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I agree. I think overwatch pretty much shit all over any hope battleborn had. Even if they're not identical like everyone paints them as, to deny similarities is ludicrous, which is why everyone laughs at randy. But I think the bigger hit was the fact that they were always compared. BUT.

Randy started all that. He and his shit interns were constantly mocking overwatch on twitter. How in the fuck did they expect it to go?

Battleborn is the epitome of someone huffing their own fuckin farts.
>Widowmakers ass sells millions of a bad game

Because OP Is a faggot

>twitter literally takes a jab at Overwatch
>get BTFO
>"They're not alike and I don't know why people compare them!" - Randy

The market was already oversaturated with mobas so they probably would still bomb

>BB goes F2P
>still no one wants to play it

>not using or pastebin

OP sucks too much cock to even think straight.

Is he really comparing the sales of his big budget disaster to a walking sim made for pennies?

How did this man end up running a company?

what's people's problem with ign?


DON'T discuss this game guys just let it die...

>isn't so sure the release of Overwatch directly impacted the sales of Battleborn


Even if it OW never existed, people would have played literally anything else but Blunderborne

Randy got fucked hard by overwatch and then when he could've recovered with F2P blizzard tagged in paladins and then he got slammed in the ring again.

>shit on overwatch on a public social network used for advertisement
>confront blizzard at every possible turn
>get shat on heavily
>tries to limit the lethal damage by saying "it's not even the same game" and it indeed isnt, it's another moba trash like dozens of others
>blizzard make sure to make free weekend / more xp events when stillborn tries something
>"well, is overwatch affecting us?"


Lurk more

>let me just shit out this turd in an oversaturated market dominated by this behemoth, what could possibly go wrong

Why not just answer me instead? Seems retarded to hate literally the only company that didn't participate in a bunch of bumblefuck blacklisting of people and saying "Gamers were dead" when that shit was happening a couple years back. IGN just kept taking their cash and shitting out reviews.

stop your fucking whining you daft cunt, no one's is gonna spoon feed you basic shit. Look up for yourself or fuck off

so you don't have an answer and you're just retarded. Got it. I'll make sure to never archive links so they get even more clicks just to spite your 'tism.

Overwatch is a solid game at its core, that's been turned into shit by decisions directed toward making it casual and girl friendly.
Battleborn is not a solid game at all. Everything from the UI to the character design to the animations, gunplay and everything else sucks.

Let me put it in another way, if you took the devs from Overwatch and made them work for a better boss like John Cook if you know who he is, or even a meme dev like Taro, Overwatch would be a good game. But if you put them in charge of Blunderborn, it would never be a good game.

Randy should be grateful to be mentioned together with Overwatch.

It would have failed anyway, the game isn't very good

Also the characters are ugly, OW's secret sauce was waifu's

>"I'm telling you this, if Overwatch did not exist and it had exactly the same results, a lot of people would have seen, 'Oh, that was a winner, that's a new IP and it's successful, and holy crap where did this come from?'

You can't write ignorant without IGN.

>Also the characters are ugly

EVERYTHING was ugly. The levels, the menus, the hud, EVERYTHING. The game's entire aesthetic was a visual clusterfuck. Like, it's seriously some of the worst art direction I've ever seen in a video game, full stop. Inconsistent, unappealing, and cluttered to the point where it can occasionally be detrimental to gameplay.

I have no idea what you're talking about


Literally all they had to do was release borderlands 3.

>"Battleborn isn't always perceived as a success"
Holy fuck, talk about an understatement of the decade.

IGN was the publication everyone hated before GG. In a strange twist of fate they might be the only good big Vidya website left



Battleborn failed because it had a terrible tone and excrutiatingly bad art style. The mechanics were not bad, but they werent special either.

I also want to add for the gearbox shitters that are coming, "oh i don't care about graphic" so i will also add that, beforehand, you have to care about them, clarity is important in a videogame and psychologically good and satisfying animation can put you more at ease when playing, but i will just say that i'm on the side that think that Overwatch was a little part of Battleborn failure personally, because Gearbox was being a jewy company with this game: It was unbalanced as fuck, it had some real shitty ability and character ability looked the same, and of course, the post support. You'd expect gearbox to try and save it better. But the post support was pathetic, only when they saw that they're being memed and shat on they started working on shitty update to say "you see, we're dedicated! you're just hating the game for no reason you haven't played"
well i played it, a lot, because i wanted to check on the meme
and they're right. I have hundred of hours on this piece of shit, all of it to analyze if it was worth it.
It was not. Battleborn is really a shitty game. It's not fun.

Had you not seen the Webms? You'd get sick just loading the game up.

This is real?

>he's confident the conparision madr between the two hero shooters is why Battleborn isn't always perceived as a success
>isn't always
Jesus Christ, Randy, you gotta let go

> two tripfag
thread invaded, abandon thread right now

>Randy trying to deflect

>releasing a game in the same or similar genre as a blizzard game in the same launch window

Pick one. Blizzard is the undisputed heavy weight champion of the world when it comes to hyping up and marketing their games. The average gamer thinks Blizzard shits diamonds and pisses gold. To not only launch during a Blizzard games launch window but to also anatagonize and taunt them speaks to an unimaginable level of naievete and arrogance.