Looking good. Kind of hyped now. What do you think, Sup Forums?
Looking good. Kind of hyped now. What do you think, Sup Forums?
At 0:59 you can see an NPC running against a wall, right in the center of the shot
Doesn't seem historically accurate though.
Love it but I won't have time to play it on release because of Divinity Original Sin 2, the new southpark game and Warhammer 2
>reddit and Sup Forums use Sup Forums maymays
What else is new?
Two of them, actually.
Fuck off, go shill somewhere else retard.
How much time do they spend making these trailers? 5 minutes?
>made it into the trailer
Literally not enough bug free footage for a trailer
I'm playing Rogue rn and did the devs completely forget how the animus works because the Templars overlooking you are surprised Shay didn't die and it's like no shit, if he died he wouldn't have passed on his genes containing that memory
Why are there so many niggers in egypt?
It's in Africa
If 2 and black flag are the two best games in the series which one is the third best?
The Egyptians needed dick washers.
Rogue, however short
Needed? Or wanted?
Black Flag is overrated.
This definitely going to be the most detail game in the series, I just hope the modern day story will be just as great.
The one thing it does, though, it does well. At the end of the day it's just a sailing game, all the parts outside of it are shitty.
>not saying AssCreed: Kangs' Origins
its a Sup Forums meme
your tears are delicious
It's way too big and then the massive amount of sea fragments is just fucked
It must be comfy being a paid shill.
>that flame clipping into the npc on the left
The first one. That setting was incredible.
>dude africa
>therefore black
No wonder black people are laughing stock of the world.
>samurais and vikings
Those are romans and persians.