South Park - how is it funny?

Can someone explain the jokes of this game? Stick of Truth was funny, this one seems to be more political but I don't get the jokes.

What is funny about girls getting less money for the same job? That it's a lie? Are they lying on purpose? Are they making fun of pseudo-feminists? Do they actually believe it (considering it's Ubisoft)? I'm lost. It's not funny either way.

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Shut up while male and submit

>What is funny about girls getting less money for the same job? That it's a lie?
That isn't a lie though.

It's funny because it makes people like you make posts like this. That's literally all there is to it. They're purposely upsetting sensitive people.

the joke is people get triggered by it
so you are basically the punchline

but it's true, women do earn less

You really made an entire thread trying to convince kids that females and people of color making less money from hourly jobs is a myth?

OP is full of shit and trying to start a Sup Forums thread. Sage, report, hide, unless arguing about politics on an anonymous circle jerk club is your thing.

So they should, they perform worse

Only because they take maternity leave and work less hours on average

>people still thinks woman has hard life in First world countries

being a woman is litteraly easy mode nowadays, maybe they earn 3% less money but everything else is easier for them

It is a lie and your retarded if you think otherwise. I'm a girl dibshit and I make more than men at my job. I started out making min and now after working hard I make 85k in office and don't even go in on Fridays. I got 3 boys all under me ready to lick my feet. Feminism is cancer and women like me need to fucking pick up the slack or drop babies. PS nu-males who play Larian games are faggot.

Stupid niGGer guy

>tfw have to drop the game now


The joke is funny because it pisses people off. You just don't think it's funny because it conflicts with your beliefs. If bring a trans, colored, or woman character lowered your intelligence stat you be spamming daily thread about how the south park devs are /ourguy/.

Silly triggered Sup Forumsfag. South Park doesn't care who it offends.

Let's see them tits or gtfo

It's hilarious because they're pissing Gamergaters like you off.

>your retarded

Poor false flag attempt lad. Go back and practice more.

You suck and your understanding of STATISTICS sucks almost as much.

I can all but guarantee the men at your job started out making more than minimum wage. We don't live in the 50's, retard. Hard work is still rewarded as he asset it is. But you started at minimum, not above.

I have never started a job at minimum wage except at a Popeye's, and I was literally the only white person within that district to work at a Popeye's, and the GM was fired a couple months after I left for being racist towards white people.

posts like these are why its funny

It looks like someone is about to become WOKEN!

3/10 bait
You can't possibly use this website and not know it's a bullshit made up statistic. Unless you're here from Neogaf of course.

They actually get even more money than men for the same job, on average. They're also three times more likely to get hired than men.

Do you even care about the subject matter? Did you ever read anything by Christina Hoff Sommers? She destroys pseudo-feminists on a daily basis.

The hourly rates are the same, but the studies ignore the fact that a lot of women work less hours than men. If you're working more hours you get paid more. Shocking stuff, really.

think about it for a second
south park is totally over the top
now they put all that shit about race, and gender, that is literally that, over the top

sjw and blm think their are being serious about it... wait until you play the game

t. straight white male larping

It always blows my mind that dipshits like you don't get that South Park pisses off everybody. You're the joke you fucking mongoloid.

>I'm a """"""girl""""""

I fucking refuse to believe that anyone on this site doesn't know that the wage gap is a myth. Fuck Sup Forums, fuck racism, fuck all that stupid race shit, but everyone HAS to know the wage gap is just made up. I refuse to believe that anyone who says it isn't isn't just baiting for (You)'s.

>Op makes no mention of gamergate
>shills bring it up
Boy this whole thread really activates those almonds.

I see. And what is the joke about pretending women earn less money for the same job? Or a statement purporting racial inequality that can't be proven and is completely out of the left field? Where is the joke?

Stick of Truth was genuinely funny.

Who's laughing then? Intellectuals such as yourself, perhaps?

If black women get paid less for the same job then why don't companies hire more black women to cut costs?

>I'm from Sup Forums and I take my videogames VERY seriously.

I am a GG'er and all I wanted was to see the Kotaku sex boys punished for their acts and deeds, is that so wrong? That is all I wanted and didn't get that. In the end I don't blame Zoe for being a whore, she had a non-game she needed to be shilled to make money, so do what girls in Hollywood do, fuck the person(s) who can help you get ahead, now look at her, she made one shit non-game and she's in the spotlight more than legit game devs.

The funny thing is I don't even know what that "Gamergate" is. I'm merely wondering why they draw parallels between their video game world and real life politics by adding fallacies and outright lies that were debunked many times already.

There, a woman and feminist telling you how it is.

You say that as if south park has never made jokes about racial and sexual inequality.

>I'm a GG'er
Falseflag harder Neogaf.

Great "character creator", might as well implement premade ones

I take it you can't explain what the joke is either.

Guess it really is just propaganda.

It's very recent that the jokes aren't funny at all and become conterminous with what Antifa members would tell you, though.

>I'm a triggered lunatic and can't express myself beyond ad hominem

The joke is on you, you insipid faggot. The wage gap isn't real and yet they're including it anyway to rile people like you up.

Donald Trump will be the final boss. Screencap this.

It is all jokes.

"Progressive" people will applaud these features but it's just South Park poking fun at them at how ridiculous those statements are.

you aren't a girl and aren't successful. fabricating a persona to "support" your argument. timestamp tits or gtfo

Most level headed thinking in the thread.

They already said they aren't doing anymore Trump jokes you fucking idiot.

Please don't call me that, I loathe that place.
I am not false flagging user, I was on the side of the GGers, I wasn't and am not militant about it, but like I said, I just wanted the Kotaku people punished, that's all, nothing more.

That doesn't make much sense to me, user. And the only people in this thread who are "riled up" are probably

why are people surprised? last south park season was literally (LITERALLY)

>aryans want third world war
>girls are not funny but super intelligent (cartman's girlfriend, more intelligent than men)
>jews are funny epic trolls, literally one of us
>trump is a "dipshit president who shits out of his penis"

>Sup Forumstard doesn't understand jokes even when they are explained to him.


Your tastes have changed donkey. Stop watching the show instead of bitching.

Its funny to watch snowflakes like you crying that the game disrupts their safe space


>the South Park guys are inconceivably ingenious, shadowy mind wizards who subvert the customer and play 4D chess with his pleasure center

No, my young friend, it's just leftist propaganda and those guys are idiots. They even acknowledge they are idiots and it's evident.

>PS nu-males who play Larian games are faggot

Or maybe they actually believe in the wage gap. It wouldn't be the most retarded shit Ubisoft believes.

Tone down that cognitive dissonance a little. I know trying to look woke as fuck and still playing Jew games can be difficult, but what you do ain't healthy.

They already fixed the wage gap?

>the darker your skin the more difficult the game
>but you also get made fun of more for being black and liking fried chicken and watermelon and other racist stereotype shit
Hint: "South Park" centrism is likely a part of a South Park game

It's sarcasm

There never was a wage gap, you drooling retard. It's fucking illegal. Women get the same money for the same work and expertise. What they do is roughly putting together all the cash women and men make and then see men make more and believe it's because society is evil and oppressing women. That's literally what they did. This is why you hear about this shit in the media for 20 years now. This is what they indoctrinate children with.

This is how fucked up this world is.

See No, it's not. Unless you can prove it somehow. It's obvious South Park tends to leftism after the last three seasons.

>Christina Hoff Sommers
>Gamergates pet women

>I only care recently because now I'm a politicized retard that would get made fun of in South Park instead of the target audience of rational people.

Okay bud.

There are a lot of more fucked up things in the world than teaching kids about the wage gap, cuck

Yes, official numbers, hard data and statistics are reliable, my gender-neutral friend.

In the show. They didn't mention anything about vidya. I don't trust these low IQ libcucks to stick to their word anyway.

>Something doesn't exist because it's illegal.

There never was a drug problem retard. They are illegal.

I have no idea what your point is and I would be thankful for you to elaborate it so we can have an actual discussion upon it.

Cool, a false equivalence. You really showed me.

Do you believe that women earn less money than men for the same work and time or not? Tell it how it is and stop being such an insecure little faggot. What do you believe? And what facts do you have at hand?

what word should there be for you people
you're abject failures, you believe the system is the reason and you get SUPER PISSED when someone reminds you that you were handed almost all the advantages you could possibly get, and instead squandered them
you can't stand the idea that maybe black people have it harder than you because you believe you've had the hardest life, you don't like the idea that women are paid less because you never had a job beyond minimum wage
when someone tells you you're privileged you seethe, because it can't be possible, you've had the hardest life, the hardest possible life is being an unattractive unmotivated middle class white male in a first world english speaking country

>SJWs twist numbers and hard facts to make it look like their narrative is correct!
>Our hard facts and numbers though? Definitely no narrative influence here.

Can liberals express themselves exclusively through fallacies? There are more important things, doesn't mean you musn't care about the less important things.

Jesus Christ, is liberalism really a mental disorder?

they shouldn't be

>is *opposite political view* a mental disorder?
claiming everything you don't like is a mental disorder, you fucking moron
back to Sup Forums

man it's hilarious how easily you guys get triggered

Imagine lying to yourself this much. What do you gain by doing this kind of shit in a random, meaningless forum?

I sincerely wish you the best. Stop being a fat fuck trying to fish for (you)s and do something with your life

Do you actually care and inform yourself about the subject matter? Absolutely everyone and even the most liberal, brainwashed idiot acknowledged that the wage gap is nonsense at this point.

Women actually have it even better than men in the job market with three times higher chance to be hired, which is also why women around their 30 (peak productivity) earn actually more than men.

Are you falseflagging as a liberal or do you really not realize you're just proving his point by not making any argument?

>False equivalence

Do you not know what that means? You literally implied something couldn't happen because it is illegal. Just kill yourself.

Basically, they're just taking stuff that is true, presenting it in a "yup, that's how it is; it might not be right, but its there" fashion, and letting you make your own opinions.

It's funny. In 50 years there will be guys like this who will say "stop getting triggered xD" when people complain about fucking children.

True pandemonium.

It's stupid, I want to make my own character AND play on hard. Now I have to make a non binary, trans, black chick to play on hard ? Even if having my own character in South Park is a reason to buy the game ?

It's not meant to be funny, it's meant to pander to lAnita's clique and nuFeminist castrated slaves.

Yes, I know what it means. It's a false fallacy people who score horribly in verbal usually resort to when they can't form an actual argument. The premise was that you can't pay women less (which is obviously protected and certified by government and local authority), meanwhile your "argument" is that you can conduct things that are illegal. Of course you can do things that are illegal. You could just stab someone right now. That's not something you'd have to walk through a recondite process of bureaucratic and economic administration.

Literally like talking to a pre-schooler. Aren't they teaching fallacies in school anymore?

Sometimes I wish I was dumb enough to see the world through the idiotic eyes of a person like you.


>Of course you can do things that are illegal.

Which means an argument of legality has no place in a discussion about wage discrimination. Your post started with the premise that the legality was at all relevant.


I never made a single claim if the wage gap was real or not, I never have said a single thing about my political ideology, you have just created some caricature to argue against so you can feel smug and superior. The fact of the matter is you have poor argumentative skills which leads to faulty premises and arguments, regardless of the validity of your claims.

Now continue sperging out.

>people defend this propaganda shit

>they get slightly more money from their jerb: the thread: the movie
I thought you were all NEET?

>even mentioning gamergate
fuck off

>Make the argument "black people are discriminated against and that's bad"
>Get a reply "Wow I wish people could realize that means people will be defending pedophiles 50 years from now"
>Reply "Wow how can you be this dumb"
>Actually expect some carefully crafted post to a non argument made by an obvious retard.

The only places where they fuck children are backwater ultra conservative shit holes by the way.

if it isn't a lie, and they're just playing it straight, how is it funny?

>makes fun of political correctness and idiot college kids
>makes fun of the other side
I love this show. Works everyone into a shoot at least once in their life.

It's a double edged joke that hurts all identitarians. If you buy into social justice in any capacity whether it mean you are a faggy tranny that wants gender neutral bathrooms or a faggy Hitler youth that wants an all white commie utopia you will be butthurt. So congratulations on being a member of one of the 2 parties destroying civilization

>Which means an argument of legality has no place in a discussion about wage discrimination. Your post started with the premise that the legality was at all relevant.
Because it is and I just explained why. You can't just pay women less and expect the government or the local revenue office you have to show all your expenses, including wages, to be cool with it. That's the real world.

>I never made a single claim if the wage gap was real or not,
Then don't waste my time when you are an undecided, jittery idiot who is just shitposting.

If I make a game right now, and make it so that being a man is way harder than being a woman (economically, socially and politically) but your character has perks such as extra resolute, intelligence and strength, what would the reaction be, Sup Forums?

This desu. Alt-right Redditors are just as easily triggered as SJW cucks.