Sup Forums The Musical V

Quick reminder that Sup Forums The Musical V starts FUCKING TOMORROW! DON'T MISS IT!

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Gettin' my dick ready for a rehash of the same ideas that is still 9000% better than most of the crap pumped out by music companies these days.

Holy shit. That hyped me the fuck up.

Post best songs.


My man

is that pic meant to be sort of like Hush from Afterbirth? either way some people might enjoy this link.

This is amazing. How have I not seen this one yet?

So how does it work if a drawfag wants to do a cover image?

last year was fucking gold in quality. Can't wait to see what comes from Cuphead fiasco, MVC Infinite, Scalebound salt, and all the other shit this year.

Remider that last year mods chased you off to /vg/, and you should stay there

>Finishing with Spergout

Holy shit.

>no yous

looks like another tune out for me until we can start youing

Please stay there. No one wants you here.

>it's a Reddit tries to be as post-ironic and bitter as possible because he's fallen for the "Sup Forums hates vidya" joke and thinks that FUN is a crime thread

>flight of the Concords

What video is that from? I don't remember us doing a concords song.

>it's a dude sings about video games instead of talking about them and half the time the songs aren't even about games but "board culture xD" and calls others reddit thread

More like reminder that OCs are forbidden on Sup Forums- Political Shitposting.

Yeah spergout was a real treat. I hope everyone's been keeping track of things that happened this year because I forgot to and I'm out of ideas for more songs.

Get hype boys and 5 or so girls.

Take your self-aggrandising bullshit back to whoever it is thinks you're so original.

Fuck off.

Haha guys memes are so funny right haha
I know haha let's sing songs about memes and (barely) video games then call anyone who thinks we should go somewhere else reddit haha


>driving around last week
>playing musical songs over bluetooth to get hype
>this song is on
>stop at red light
>windows are down because it's fucking hot
>2:01 happens
>see people in the car next to me staring
>suddenly decide that I'm making a right turn right the fuck then

I don't think there was a video, though.

I would have hung myself.

Haha wow this is totally worthy of being posted on Sup Forums haha

Fantastic as always my nigga

Play it on easy and don't shitpost i'm scared are amazing

This didn't happen.

was there a video with it like in the OP?

I don't recall anyone actually making a video for it.

Y O U .

The amount of autism that went into that fucking video is just astounding.

>Recording in a fucking library
gamergate music are the funniest desu
as for the cringe? Sup Forums the musical is cringy, but you have to turn off your adult brain and appreciate it for what it is: funny joke

Sounds like a great idea, man. How's all that for the next month sound?

Draw a cover, and if it's good, we will use it


The preserve of 14-19 year olds that think having shameless fun is going to damage their reputations with their internet friends.


I never thought even we would sink that low.

>tfw still stuck on a song I tried writing for last year

I appreciate more videogame related songs.
Usually meta songs about the board are very bad. Of course, there are exceptions like the DHMIS one but they are very rare.

who here /epistle3/

Posting the GOAT of last year


God damn. It takes a lot to make one proud of this shitheap, but sometimes you get patriotic.

someone said they wanted to make it but that was it afaik.

now this is cringe holy shit you really believe you can beat the 4th most used site in the internet
"Sup Forums" didn't beat shit, only the guys who played beat shit, you didn't do anything except being behind your damn screen browsing the site.

this is autistic

Then why do people care about sports?

I think there was some WIP floating around somewhere but it never got finished. Happens a lot with videofags

Found the Reddit

>t. pissed off Redditor

No one fucking cares. Bunch of autists.

>tfw the No Games Inc. video got taken down
This was my very first writing contribution from last year. I've got two more planned so far for this year, one's pretty much done and the other is still in progress

>t. buttblasted raker scum who was pushed off our world

You sound like a colossal faggot.

Holy fuck. Why? aren't parodies ok though?


i'm still beyond mad they took down No Games inc. 's video

>No one fucking cares.
Considering there's now five years and hundreds of songs with hundreds of thousands of views, I think you're actually, empirically wrong.

Looks like someone is fishing for yous.

Put me on screencap plebbit :)

What songs are you guys working on?


>the production quality on Don't Shitpost I'm Scared
I'm wowed every time
tfw you wrote a song that never got big

and I need an upgrade 's

This shit really comes at a bad time this year. First time I've actually got some vidya I want to play instead.

nice blog post, but at least you're not namefagging.

Oh hey, I sang that. Sorry it was awful.

What is it with Americans and musicals? Are they not capable of expressing anything in any other way? It is quite genuinely the lowest form of entertainment.

Stop shitting up the board with this garbage.

Your time was hilariously off, but it could have at least been salvaged with a bit of simple editing.

Sup reddit

There were worse ones out there.

Modern Major General
Pretty Fly For A White Guy
Eagle Fly Free
It's a Hard-Knock Life
One Punch Man Theme
Napal Baji

oh fuck my sides

I fucking KNEW you were behind that "5 or so girls" crack!
dunno when the right time is for busting out the names, but it's damn good to see you back!

Into the Night by BB King
Every Time We Touch by Maggie Reilly

Why don't we ever do more Sup Forums v reddit stuff?

Think it'd be cool to do rocket league or something.
Have teams for every game mode 1v1,2v2,rumble etc.

People really need to learn not to bite the bait. You'd think after multiple years you lot would know better than to constantly respond. Seems not

>dunno when the right time is for busting out the names

Never. Stop ruining this thing with your fucking namefagging and attention whoring.

because Sup Forums is dying and reddo is thriving
also they'd just ban us

Yeah, I can't say I'd done any audio mastering before last year and I haven't spent any time improving for this one. I'll probably stick to lyrics this year unless someone else wants to do editing.

How could I possibly miss such a shitshow?

Mostly because half of reddit is scared of us and the other half literally don't want anything to do with us.

Is the Heathers musical too obscure to be parodied?

Because you've appealed to the lowest common denominator in the form of musicals, which is the only creative media Americans are capable of producing. It's like Anonymous once the normies got a hold of it and is completely disconnected from the site now, just as this is completely unrepresentative of the rest of Sup Forums.

Nothing is too obscure

Ok special snowflake.

I don't see it much as attention whoring as avoiding "Hey who is working in this shit, user or that other user"
The names should be erased in the final product tho, something that usually doesn't happen.
t. a namefag

You cared enough to post though.

> vidya
what a cringy word to describe videogame, hearing it voiced makes me sick

>Why don't we ever do more Sup Forums v reddit stuff?

What happened was, following the Shazbowl Reddit and Sup Forums arranged a game of Battlefield 3. It ended with Reddit mods banning Sup Forumsirgins from the server during (allegedly for saying "faggot") the game and the entire thing turning into a shitshow. There haven't been any Sup Forums vs Reddit games since. Plus now that Reddit is huge and not just cancerous, I don't think that there'd be anything to be gained from it.

Got this today. Funny it would happen now.

plebbit is too big and too faggy. If we ever tried to do something with them again they'd probably ban us, then spam boards with sjw bullshit.

It's the definition of fair use, just appeal.

You wonder why you faggots keep getting strikes is because you're just stealing other people's songs
>muh fair use
Fuck off you lazy fucks and produce something original for once in your god damn lives.

>Sup Forums the musical 1 and 2 were pretty rare and good
>now we're just doing them every other month
>Don't Shitpost me I'm Scared is going to remain the best even though we're just doing quantity > quality now