Was it rape?

Was it rape?

I honestly don't know, but the game surely did aa good job at making you feel like it was.

Why would you spoil the game for people like that

I can't think of any other game that made me such intentional rage.

What is this?


Thank god you came to clear that up faggot

in every way possible.

>I've been soiled
>No, that's not true! You have a heart that can't be soiled! No matter what happens to your body, you're still yourself!
Would you be able to say this to your waifu (and believe it deep inside) if she were raped by an alien-plant-demon abomination possessing a fat fuck?

deadly premonition? I guess.


That fucking pin

I love Deadly Premonition

Glad to be of service

After I killed that bastard who did this to her. I went to her house and gave her a 21 shot send off.
Best felt romance in a game I've felt.

pun. Not pin. Fuck.

>deadly premonition thread
Is the PS3 version any good? Ive played the original but that one is supposed to be some kind of directors cut style thing.

YMMV, but I personally had no trouble with it.
I haven't played the original, so I can't comment, but apparently the aiming is better now. There's DLC too, mostly cars and outfits.

So I'd say it would be a good idea to get it, preferably the full edition (I think it was called Gold edition or something) on sale. They may discount it on Halloween.

I don't think the PS3 version has the continuous crashes of the PC version, so go for it. Gunplay was also mildly fixed, and I think in all versions you have unlimited flares to call for York's original car, which makes those awful elements of the game better. Anyway to complete all the sidequests not using the radio is masochism. The element that makes the game a classic, the story, is tied together nicely and makes much more sense, removing some plotholes. Don't know if it's worth the replay unless you really liked it, though.
Relax. Have a cute doll to calm you down

I mean, she isn't wearing pants. Why would you need to take off the pants to implant a horrible demon tree? Or the bra, for that matter?


I'd shoot her in the head without hestitation

If you've played the 360 version you've played the definitive version. Every release since then (barring the JP only launch PS3 edition) has been worse and worse. Xbox 360 > PS3 > PC (near unplayable even with bug fixes).

I say this having completed the game 100% on all three platforms

Mutilation if anything

It adds extra cutscenes in between chapter where an aged Francis "Zach" Morgan tells the events of Deadly Premonition to his grandson I think.
I can't quite remember who the kid is. . Framerate does start dropping whenever there's a good amount of enemies or if there's rain on-screen. 360 version is the most stable version but the PS3 version adds a bit more content and extra details like York having his tie actually have it's own set of physics

You need the power of rape for everything, especially for growing evil plants. Dedicate more time to your chinese cartoons.
Isn't the game ten years old?

But he won't get grandpa Zach in 360 version.

To his grandaughter, called Emily. The pottery is that the original Emily made "the right choice" by killing herself before she was used as soil for the red seeds, where Zach and his dad failed to kill who they loved before they lost their dignity. He tells her in those scenes that he trusts that she will make the right choice when she grows up. I may read too much on it, but it seems one of the central topics of the game is this symbolism to talk about euthanasia

It also makes the UI ugly as sin, fucks up the controls, removes difficulties making the game an absolute breeze and adds tons of free DLC that makes the game 10x easier than it already is.

To add to this it completely removes the colour temperatures from scenes so they're all the same static lighting for everything instead of having the visuals match the mood of the scene.

Finally the bonus cutscenes are a completely mismatching art style from the rest of the game so the kid looks alien. It's totally unnescessary and adds nothing at all to the story and only takes away from it by removing any tension of Morgan surviving the events of the game or what happened to him afterwards.

Positives: You get a free house for no reason at all that is never touched upon in game or has any reason to be visited

no, I'd ask her to forget about me and go away

>removes difficulties making the game an absolute breeze
What, are you saying the original 360 release had any difficulty? By the time you get the radio and bother to complete the challenge to get the guitar weapon the game becomes an absolute breeze, that can be gotten 6 hours in the game, then the magnum is the only thing you need after that and the game is done.


Her name isn't really Emily, though.

RPG >>>> All

He literally raped her

Oh, fuck. Just finished the Kaysen chapter last night and called the epilogue a day. I had read the spoilers about it being a nickname to her but I had forgotten

>Page 10
At times we must purge things from this world, because they should not exist. Even if it means losing someone that you love.


Ending the game, seeing the Platinum Trophy's description... It just left this void inside of me. I didn't want it to be over.

Yes it was. I really had a hope swery won't do this, she was too pure.

>Buy Deadly Premonition because I hear it's a silly and shittily made mystery game with funny characters
>mfw everything after the Thomas fight
That part in the OP has to be the most on purpose uncomfortable and depressing scene in a game.

Its just twin peaks the video game user


New season of twin peaks was nothing like I expected.