Steam has a bigger library of games so why wouldn't it be better?
i have games on both
Steam has more games
GOG is the better service
Quality over quantity.
No reason not to choose both
Because I don't play childish triple A games. I prefer DRM-free and non-toxic communities. Also, games in Steam are 35% more expensive than in GOG.
But the games GOG has are the same ones Steam has.
Maybe if you're a nostalgiafag.
Both of them
That's not entirely true - GOG often adds some fan fixes so that the game will run on modern systems.
Pay to borrow games or pay to own games?
the steam client is hot garbage
the galaxy client isn't multiplatform and the game selection is lacking unless you're 40 years old
they're both shit
GOG without a doubt.
DRM-free has become a quality on it's own...
Yes. Both are pay to borrow games.
>OP asks about GOG galaxy drm
Having the files doesn't mean you own the game, idiot. Even if you buy a physical copy of a game, it's still only a license to play that game. Using your logic, a game you torrent is now yours. See how silly it is?
Steam is better for native games going forward, has the most accumulated Linux games of any current store front.
GoG is better for older games which you need to run through compatibility layers or emulators thanks to there being no DRM.
In a perfect world all the games would be cross-platform DRM free on GoG and their client would work everywhere, but it doesn't.
it's the licensing terms that matter, dumb normie
if they are non restrictive then they're functionally the same as ownership
not a contest
What "service" does GOG offer outside of not being DRM?
Steam has:
>The workshop
>Steam controller customization that's now open to any controller, allowing you to rebind keys in literally any game
>Controller compatibility support for generic gamepads and dualshock 4's allowing them to be super easily detected by xinput only games (The vast majority of games)
>Forums for every single game you play, these days usually with fan to dev contact during the first 6 months or so
>An economy that you can play and make money off of if you're smart
>If I need to look up something for a game these days 7/10 google gives me a guide from the Steam community as the best result the other 3/10 being wikis
I fucking hate Valve, but Steam really seems to me like the only DRM "service" that tries to fulfill the "service" end of things as well
wasn't it shown that GoG used torrents or something to supply games
When are they ever non restrictive, you autist. I can't buy a game, mod it a bit then resell it. Which means I didn't own the game in the first place.
Well yes. Paying is just to voice support to the dev. Practically if I can install and play the game without the interference of third parties it's as mine as it can get.
Is this even a question? GOG win by defaut by not being DRM shit like Steamwork.
Not being forced to update and downgrade capabilities is all I need
>Even if you buy a physical copy of a game, it's still only a license to play that game.
Let's see them try to revoke it.
Well, Steam allows community written guides to mod a game.
Not the same but close enough.
Dumb fucking anime poster has no clue what he's talking about, as usual.
>GOG picks up dead games with developers that no longer exist
>"Hey, everyone! Buy the games officially!"
>pockets all money
>any better than pirating
If you're going to pirate games, at least don't be a stupid nigger and pay to do so.
The Galaxy client is entirely optional and quite frankly redundant. Mainly only exists to ease people used to Steam to try GoG.
Oh, so breaking the law is fine if it's hard to be punished? I guess piracy is better than both Steam and GOG.
End of discussion.
GOG is the lesser evil, but it still isn't great.
EULA is not law.
I enjoy owning the games I purchase so I check if it's on gog first every time. You're retarded if you think steam's gimmicks outweigh the fact you're subscribing to software. If you really want it then just run your gog version through steam.
I'm almost surprised Sup Forums is praising steam so hard but then I remember this is neo-Sup Forums where it's 80% reddit and they don't give a shit about their consumer rights
Gog just because of insomnia threads.
Only time of the year that there are good threads here
>short retarded responses
It is and it is, glad you know when you've lost.
Im gonna buy cuphead on GOG.
you can't do any of that with just about any form of media actually, digital or analog. either you're categorically against all of it, or GOG deserves no reproach.
try not being so full of shit
Wow, what a long, eloquent and completely non-retarded response.
I'm gonna buy Divinity 2 on GoG
neat, a post that describes itself
Thanks for proving me right, then. We don't own any of the games, movies or albums we buy. The winning move is to acquire them for free.
Do you think GOG will eventually become a more prominent i.e. more AAA games?
GoG most definitely, and it's only a matter of time as GoG is slowly starting to reach the modern market, and a lot of developers are taking note of the site.
It's gotten to a point where I almost exclusively check to see whether it's on GoG first and buy it there, and only use Steam on occasion to chat with normie friends who have no clue about GoG/decide to stay on Steam, play the FOTM multiplayer game like PUBG, and Humble Bundle purchases.
Until there's a gog link, nobody should give a fuck about it.
shit, I had a stroke - what I was trying to ask was whether GOG would acquire more AAA games.
If a game comes to GOG too it pretty much guarantees I'm pirating it. So I feel like it's doubtful
In a weird way I'd rather they not. Unless they manage to be really fucking good at sticking to their guns. Otherwise they might just end up going the way Steam did.
if you could freely usurp any content creator's market without repercussion, then there would be no commercial incentive to make the stuff to begin with.
current copyright may be completely unreasonable but that doesn't mean the concept itself is fundamentally wrong.
I'm glad you were able to rationalize not having to pay for anything whilst still feeling like a good person though.
>You can get something completely legal and even if vendor decide to go full retard they can't remove the sold good from you
>Nah, just steal it instead
>It's winning move!
You want to know why I know that you are a nigger?
I wanna buy Nuclear Throne on GOG,
but I hear that it's not up to date like the steam version. Can someone confirm? I wanna buy co-op with my bros online.
Niggers steal stuff in real life
White people steal things over the internet
I cannot comprehend how Gothic 2 and 3 is not in Polish, but 1 is.
The market's already adjusted for that, that's why Crowdfunding and Crowd Patronage are things now. Trying to keep a chain on digital goods is plain stupid.
Nah, they are too niche. They catter to different kind of crowd that do not really care that much about AAA titles.
Which is actually good - we dont need another Steam with all his retarded shenanigans.
I wish I was a nigger so I could say that a nigger was smarter than you but nope. Anyway, where was I in my train of thought.
A lot of faggots in this thread are praising GOG for being more user friendly. It doesn't matter how the company operates because more and more new games have an online component which is essentiallt in-game DRM. Either GOG won't have these new releases making Steam the better choice or they will and the no DRM argument flies out the window. So yeah, GOG can't stop greedy publishers.
crowd funding and crowd patronage almost completely remove accountability from the equation. they're not a perfect replacement for traditional publishing.
I keep seeing this claim but no proof.
I very much doubt what they're doing is illegal. CD Projekt is their parent company; don't think they'd get away with selling "abandonware" without agreement / payment to the dev / publisher.
If anything, that would have to be limited to a select number of games. They won't be selling Crysis, Oblivion, Doom3 that way...
>Replying to bait
GoG for single player Steam for multiplayer
Publishers have proven to be the scum of the earth though so accidentally feeding a hack 20 bucks is a small price compared to fueling the AAA engine and their chop shop approach to games now.
Because Polish localizations of vidia are in 99% of the cases fucking aids ridden blood diarrhea cancer.
Bo te debile od lokalizacji po prostu płacą minimalną stawkę jakimsbeztalenciom które potem czytają kwestie z kartki głosem jebanego spikera na dworcu kolejowym w Piździszewie Dolnym.
Depends on the game I feel like playing. Steam isn't above selling straight up broken games. For those games, gog.
O spierdalaj, Gothic ma dojebany dubbing. Nie ogarniam tylko, czemu jedna częsć ma dubbing, a pozostałe już nie.
Gothic to zajebane gówno elo
Gothic pierwszy, BF:BC2 i Wiedzminy sa własnie w tym 1% tej lokalizacji ci nie jest chujowa. Probowales kurwa przebrnąć przez "spolszczenie" do gier Paradoxu albo ostatnio BF1 i to co próbuja wpchnąc do Tyrrany?. Kurwa ja pierdole, niech ktos to zajebie zanim złoży jaja
>I'm gonna buy Divinity 2 on GoG
I just did.Downloading right now.
Jealous. It's so expensive right now I'd have to suck dick.
Plenty of games on GOG that Steam doesn't have. Not even including all those that are inferior or outright don't even work.
Pirate it and buy it when you can.I had the in-dev pirated a long time ago so i've been saving up to buy it on launch day since i knew that it was worth it.
P.S. Larian are a developer who's games i buy full price if i can since they deserve it.
I prefer to buy games from GOG when possible just so I can have a local backup of it.
But they're far from perfect. There's several games available on GOG that have major compatibility issues with modern systems, some that are straight up inferior versions of games available elsewhere and even some with really bad DRM (the worst example Defcon calling home every single time you start it).
I just looked on the forum page for it and it looks like it is out of date. It's the only recent-ish game on there I've seen that doesn't have a sticky for updates.
Steam has more convenient service. I don't see why you can't use both, though.
>it's a scam cause they have lots of old shit
>I hate reading
I like reading, but not when what I read is completely retarded
Damn, whoever wrote that is really trying hard to justify his piracy. Also:
>What's the point of paying for old games?
Indeed, why does Square Enix (Deus Ex) or Bohemia Interactive (OFP) won't release their old games for free?
GOG is made by subhuman Polish niggers, I prefee Steam made by hardworking Americans
I wonder who could be behind this post...
Hard working WASPs are going extinct, user
Because we're eating up inferior foreign shit. Steam is Jewy but it's a damn good service. GOG is nothing more than a bunch of Slavic retards selling cracked ancient games. GOG is only good for their DRM free torrents. Fuck that garbage company and fuck Poland
t. silesian subhuman
>Because we're eating up inferior foreign shit.
Who's fault is it that it became a pain in the ass to do business in America domestically?
GoG but Steam has too much of my money already.
>hardworking americans
>don't own "their" home
>Polish niggers
>own their own home
I bet you own your "own" console
well , they expect one of us in the wreckage brother might as well be you
People actually want to live in America and not Poorland, so houses are expensive. Dumb fucking "white" nigger
You mean GOG will take work done by fans for free and sell them back to players?
Sounds great.
GoG is better, I don't even get how the fuck this is a debate. The client is optional and its loss doesn't inhibit the games, all of its games are DRM-free, and their customer support isn't literally useless. If a game is available on both GoG and Steam, the GoG version is just the better choice.
>they use cracks
And? If it doesn't inhibit the game then it's irrelevant.
>But why pay for it when it's DRM free
Because only poorfags and leeches don't pay for their games, and even the former do it when they can.
>DRM with extra layers
>DRM free, no bs
Reminder that this abortion still exists...
>muh morals think about the Polish faggots
Sorry buddy some people would rather not piss away their hard earned money on a game when the pirated version is identical
I get it. You huemonkeys have bigger things to worry about, like ACTUAL monkeys kidnapping your children through the windows of your tin shack.
>This thread
Agreed, Im not a valve fan boy or anything but steam is a great service.
kek, Polishniggers have the shittiest banter