Are there any companies you flat out refuse to buy video games from? for me it's ubisoft

are there any companies you flat out refuse to buy video games from? for me it's ubisoft

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flat out 100% refuse? no.
but ubisoft is definitely up there. bioware as well, now. EA as a whole, to a certain degree

Same here. It's not that I refuse to buy anything from them, it's just they make shitty games I'll never buy. Last time I ever bought anything from them was probably Chaos Theory.

the fact that some of you think that just because that one dev for the furry game and some Borderlands fucks were actually shilling on here once that every single time it happens form now on it isn't some bored fuck that wants (You)s but instead some high ranking fucker at them AAA offices who's job it is to talk about his games on Sup Forums all day means you're wearing Tinfoil hats a fucking crowbar couldn't take off.

Nintendo. I refuse to support their sexist pandering to girl fetishists.

maybe I'm naïve, but I honestly just think people like talking about these things.
I guess you could assume it's a marketer. I wouldn't rule it out some of the time, but most of the time people do their job for them.

I stoped buying consoles if that counts. Exclusive are the single worst thing happing to the vidya industry.

Bethesda. The creation club was the straw that broke that camels back, I will never ever buy another game Bethesda makes or publishes. I'll pirate it if it's something I might actually like.

EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda, Blizzard.
It's not really a matter of out right refusing to purchase no matter what people say, it's more like "guilty until proven innocent"

Sony and Capcom.

bethesda for me, these games are basically designed for neets with no money to pirate

god knows how they make money

Any DRM using game

>some high ranking fucker at them AAA offices
You don't need to be high ranked to do SMM. And there is absolutely nothing unrealistic about spamming your shit here for free publicity.

ill buy games from any company as long as the game is incredibly good from my pov and they behave.

r6s is the only ubishit game im willing to give the time of day, and older gen 5/6 stuff i grew up with.

EA and Bethesda, fallout 4 was just awful and the former doesn't even need explaination.
probably blizzard too but I haven't played one of theirs since warcraft 3.

EA mostly.

EA for destroying a bunch of devs that I loved.

I haven't bought an EA game for close to a decade now. Not that it's been that hard not to do due to all the shit they put out. Essentially sports, online FPS and Bioware.

Last EA game I bought was The Saboteur.

Dead Space was EA's last straw with me ,an then 3 came out. Needless to say I've not bought anything form them since, but if a hypothetical Dead Space 4 is somehow a "return to form" that leaves out all that microtransaction crap and at least balances weapon crafting better I'd buy that shit in a heart beat. Hate the player, not the game, son. Ubisoft hasn't done anything terribly offensive to me, its just that those fucking rabbids dominated rayman for like half a decade so until they finally left I didn't buy another Ray-man (Origins and legends are fucking amazing by the way) and AC has been garbage since Ezio left. You can't outright not buy games form a dev just because they do a stupid thing, you just buy the games that don't have the stupid thing in them, the idea being that if everyone bought the game without the stupid thing in it then the businessmen actually controlling this stuff would stop doing the stupid thing considering it creates no profit.

I'll only buy Square Enix games secondhand.

Last Ubisoft game I bought was For Honor and it will probably be my last.

Among most of the others mentioned so far, I'd also never give money to NCSoft again. Fuck them for shutting down CoX.

>but instead some high ranking fucker at them AAA offices who's job it is to talk about his games on Sup Forums all day
It's called a marketing strategy you dumb fuck and it happens.
I've literally worked on marketing campaigns for Bethesda and EA where part of it was viral campaigning, which includes members of the team (Not "high ranking CEOs" or members of the dev team) going to Reddit, Sup Forums, twitter and tumblr and trying to start memes (WE WUZ, toddposting, etc) to keep people talking about games.
A huge part of the skyrim SE marketing strategy was actually keeping toddposting going on Sup Forums and trying to spread it to reddit and tumblr.

It happens you fucking retard. And "leaking" things "anonymously" and saying you're part of a "focus group that got to play xyz AAA game early" is a really frequent marketing technique that happens in all forms of media and advertising. It's a free headline on a blog.

Devolver Digital.

Gearbox and NISA

every single ubisoft has a normal edition a special edition and a gold edition with varying levels of dlc/micro transaction credit on top of full priced $60 games. that's not "a stupid thing", that's downright disgusting

EA and now Bethesda.

>toddposts are actual shills
jesus christ

ubisoft, ea, blizzard, bethesda

>not buying croteam games

Not actively right now as far as I know (though i don't work at bethesda i work at an actual marketing firm so i'm not sure they don't have their own campaign going, but it's not like they're promoting anything significant right now so i doubt it) but after FO4's release and into Skyrim SE, yep. a lot of those threads were created specifically to keep the meme of toddposting alive so they can use it as a tool to freely advertise their releases as much as they want, and it actually caught on so other people will help them do it for free.

Ubisoft is easy since they make nothing of value anymore. EA for Dragon Age 2 and Dead Space 3. Activision because they're the most cacnerous company on this industry by far. I dabble with the others.

does activision even make non cod games anymore? i actually can't think of the last non cod activision game. was it that tony hawk game they rushed out to finish the contract?

meant for

Go away, Ubisoft.

EA and Ubisoft.

The later because they ruined two of my favorite franchises.

Same, but mostly because I lost access to my uplay account on which I actually had a few bought games and their awful customer support only screwed me over. Fuck them.


I know they're just publishing at this point, but, I won't be happy until those fucks are out on the street.

Gearbox. I will never give those kikes a single cent.



i shouldn't even need to say it

EA for me, because they closed down Pandemic Studios

Ubisoft, EA, Activision, WB and Square Enix. Also if a game uses Denuvo, that's an instant no-buy for me. Or if the dev is openly SJW, no-buy. That's about it I guess.

I feel you man. Even though I liked Stardew Valley, I didn't like those guys getting a cut of the money I paid. Not after they bamboozled 15 bucks from me for Starbound.

ubisoft 100%

It's not a new strategy.

wow nice proof faggot, nothing like justifying consolewar faggotry, the one thing killing this site more than anything else, am I right?

EA has never gotten my money since Spore. I hope they are raped by goblins in a pit of flesh-eating maggots in hell for all eternity.

This. Won't even touch games that go anywhere near Gearbox like We Happy Few.

On the contrary it's probably WAY more common than the tinfoil hat fuckers think. Viral marketing is evolving ridiculously fast and it's not a stretch at all to suggest that a lot of the shitposting done here and around the internet is the work of desperate interns.

Just look at how most of the media bullshit around the 2016 election was a fabrication from Russia and friends. We're living in the age of informational warfare.

Are you fucking kidding me? The concept of viral marketing isn't so far fetched and esoteric that it's considered a conspiracy theory. Are you that daft?
Console fanboys make my eyes roll harder than anything. There's nothing to defend when it comes to million dollar companies, they're not on your side. They just want your money.

Blizzard, Bioware, Ubisoft, EA and now Rockstar

>hurr dur
also that worked great for MS whose gaming division is pretty much dead in the water at this point

Only Ubisoft, partly because I don't want to bother with Uplay, but mostly because none of their repetitive, committee-designed, factory-produced, mass-market, yearly-installment games interest me.

I got franchise fatigue from Assassin's Creed before I had even finished the second Ezio game. I recently borrowed my brothers account to play Black Flag and although I managed to finish it I still hadn't fully recovered so it's probably a lifelong thing. Their games are just too damn cold, impersonal, unappealing and boring.

Tripwire. I don't believe they have ever fulfilled a single promise they have ever made without trying to weasel or lawyer their way into "but we technically did what we said!"

>Just look at how most of the media bullshit around the 2016 election was a fabrication from Russia and friends
good bait

everyone on Sup Forums is a spoiled child who thinks marketers are constantly trying to impress them.

I buy good products. I don't buy bad products.

I'm not delusional enough to think that refusing to buy good products from a company that usually makes bad products is going to somehow convince that company to make fewer bad products.

You do realize that people have been covering Russia's internet propaganda efforts for over a decade, right? It's not some big anti-trump conspiracy, it's just that Russia has only started directing its efforts outside of its own borders in the last few years.

Ubisoft is a hit and miss for me.

On one hand they have a formulaic design that gets irritating with their all-star franchises like AC or Far Cry, but once in a while they make pretty good games like Rayman Legends, Siege and now Mario + Rabbids. Also, Grow Up & Grow Home are nice if you like non-AAA.

Ubishit is fucking cancer. i also refuse to buy bioware and blizzard.
But specially ubishit. I specially pirate and seed their games torrents multiple times. Their cancer philosophy is basically killing gaming and I want it to die along with gaming.

>buying games
fitgirl-repacks .
That being said I have bought some quality games like jagged alliance 2, fire emblem radiant dawn, pokemon red, gta san andreas, morrowind and I think that's pretty much it. I haven't really bought much games recently I just pirate

for me it's the mcchicken

Ubisoft after their volte-face on sharing the UbiArt engine.
EA for including their bullshit activators with nearly every game.
Bioware for, well, everything.


No company itself, but I do refuse to buy any online only game. I made an exception for Hitman because it's Hitman.

Ubisoft in general, might make an exception for one or two games, usually the more "indie" titles they sometimes put out, Bethesda cause fuck em.
EA I guess since I can't remember the last title I ever bought from them. Don't want to support them put they're the publisher, they always come out on top. Just nothing made me justify using Origins.

Nintendo, EA, Blizzard
Ubisoft somewhat, wildlands was surprisingly decent, not going to bother with anything else though
Bethesda is getting worse and worse, probably will still get next TES though

EA. I don't even give then the dignity of pirating their games.