Switch deniers.
Are their any left on Sup Forums? They're doing everything right with this console. Its the best home console they've made since the snes.
Switch deniers.
Are their any left on Sup Forums? They're doing everything right with this console. Its the best home console they've made since the snes.
Do you own the best Blackberry?
I didn't think so.
I haven't touched it since I finished BotW, and I probably won't touch it again until Odyssey comes out.
But hey, if you want to play a bunch of trash indie multiplats on the toilet, I guess it's the best way.
>They're doing everything right with this console.
>more shitty gimmicks
Sure thing, drone.
No games
Why switchtards so errierly resemble biblethumpers?
its like switch is holy bible for them
>Switch deniers.
I wonder how the PS4 threads of the same nature were like. Because remember. Sup Forums thought there'd be no PS4 only for the system to blow up like a super nova in their faces.
Just point and laugh. They kiss the feets of big corporations after all.
You're not allowed to say anything positive about PS4 on Sup Forums.
>Are their any left on Sup Forums?
No, just like games on your shitty, underpowered console.
Face it, with expection of retards like you, nobody cares about this shit, even sonygroes.
nice bait
exclusives for the Nintendo Switchâ„¢:
>Mario Odyssey
>Metroid Prime 4
>Zelda Breath of the Wild (exclusive on Nintendoâ„¢ consoles)
>Wolfenstein the New Colossus
>t-t-those don't count!!!!
yeah k boi :^)
>They're doing everything right with this console
Except making games.
you cared enough to reply.
ebin xd
Name 1 game that isn't a port and or shit.
switch is shit so its only fitting people use it on the toilet
>plane makes a turn
>switch flies out of the window
bye bye nintendo switch
Do any of you guys bring sticky tack or something to help make sure that shit doesn't slide when making turns?
>>le no games meme
Since you said making
>Mainline Pokemon
>Xenoblade 2
>Retro's New game
Like I'm sure I missed some too
>hhow you dare to insult my holy console!
Why don't you have airplane mode on?
Don't care. Switch emulator will be out soon.
it's not an insult if it isn't true...
>paid online
Stay cucked, console friends.
not an arguent
>can't even type right
Calm thine butthurt
>insult=saying something objectively wrong
Um no sweetie. Insults have to be true to be effective
>sonypepes so OUT of arguments they need to resort to bland shitposting to trashtalk the swtich
That's like everyone
Says the shitposter posting in a shitposting thread.
>y you butthurt said nervous consolewarrior
>unironically swetieposting
wtf i love Bethesda now
Sonyfags BTFO !
>n-no u
>its wrong if i said so
Sure, drone
>he doesnt play mario kart with girls after class in college
This thing is a chick magnet in my program (finance studentd are all nerds)
Friendly reminder that the PS4 is about to hit 70M by the end of the year and nobody will give a fuck. Tell me why I should celebrate the success of one system and down play another?
It's sad that with 5 exclusives the switch has more than the concurrence.
It almost makes the switch look good.
I do.
Blackberry Priv is sweet dude.
nope, I stopped caring entirely. It doesn't even have enough for me to pick apart or make fun of anymore. It's on the same content drip feed as wii u and I just feel sad that a company I saw as the fucking defining face of video games and someone I could trust to always have at least enjoyable games, has fallen to having a device that's so shit it doesn't even have netflix or youtube capabilities. There's no way normal people will ever buy it. What does that mean? It means the lowest common denominator won't be on the switch. And that means that in time, large publishers will tell their developers to stop developing for the switch as there's no money to be made.
>muh sony
Maybe if I post a laughing image and say kiddie comebacks, people will see past me getting BTFO.
You did care to type this entire paragraph. Stay mad
Yo where are the games, tho?
>switch is on the verge of getting full blown hacked
>wii u games already run on pc, matter of time switch games run on pc soon
>inb4 someone invents a way to run switch games on wii u via homebrew
fuck nintendo if I'm being perfectly honest
>lowest common denominator wont be on switch
Skyrim and pokemon will bring them
>its true because I said so
Even pretendo yearold sound more insulting than this pathetic shit.
>be sonypepe
>go to nintendo threads to shitpost about the switch
>get told because of it
>so nervious he can't even type OBSESSED properly
The only person who is mad here is you, drone
It won't. It'll bring less people on switch since it's missing all those "new features" of the special edition or skyrim edition whatever it's called now. No mods either and everyone suddenly cares about them.
pokemon might but it's been less and less of a force to younger consumers nowadays. The sales for sun and moon were pretty telling. Go compare them to even black and white and there's a pretty depressing trend of less and less sales to the target demo.
>finance students are all nerds
This is true. Engineer girls are way too stuck up and somehow twice as normie as anyone else
Switch don't got no games. Stop trying to justify your purchase because you're suffering buyer's remorse.
No one is going to buy that 7 year old game
At that 299 dollar price point? Not selling.
>They're doing everything right with this console.
Killing the Wii U
Charging for online
Killing the Wii U
Letting Ubisoft release 6-7gb games on 3gb cards
Killing the Wii U
Everyone is like that on Sup Forums, don't try and pretend that the anime girl picture with PS4 #forthegames and bloodborne phase wasn't fucking bad.
>u mad xd
Grow up, salty manchild
Shut the fuck up you godless heathen. Don't you have to go miscegenate somewhere?
Are you retarded?
Pokemon will sell minimum 4 million, screencap this and weep next year
i am pcbro, not sonygroeyou obsessed retard
Most console players have some sort of weird idolatry for their respective corporation.
It's like Stockholm Syndrome.
>no argument
Are you retarded? Burden of proof lies on you user :^)
>grow up, salty manchild
You first
>At that 299 dollar price point? Not selling
Imagine being this wrong
It's going to have as many good games as the WiiU
so like 5
*unzips fedora* Pshhh such pathetic insults will never make me mad in the slightest *teleports behind you* Mphf blame your destiny that put you here today *slices you into 1000000 pieces using his twin katanas*
Pshhhh nothin personnel... pretendo... heh.
pokemon is such shit now I doubt a switch version will be anything but mediocre
>no-no u!
Legitimately curious here.
I've been thinking about getting a Switch, but I just can't justify it to myself at the moment. What are Nintendo doing "right"?
I know that if I wait a couple of years, it'll be much cheaper, and there'll be more games out.
As of right now, I don't care about any of the games that are out. Only Zelda, which I can get on Wii U instead. I do want Xenoblade and Mario, but I can wait for both of those.
As for the multiplats, I could play those on PC and enjoy better graphics, framerate, ease of control, etc.
Can someone please tell me what the Switch is doing right? Cause people seem to fucking love it, and I just can't figure out why.
casuals already played skyrim and they don't care about pokemon enough to shell out 300 bucks for it
they're busy playing FIFA, Madden, 2k and Destiny on their PS4s
playing LoL in a toaster doesn't make you a PCfag lmao
Its holy trinity of drones, pcbros sonygroes and nintendo babbies
Nobody cares.
All this console has done is perpetuate the ability of developers to develop shitty games on shit hardware.
We were finally starting to get somewhere with the consoles having 8GB of memory but here we are again, more shit hardware and a easy route for developers to try and charge people for yet again for last generation ports.
Then wait you dumb shit, and maybe go to a doctor to check for autism
Not understanding why people think differently is a prime sign
portable and or handheld gaming is the worst.
So did they fix all manufacturing errors yet?
All switches I've seen are either scratched to fuck by the dock or bent from the heat of the console
I am not mobafag
Hyped died for me the moment they started dropping ports more than exclusives. I may get one in the future when we hear more about Metroid and SMT.
>they don't care about pokemon enough
Do people really believe it? after 7 generations of successes?
You can get a free replacement if it happens to you, and you should look elsewhere besides Sup Forums
>I do want Xenoblade and Mario, but I can wait for both of those.
They'll be out in like two months.
>As for the multiplats, I could play those on PC and enjoy better graphics, framerate, ease of control, etc.
So can I, but I enjoy the portability.
>saying same thing twice
Are you ok?
ENOUGH TO SHELL 300 BUCKS FOR IT, read the fucking post dipstick
>scratched by the dock
Are your friends whi own switches literal chimps? Mine has not a scratch on it
>bent by the temperature
Oh nvm ur just shitposting
>read you fucking dipshit
>Most console players
Praise Gaben, he who gives us cheap games xDXDXDX! Macs are the best, how can Apple ever fail?!
I like that people think there won't be a price drop when Pokemon comes out
>deadend "real-life" graphics is getting somewhere in the industry
>Gaming AAA at 1 billion dollars per game that can never live up to the hype and cost unless 111.111 million people buy the game, or it wasn't commercially viable
>games that need day 1 patches because they can never come out on time
>this trend is somehow good for the industry
>hardware limitations and physical innovation is bad for the industry
I don't normally take part in this sort of discussion, I have a PS4 Pro and am planning on purchasing a switch when Odyssey comes out, but you can't be fucking serious. This AAA hyper graphics consoles is a bubble that has to burst. They have you paying 110 standard for full games, hombre.
>wannabe indiefaggotry
>not shit
Pick one, drone
Isn't it the other way round? All pixel indie games are wannabe AAA RPGs back in the day
>projecting this hard
Now that's what I call shitposting.
I will get one with Mario but the PS4 is still undeniably far ahead in terms of video games and sales.
Though I must admit, the only thing holding me back to get a switch is the thought that a switch 2.0 will get released. Normally I'm not an early adopter at all so I never need to worry about this.
Wow it's a $300 Zelda machine. Such a good console, wow. What retard would buy a console to play one fucking game that looks like it belongs on the PS2?! Nintendo should have just released it on PC with a $350 price and be done with it. At least the game would be to severely gimped by the shitty visuals.
There is literally no reason to buy a switch unless you want something to put your kids in front of to shut them up.
>B-but more games will come out eventually!
By the point where the switch has enough games on it to warrant purchasing they will release a newer, better version of the switch that will probably be cheaper.
Is there a good game that is not a JRPG or kiddie trash?
I own a Switch with Botw, mk8, monster boy, kamiko and RMX racing.
Ill get ARMS and splat2 eventually.
And im incredibly hyped with Odyssey, Octopath and Xeno 2.
Totally happy with it and i had my doubts at first with the console.
>asks people to explain what makes the Switch so good, in their view
>gets verbally abused for doing so
>by someone who unironically calls him autistic
haha. oh wow.