What's your favorite JRPG?
What's your favorite JRPG?
Smt strange journey
Parasite Eve
the one in chinese letters
pokemong is a collectathon for babies
I can't stand turn based combat at all, so none of them.
Soulsborne, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Shin Megami Tensei (icluding Persona), Golden Sun and Fire Emblem are my facorite franchises.
>no Dragon's Dogma
Persona 4 Golden or Dark Cloud 2
I don't see Legend of Dragoon on your list anywhere.
Twewy or ff tactics Grimoire of the rift, something like that
>Mother/Chrono Trigger are in bandwagoner but Mario/Luigi are in JRPG fan
Superstar Saga
Phantasy Star IV
Strange Journey
jrpg is a finished genre that reached its peak with chrono trigger and ff9
now weebshit is raping it's corpse happily
shut up fag
>Well Knowledged
Also what the fuck kind of phrase is that, should be Knowledgeable if anything
Disgaea series, SMRPG, pokemon, persona, tales of
Dude, I really love FFIX, but it isn't the peak of anything.
The first Grandia, Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 9 share the top probably. Special mention to Final Fantasy Tactics even though it's another genre.
none of these games are actually good lamo
if it wasn't for uematsu I wouldn't even have touched the genre. jrpg's need good music and fantasy settings imo.
I would put Xeno above trails
My favorite JRPG, despite having never beaten it is Growlanser 4
And the list is dumb, I like games from every category on there.
wish people wouldn't judge Atelier based on the main character's design. The Arland trilogy has really good gameplay.
I have only played pokemon and FF. Never completed pokemon. So ...
>unironically liking any jrpg better than TWEWY
Valkyrie Profile
Legend of Heroes
Shin Megami Tensei
JRPG is a pointless category
go back to sucking nomura's cock
>Neptunia (compile heart)
>Moe Chronicle (compile heart)
>and Compile Heart
This is correct
Final Fantasy
Dragon Quest
Kingdom Hearts
Tales of
Trails of Cold Steel
Both Nier games, and Xenogears. I loved Xenogears before it was cool though so I'm not a bandwagoner. :^)
This one
Hiroyuki Ito directed IX
Eh, I wouldn't have put it there if I'd made the image, but it's a little bit bandwagon. It's also legitimately fucking fantastic, though, which is why I wouldn't have put it on that tier.
Why do JRPGs consistently have great soundtracks?
I think nips just see a good soundtrack as being a more important part of the experience than western companies do.
Why do racing games have great graphics?
Same principle. They don't have to focus on anything else because the stories are garbage.
because falcom started dumping tons of money and talent into their sound team in the 80s and then other jrpg companies saw what falcom was doing and their success and started doing the same thing
for 1989 standards this was a gamechanger.
Either FF7, FF8, Persona 5, or Panzer Dragoon Saga.
because japs are the best at making music. not even a weeb but listen to the top 100 : exclaim.ca
and you will open your eyes
Legend of Zelda(especially BOTW)
>[Japanese are the best at making music, not even a weeb]
But you are with a statement like that
Etrian Odyssey
Dark Cloud
I listened to every Sup Forums chart to ever exist without any view of nip supremacy, and I came to the conclusion that anglo music can't compete
your mum
It's even cuter that you think Sup Forums is a credible source for anything, let alone observing teh tenets of good music make. They're too busy jerking off over old, popular garbage.
I love how CH is a JRPG lol.
Anyway, I guess I have one favorite from almost every category. FF, Dark Souls, Valkyrie Profile, Star Ocean, Persona, Trails, and Neptunia.
My favorite overall would probably be Dark Souls though.
>Panzer Dragoon Saga
Patrician taste
How the fuck did you play at that and not Chrono Trigger? Unless you didn't like it.
My favorite JRPGs are Solatorobo and Nier.
I just want good worldbuilding and characters out of my JRPGs. Combat can take a back seat.
I didn't get into JRPGs until long after Chrono Trigger came out and I just haven't taken the time to play it yet. Its on my to-do list.
Good taste, LISA is one of my favorite RPG's of all time.
Fair enough. It was basically Final Fantasy IV when it came out in the US back in 95. You're in for a treat when you play it.
Ill bite on this
Circled means I played and liked it
Crossed means I played and didn't like
Nothing means I have yet to try it
Sup Forums is the same board that meme'd itself into liking Death Grips so I doubt they're an authority on anything
Why haven't you played SMT yet if you have tried Persona?
Wasn't sure if that implied every other SMT. It's a tad vague. I tried most of the 3DS ones. Played DeSu games and REALLY liked them, thought Soul Hackers was dated but its a Saturn game so go figure. SMT4 was kinda bad, didn't try apocolypse though, and have yet to try Persona Q. Looking forward to Strange Journey on 3DS.
I'd struggle to call Undertale an RPG at all.
I mean, the elements are there, but can be practically ignored.
user, it's a joke.
Final Fantasy will probably always be my favorite despite how lukewarm the newer single games have been.
But Grandia, The Mana series, Golden Sun, Paper Mario, Valkyrie Profile, Ys and Super Mario RPG
Pokemon and Mario&Luigi
Name another RPG with a better class system than Golden Sun. You can't
Final Fantasy V, retard
>playing jrpgs past ffx
chrono trigger and the secret of evermore
didn't most everyone just give all of one type of djinn to the appropriate party member?
>shitload of grinding required
>your equipment stops working on certain classes
Why would you ever do that? It's the worse distribution in the game
Glad to see in it.
If you wanted to severely gimp your party, I suppose.
I guess not then. That's how I went through both games. What's the ideal combo for everyone?
>shitload of grinding required
>your equipment stops working on certain classes
That's the point.
Persona 2
Even if the gameplay is shit the characters and story shit all over the recent persona games
Depends on your preference. The triple element classes are absurdly powerful compared to the defaults but in the first game it usually leaves one character gimped and a couple in the 2nd game. The games are too easy though and can be cheesed by summon spamming to the point where it doesn't matter. I'm playing the through the difficulty hack released a month ago and it makes the game way more difficult and rebalanced a bunch of stuff
>tfw your taste lies in both casual and jrpg tier
At least it isn't too far gone into weeaboo or iredeemable garbage.
Oh god... i love a great deal of these series and while those were some good times, im going to have to pick Dragon Quest. There has never been a bad Dragon Quest
Growlanser 4.
Infinite space being a close second.
For the past year or two I have been playing Legend of Heroes, Ar tonelico and Growlanser, which makes me a weaboo on that chart.
The best part about Growlanser is the ridiculous costumes with the nostalgic mid 2000's porno looking art style. The games definitely aren't perfect though and going to 3d game models was the worst decision they could have made.
Compile Heart is my favorite JRPG
It's a pretty well know fact that every Growlanser after IV sucks monkey balls. Even a tales of game has more depth and better characters than Growlanser V.
>you will never EVER have SMTxPokemon
meanwhile Nintendo just pumps out Muso crossovers
Blue Dragon.
It's not the best game, but it really resonates with me.
Why would I even want that in the first place?
Love these retarded nostalgia charts.
>old shitty jrpg games from like ps1 are listed as the greatest ever
>anything new or relevant is trash or casual
Every time with this stuff its pathetic.
>Everything in "Well Knowledged" is dead
What are you trying to say here?
me, figured that was ovious user
Why would you want a SMT x SMT-clone game? Pokemon has nothing new or interesting to offer to the mix.