Nintendo BTFO

Nintendo BTFO

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wow user you got em

good job

>he bought a switch to play a year old game that looks worse than release!

>a console released in 2017 performs WORST than a console which came in 2013.
>but hey i can play it in the toilet xd


user BTFO

>30 fps on switch


There only seems to be a reduction in resolution and texture quality. Nothing else, really. I'm quite impressed.

it was confirmed to run at 60, console warrior faggot

>mfw switch version looks better
Fuck ps4 getting blown out by a glorified phone

>sonyfriends suddenly care about framerates and resolution
the ironing


>Nothing else, really
what is AO, AA.
Also you didn't see the shadows, particles and the rest of the game in general.
> I'm quite impressed.
Yea thats not like textures had a big impact on the graphics.

This is understandable. I'm honestly just glad there's the option.

Hopefully this isn't like the Wii U and third party support is only there for the first year.

That's actually quite impressive considering the console is really underpowered.

switch is wiiu 2.0

Lighting and character models are identical though. The textures aren't THAT bad. They're still pretty nice for a fucking portable. I honestly couldn't tell the difference with the picture zoomed out. The fact that you can bring this game anywhere is what excites me. Not really worried about the technology behind it.

>FPS on a console
>FPS on a fucking handheld

The only reason anyone is actually excited for doom16 to come out on the switch is just for the ability to play it mobile.

No one is lauding how good it looks compared to the other consoles, and certainly not compare to PC.

Switch might get support in the form of last gen ports like Skyrim and LA Noir but they aren't going to bother downgrading current gen games.
However this might actually work for them this time unlike with WiiU because the Switch is portable.

>The fact that you can bring this game anywhere is what excites me

Woah, a shitposting general. Now post a photo of both versions being played outside.

You're really gonna need to provide source on that.

If this game runs at 60 on the Switch, than that's a genuine video game programming feat

>ps4 looks better

no shit. The only reason to go switch is if you want portable doom or just have nothing else. Not dissimilar to how the only reason to go ps4 over PC is if you have nothing else.

it does look better than I thought it would though. Figured a switch port would look like hot ass

There is no photographic evidence of people playing on Switch outside.

Am I supposed to be seeing some sort of difference here?

it's blurrier, and the lighting is a bit different

switch not as powerful as ps4?

Looks good on the switch, but it would've looked better if they used the more powerful Tegra chip.

Isn't that the AO (the fact that the shadows/dark areas are increased)?
I never know. It reminds me of Darks souls 2 pre-downgrade vs final version.

right has more charm

This game could look like the first Doom for all I care, is this gonna be 60 fps or not?



Why is it not being compared with the PC version? Why only the PS4 version? I wonder who's behind this...

Oh im laffin

>it has gyro aiming
I fucking wish

console degeneracy

There's no contest that it's not going to be as powerful, But that's irrelevant, PS2 was worse than GameCube

The fact is we have a game like this at 60 FPS game abd portable is fantastic

Shitpost all you want Sony Jabronies but this is good for everyone including yourselves

The ps4 version is the same as the PC version high.

>Motion control glory kills with HD rumble

And the graphics look better on the PC than PS4. No one who buys a Switch is going to expect top of the line graphics.
My only hope is that it runs at 60fps. Might pick it up then, since a portable Doom would be pretty neat.

If that was true why not put it in the image? Again, I wonder who's behind this...

>But that's irrelevant, PS2 was worse than GameCube
PS2 came 2 year before gamecube, not 4 years after.


I'd play singleplayer games with aiming like Sleepind Dogs, Dues Ex HR/MD or Dishonored on PC with gyro if DS4 worked properly on Windows.

I don't have a Switch but does HD rumble actually feel that much better than normal? Xbone controllers have some rumble gimmick too but I just disable rumble in general.

The fact that the Switch is getting both Doom and Wolfenstein II is pretty big. It seems third-parties are open to at least testing the water with big IPs like that.
Hopefully it sells well enough for other third-parties to jump on the Switch train. It's better for everyone if good multiplats get a change to reach as many people as possible. Don't get why you'd turn something like that into childish console war shit.

Seems good enough for what the Switch is capable of. What's the point being made here? We already know the capabilities of both these consoles and I hope you aren't getting surprised every time because you're just going to tire yourself out over the next few years.

>I don't have a Switch but does HD rumble actually feel that much better than normal?
It really doesn't. It hasn't been utilized well at all so far.

I don;t have a Switch either

I think you mean PS4 BTFO.

Literally only slightly more powerful than a handheld.

Thats just because idtech 6 is an amazing engine and the game runs at 60fps on ps4/xbox so they can port it on switch.
>wow sport games on my switch this is big!

>having a switch in any year

>It's a PS4 players talking about graphics again episode.

I mean, Doom on PC is super optimized that it can run on a crappy computer. Not surprised if it can hit 60fps, especially if the resolution is just 720p.

This. The only thing going for the Switch is its portability. If you don't care about that, don't buy it.

>things i can't do on PC are degeneracy

The PS2 and the GameCube were both fucking consoles. The Switch is a handheld. HANDHELD HANDHELD HANDHELD.

I'll repeat it until you niggers learn. When has a handheld ever been on the level the Switch is? Vita BTFO. 3DS BTFO. That's why it angers me Nintendo is still supporting the 3DS.

>Sony Jabronies only banter is graphics, despite very minimal and irrelevant If they just bought a PC instead

What is 2k18

Apparently Skyrim uses HD Rumble quite well as people who played the demo kept saying they were constantly encouraged to try lock picking.

mate, i bought a gameboy advance so i could played doom 1 portably. I got DOOM on PC and run it at least every 6 weeks, I am happy to have nudoom portable.

>2 hours of battery
>T W O


Who are you quoting right now?

What is wolfenstein II

The fact that this game is running on the Switch in any capacity is testament to how fucking amazing Id still is at engine development. And it looks surprisingly good for the hardware running inside the Switch.

Which makes me wonder, what's the point being made here? Are Sonypals really trying to wave their dick around boasting about how much more powerful their shitbox is? Because if that's the case, I have another box sitting on my desk that makes the PS4 look like stone age technology

>B-but a PC costs literally a million dollars
False, but your PS4 and my PC aren't portable like the Switch is. Instead of judging the Switch as a portable console, people need to realize it's a handheld console that you can plug into your TV. Hardware wise, it's the Nvidia Shield: Nintendo Edition.

The idiot like you who get aroused when 1 on 10 multiplat game gets ported to switch.

Diminishing returns. If you want to see a real downgrade. compare GC to PS2.

Honestly I'm surprised the Switch can run DOOM at all.

>it literally is ok when Sonybros defend their inferior console
remember all the salt when all those multiplats came out for PC too and those were objectively better looking than the cucksole-versions?

>aiming like a literal toddler waving gimmicks around is not literal degeneracy

but user, it's three hours minimum.

The previous image is wrong. Here's the correct version.

Did you just type yourself into throwing a tantrum in the middle of your own post?

I'm not aroused, just happy that more people get to play Doom, who might otherwise ignore it.

>Comparing a home console to a handheld

I thought Doom getting a switch port was a joke.

people use gyro on PC since it's a genuinely intuitive and precise control mechanism. shut the fuck up

So happy I did not buy it during the steam sale. Now I can play it on my bed while a being comfy as fuck.

do you also think that there are no such things as "video games"?

The Switch is an underpowered home console.

You're right but the issue is, the X2 is literally more than twice the cost and built for data crunching more towards CPU side of things.
At this point of its availability and cost, it just is not worth it to customize the chip.
Maybe in a couple years though, depending on how the current X2 market and R&D goes.

>When has a handheld ever been on the level the Switch is?


Doom is meant to be played on PC anyway.

This is the closest thing to actual autism I've seen on this board

I don't see any difference

you need to post some examples son. any amazing looking games on those android devices?

Nintendo says it's a home console.

>The Switch is a handheld. HANDHELD HANDHELD HANDHELD.

Or consoles. It's up to you really.

Switch doesnt look as bad as I thought, what the fuck kinda magic is iD doing??

PS4 is the only platform that offers advanced graphics never seen on other hardware.

Why? Just like RAGE and Wolfenstein it's designed around making concessions for memegatextures like designing maps around restricting your line of sight, which as a side effect results in the only demanding part being the textures themselves (which they can just drop to dogshit to fit in a more restricted VRAM budget)
The impressive thing will be if they can actually let you play the game without buying an SD card since the original exceeds the 32 card + 32 storage limit.

I've only really been noticing it while playing Monster Hunter XX and yeah, in that game at least its fucking good.

that poster was a blazing autist but the Switch IS a handheld. It's impressive that it can run DOOM without it looking like putrid shit like the PS3 ports to Vita.

is this really 60fps? i cant find any sources. switch is fucking trash, but if they can get it to 60, i'll be super impressed. 30fps doom would not even be worth playing.

And the Xbone One X is even more powerful. And the console that comes after that will be more powerful.
At some point you need to realise that this sort of pissing contests are meaningless.


Why does it really matter exactly what it should be defined as? I'd call it a handheld but it offers home console quality games, sort of it's both but if it has to be one it's a handheld. Nintendo calls it a home console because they need to market it in a way that people understand and sparks their interest.

It's a handheld that hooks up to a TV with HDMI. Nintendo just wants to advertise it as a home console "first"

Well that kinda sucks. Hopefully if the relationship between nintendo and nvidia keeps going well, nvidia might give them something good at a nice price.