Samus Returns outsells Destiny 2

How do you feel Sup Forums?

I don't think anyone cares

>on amazon

Now add in digital sales not from amazon and physical sales

Sony must be making a killing of gift cards alone.

More like they keep being hacked so it's the safest way to make PSN purchases.

Who the f*ck cares, you cuck bitch? Destiny got BTFO

It's still impressive if you think amazon is the biggest retailer out there.

How does it feel knowing that sony niggers gladly pay for online and digital only cards?

Excited. I work 8am-2pm in the mornings, picking it up after work tomorrow

Nobody trusts sony enough to put their CC on PSN anymore

Why are they buying a free game?

Supporting the franchise so you pirate-cucks can enjoy more of Metroid in the future.

Good, now I can get Metroid 5 next then I will have a completed collection.

Metroid, Metroid II Return of Samus, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, and Metroid 5.

Bungiefags are mad, they're a cancer to the Halo community so it feels good to see Metroid push their shit in. I hope Halo 6 does the same in 2019.

i want metroid 5 sakamoto, the game is selling well you promised.

Im ok with this, since D2 went out last week.
Samus is a big name in videogames.

Hao isnt made by Bungie anymore.
Weak bait shitface.

> Samus Returns outsells Destiny 2

It's not surprising. Destiny 2 came out already. Samus Returns isn't out yet so all those preorders add up.

You're better off waiting one week then comparing the week 1 sales of Samus Returns with week 1 sales of Destiny. But of course that will cause you massive butthurt so you won't do that.

I love how you missed my last sentence. 343 is already currently better than Bungie today. It's only a matter of time, Master Chief is taking his franchise back, split screen and lan are coming back, and the game will have all content at launch. It's over, Bungie faggot, Bungie lost.

You made a thread on a lie? On fucking Amazon? Are you actually retarded or are you retarded? Kys you fucking faggot. I actually get pissed off at how stupid some people are.
