Does the Switch have the best first year library since the PS2?
>Zelda BotW
>Splatoon 2
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Pokken DX
>Kirby All Stars
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Xenoblade 2
Does the Switch have the best first year library since the PS2?
>Zelda BotW
>Splatoon 2
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Pokken DX
>Kirby All Stars
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Xenoblade 2
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Pretty much
Out of the above, I'm only buying Xenoblade, Kirby, Zelda, and FE Warriors but it's the first time I can even remember a launch year with more than 1 good game.
Even PS2 first year was held afloat by FFX.
ps2's first year was barren as fuck until spring 2001 retard
>open world gimmick running at 15 fps
>shovelware that's dead a week after release
>squiddy kiddy game overrun with traps and sjws
>Mario rehash #9001
>Pokemon cash grab
>another child's game
wow, a whole bunch of ports. I love buying systems for games that I already own.
Don't forget Mario Rabbids m8
Only 2 are ports
Yeah I know, the switches lineup will put you to sleep
Without a doubt
it's really eye opening to see people here even defend shovelware like arms and a ubisoft rabbids game to justify their console purchase. fanboys are so fucking weird
Zelda and pokken are not exclusives so they dont even coint.
I'll grant you Rabbids, but Arms is a fun/solid game.
Literally who owned a Wii U?
Also Pokken has SIGNIFICANTLY better frame rate on Switch.
>your opinion
Nice argument, just go to bed you tired faggot
Zelda Mario and a xenoblade title is pretty crazy for year one. Also having a lot of fun with splatoon 2 and apparently Mario+Rabbids isn't horrid shit. Can't really think of another console with this good of a first year.
Naw, most of it is ports.
Only 1 game is really original and good looking, a Mario game of all things.
The rest are trash.
>25% of the list is ports
>Most is ports
Splatoon might as well be a port, the game is a shit copy/paste from the first.
Xenoblade 2 doesn't count, it looks worse than a Tales game.
Unironically yes, wasn't expecting it.
>not listing the third best game on it
FFX was 2001
PS2 came out in 2000
>Literally who owns a Wii U?
Literally millions of people worldwide
Legit tho, 2001 was a fucking great year for the ps2.
Yeah, but only because Arms, Splatoon 2, Kirby, Odyssey & Xenoblade 2 were planned Wii U titles & have been in development for a long time
It's more they screwed Wii U owners over than anything else
Only reason BOTW still came to Wii U is because they made the mistake of announcing it a bit too early, even then they took away features from the Wii U version to make it the lesser version
>Does the Switch have the best first year library since the PS2?
Jesus Christ, no. It is literally Vita-tier. Look at this shit.
Does the fanbase actually think this is acceptable or are these posts just trolling? I genuinely don't understand. BotW was disappointing btw.
Those are ports and sequels only a 2 new IPs
It's the typical situation where American's assume all old consoles had fucking amazing launches when in reality they got it a year later when there was already a bunch of games released. Consoles nowadays are released simultaneously worldwide so it usually takes 1-2 years before the really great games come out.
I loathe all you console war starting newshits so much. I can' even go into a thread without you fucks showing up.
Fuck you all.
>>Zelda BotW
Sandbox shit no one asked for.
Mediocre fighting game no one asked for.
>Splatoon 2
Terrible console "FPS" for babbies.
>Super Mario Odyssey
See pic.
>Pokken DX
Arcade port.
>Kirby All Stars
Will not come out this year, will be a 6 hour long game.
>Fire Emblem Warriors
You are the reason Nintendo went to shit.
>Xenoblade 2
Xenoblade is hot garbage.
>I loathe all you console war starting newshits so much. I can' even go into a thread without you fucks showing up.
Don't go into blatant console war threads then.
>first year
>>Will not come out this year, will be a 6 hour long game.
First year implies 365 days, Switch released in Spring and this released the following Sprign barely making the cut,
Fire Emblem Warriors is not good.
Not even close. Everything on the PS2 was an original game with original characters.
Switch has the best first year library of any console ever
>Sandbox shit no one asked for.
>Mediocre fighting game no one asked for.
>Xenoblade is hot garbage.
>See pic.
What are we even looking at here?
>Terrible console "FPS" for babbies.
Who is even saying this when it's clearly third person?
>Arcade port.
Almost all fighting games are.
>Will not come out this year
It'll be out within 365 days after the release of the Switch.
>You are the reason Nintendo went to shit.
The people who actually buy Fire Emblem instead of emulating them are the reason Nintendo went to shit?
What is this picture supposed to be demonstrating?
they literally just copied and pasted the level retard
>Everything on the PS2 was an original game with original characters.
>GTA 3
>Final Fantasy 10
>Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
>Metal Gear Solid 2
>Silent Hill 2
>Rayman 2
Even the fucking console is a numbered sequel
>both zones are a desert
>they are literally the same because of this
>the zones don't fuck look anything like one another topographically
user, please.
Aren't these games aimed mostly at teenagers and kids?
Does nintendo care about 30 year old gamers enough?
dont forget the ratchet and clank and jak trilogies, those were godlike
>they literally just copied and pasted the level
that's enough Sup Forums for me today
I'm not fond of them personally but my friends love them however Ratchet and Clank wasn't released in the first year. I loved my PS2 it was easily the best console of it's first gen but there's no denying that most of the games from the first year were sequels or "rehashes" as they're called when they're on a Nintendo system but ONLY then.
I'm pretty sure the PS2 had more than 8 games
In the first year?
Name them.
Just butting in to say that PS2's actual first year was 2000 and not 2001 when it was released in the west.