call. I agree with what you said and a lot of people think it's a negative, but for someone who specifically wants a tighter and shorter CRPG it's among better choices.

I dunno, torture and smothering babies as what you are "supposed" to do don't strike me as being the "good guy" in a cRPG. The game lets you choose throughout if you want to be good or evil and doesn't punish you for either route.

Too bad the ending was pretty bad, Act 3 was good but super rushed, as in "we ran out of time and money" rushed.

OP here, im having a look at PoE and it looks like it could be good, even if there is less choice in the main story.

I don't really mind that as long as I feel like I should consider what my character spouts more carefully.

Is there at least more choice within the side-quests? Or is it more "lots of side quests, but theres one route through all of them".

>>hype: you can be the ultimate bad guy

Except that was never the hype. It was "Sometimes, evil wins". Where the game still fails is that for being an evil judge. jury and executioner you simply lack bite. not to mention you're still doing irrelevant bitch work because every rpg needs sidequests.

Try Siege of Dragonspear. It was made for people like you. You can ignore the other BG games (play just the expansion).

There's plenty of choice in Pillars of Eternity. In fact, as far as meaningful choice comes, I'd argue there's more.

For example, have you noticed how in Tyranny, despite the fact you were supposedly evil, there were tons of people you couldn't attack?

In Pillars of Eternity, you can kill every single person you want on sight.

IIRC they actually relased an unfinished game. In an artbook there was concept art for acts 4 and 5. The part that they managed to tape together was really nice though.

>Except that was never the hype.


So much shit taste in this thread, no wonder they're called Obsidiots.

Well that's promising POE sounds great. Do you get consequences outside of "you cant do that quest now", I really liked how killing all of the scarlet chorus in one of the towns was brought up by Tunon why you stand trial.

Except he is completely right. From the beginning you were a mid level executioner of the ultimate evil's will. Never the ultimate evil yourself. The fact that you end up getting strong enough to rival the overlord still pisses me off.

>IIRC they actually relased an unfinished game.

Why that doesn't sound like something obsidian would do at all.

I mean, I think we're all already used to glitchy clusterfuck unfinished games being released. But to actually cut 2 out of fucking 5 chapters? God damn.