Get a rare problem with a game that makes it unplayable

>get a rare problem with a game that makes it unplayable
>find one thread about it [SOLVED]
>op pc was dusty

>Wipe computer
>reload OS

There. I fixed literally every software issue for you, dipshit.

>being this illiterate
computers don't work like that retard

Yes the most certainly do.

But why would I get rid of ALL of my tranny porn just to play a game?

>Not having a separate partition for data so you can wipe your drive at leisure
>Not keeping off computer backups
>Not running a media server to broadcast your files to all of your IoT devices in your house

Because it's full of malware and that's why your games aren't working you retard.

i just want to play dark souls without lags

Remember back then when everything was fixed with punches?

What happened?

We stopped using mechanical and electromechanical systems, now everything is in these faggy plastic boards that crumble if you look at them wrong

install dsfix you dumb frogposter

doesn't work faggot

Except it does. Also play better games then.

If you can't make dsfix or ds2fix work then there's no place for the likes of you in the gene pool.

Then it's possible you have a hardware problem. Either your shit sucks or your shit is failing.

>find thread about the same problem you had
>link to fix dead
>make account to ask for help
>"You need 25 posts on your account to post in this section."
>go to intro board
>post on 25 people's intros
>get warning from mod for spamming
>ask in original thread for new link
>get warning from mod for necroing
>make a new thread to ask for help
>get warning from mod for not using search function
>have three strikes on account

can't even change the resolution
the only thing that works is skipintro

tried turning off ingame AA and switching between windowed and fullscreen?

>want to play
>doesn´t work
>take game out, blow into it
>still doesn´t work
>hit it
>still not working
>jam the game up and down inside
>hit harder, spam reset
>game now works but looks glitched
>jiggle cable
>still glitched
>finally works like a charm
>Fucking women, I´d rather play with my nes

aa is off, it would just crash if i turned it on
i tried fullscreen, windowed and borderless, nothing works
i don't even get to see "dsfix enabled" in the title screen
i've tried adding darksouls.exe to dep but it said it needs to be on for this program
i've succesfully added data.exe tho and it switched to "DARK SOULS PREPARE TO DIE EDITION executable" but still dsfix doesn't work

sorry user, you're fucked then
wish i could help you
might be drivers but i assume you've tried everything now

fucking nips i hate them


I had this happen with R6 siege

Dusted out my pc and it worked fine afterwards

My temps were fine playing it but my computer would turn off after a few minutes. Dusted it a bit and no more problems. No idea why it worked