Mario shaves his chest

>Mario shaves his chest.

What now, fuckers? Welcome to the nu- world.

who /completelyshaved/ here?

real Italian mushroom munchers sport abundant bodyhair

Nah im not homosexual

body hair is disgusting

fuck boii mario over here

>someone seriously got mad because Mario shaves

He might just not be able to grow chest hair.

Like me. Fuck, I'm 28 years old and my chest looks like a 15-year-old boy's.

Mario never shaves.

He's completely pure and devoid of monkey fur.

Lucky bastard

Males are supposed to have body hair after puberty because they sweat more but i guess people like you have probably never even been outside or worked a day in your life

Could be genetic
Some native american people don't grow any body, facial or pubic hair

When I sweat a lot my excess hair gets really stinky

A more accurate Italian

If Mario has a cleanly shaven body, does that mean Luigi and, to a extent, Wario and Waluigi also have the same?

Although it'd make sense, since this is a franchise meant for all ages, your naked hero must be cleanly shaved.

What a load of bologni

Be proud of it, some women are accursed of growing thick hair that instantly grows one day after being shaved all over. They would kill for a baby smooth skin with no hair.


Can confirm
Though in a low test manlet so my im not very hairy

I've had thicc-ass chest hair since I was 13 lol


>not having a silky smooth cinematic chest

What an idiot. Now its gonna grow back even thicker.

were all cute twinks here bro


Wario doesn't shave. He's the king of not giving a fuck.

I can grow like 3 hairs on each of my nipples but that's it.

Maybe Mario can't grow body hair?

he has no choice, or else peopel wouldn't understand why is donkey kong wearing his cap.

>not having chest hair
only reason I'd shave is if I were a professional swimmer. I like my hair

I bet you're just mad that the only hair on your body is that thin pedo-stache

>the nips are just scaled down pepperonis

It's the little things

I am but I'm (male) not a faggot like you

>Women MUST shave their armpits, legs and vaginas
>But men can be hairy apes, it's fine!
Double standards....

This. I work out a lot and even with showers, my balls and taint will stink after a couple of hours on a humid summer day.

I don't need to stink when I'm attending my weekly sex parties.

All my chest hair went right into my asshole instead

>t. Homo

It's alright my dude.
As a VERY hairy man since my teenage years, I can assure you that women will dig your shiny chest.
If I could make anti-hair women love my pelt, you'll be just fine with pro-hair ones.

this desu


Women want to shave because it makes them look more like children since that's what men like, but everyone is too afraid to admit it.

Who /shoulderhair/ master race

Would be too masculine for nu-females.

Thumbnail looked like something else

Women can feel free to not shave but bodyhair on a girl is a huge turnoff. Depends how high you're aiming, I guess. If you want some balding cuck then keep the hair.

Body hair does not look good on a woman.

My ex and female friends, I've accepted their hairy legs and vaginas, but when I meet a girl for the first time, her ass better be freshly shaved or Nair'd.

I'm Italian and Nintendo did their research, for I have no chest hair. I do have a happy trail, though.

Mario has some serious flat foot

>Girls like hairy dudes
>Dudes like hairless girls
>Either can easily change and grow it out/shave if the preferences of their partner are abnormal
How do people like you function on the day to day?

Used to be, but it's too much work. Now I sometimes trim my bush, shave facial hair, and armpits.

What's it like to not be hairy? Must be nice.

>pepperonis for nipples

i willl lick your cock until you stop saying things like thta you faggot

What if they decide to shave everything but their vajaijai due to concerns of hurting themselves there?

Nobody should expect oral sex when they have a bush, man or women

>Have italian boyfriend
>Literally this without mustache.

absolutely perfect

my gf is hairy as fuck, but I don't give a shit
which is weird, because hair in porn isn't a turn on, but hey

Pepperoni on Pizza is an American thing...

Men like shaved women
Women don't like shaved men

I recently shaved my entire body due to a lice scare. It took two hours and was super unpleasant. I will not be doing it again.

I shave everything except for my arms and beard.
Hair is fucking disgusting. Women are not attracted to hairy arm pits, hairy backs, hairy legs, or hairy dicks.

The entire idea of a modern pizza is an American thing.
You're wrong but not in a way that makes me feel smug.

What's really silly is girls complain about having to make themselves look nice (staying fit, getting rid of bodyhair, wearing makeup, etc) which is something any woman can do and at the same time, demand tall handsome men which not every man is.

>tfw you aren't a manlet and don't have this problem but still think women are idiots

You do realize you're mansplaining right now?

>The entire idea of a modern pizza is an American thing.

And you would want this in a video game, why?

>Women can feel free to not shave but bodyhair on a girl is a huge turnoff
Body hair on men is not attractive to women either.

>hairy as fuck
>can't wear loose underwear like boxers because thigh/ballsack hairs tangle and rip each other out when I walk
Who else knows this struggle?

wtf why is he a little boy with mario's head

fuck off roastie.

Classical Italian pizzas are night and day from American versions completely covered head to toe in cheese you fucking pleb.

I only shave my crotch and I've never had any complaints. I don't know how young you're aiming but teenagers and up like the dad look which is what I go for.

I don't mind either.

>but teenagers and up like the dad look which is what I go for.
Spend some time off the internet, my friend.

t. retard

The safety razor was invented over one hundred years ago; hurting yourself is no excuse.


Project harder, buddy. Where do you live that women demand hairless men, Asia?

>The entire idea of a modern pizza is an American thing
Yes it is, it is like the only thing to come from America.

this is the ideal male body

Women don't complain about body hair on men because it's become the societal norm that men don't need to shave. Most women do not like body hair on men.

For homos and weeb chicks, sure.

Huh? I guess you dont wanna see my boipussy?

My mom would laugh in your face.
My whole life since puberty she's told me "don't worry about it, real women love real men with hairy chest and legs".

It's the whole 80s macho thing. She's old fashioned.

I already said that I shave my pubic hair. If some dumb bitch complains about my body hair then I'll just find someone else. It's yet to happen but it's not a big deal, shit. Men don't like ugly women but ugly women still get laid. Sometimes you take the bad with the good.

>She's old fashioned.
Yes, thank you for admitting that the preference is an old as fuck preference on irrelevant 40+ year old women.

Maybe he can't grow chest hair you insensitive fuck!

I can grow facial hair, but I have 0 hair on the chest and on the back.


How are middle aged people irrelevant, you arrogant prick?

i do!

Only shave my armpits, balls and beard nowadays since those are seemingly the only places where I don't get ingrown hairs, trim to the lowest setting everywhere except arms.
It's pretty aesthetic desu

he looks like pringles

Fuck off.

Seems like he shaves, I don't know any dudes that naturaly don't have much chest hair, or any at all, that can grow a mustache that thick, myself included as a 27 year old dude that doesn't have much body hair and my stache is some pathetic thin line that has been that way since I was 18.

Tell your mom she's absolutely right.

>I can grow facial hair
As thick as Mario's stache? I have never seen a dude with little body hair that can grow anything beyond a teenager's mustache.

no all men have chest hair.

>tfw chest hair is just a shitty patch in between my pecs and long black hairs on my nipples

>dem nipples