This trans identifiying spaz with pink hair is ruining English

This trans identifiying spaz with pink hair is ruining English.

Read the title

kotaku. com/arms-new-character-she-protec-she-attac-but-she-also-1809950427

archive it stupid nigger

I'm starting to realize Trump may have been right.

Archive it.

What do you mean by using that in this context.

In case they change it ?

Trump only aggravated these bozos and made them 10 times crazier.

Trump was a mistake

>people think shills don't browse Sup Forums

It's a meme you dip

He/she/it w/e is one of the worst writers on there shilling PUBG or overwatch.


>He didn't MEAN to commit triple homicide, Trump being elected caused him to do it!!!!!!!
Go back to leftypol you shithead

Yeah, instead of being out in the open it would've been great if these people kept on influencing things silently and turning the entire world shit.

Fuck off.

Honestly whether this writer is trans or not is irrelevant. "She's" a terrible writer and talks about the same couple bad games over and over.

Because she's a trendy piece of shit that just wants to be trendy.


Just assigning it a random gender because I couldn't care less what it identifies as.


>she protec, she attac
What did it mean by this?
I'm serious, what does it mean?

It's trying to be trendy by being niggerish because it's cool to be niggerish now.

This. Kotaku only cares about trends. Half of their articles are esports related.

Nah people just like to sperg out here about browsing kotaku because i guess there was some drama there that made some Sup Forumsirgins all butt blasted so archive just means to make the article readable but without linking the site so it doesnt get hits. Self righteous non-sense really

>it's only okay when WE overuse shitty nigger memes

They actually have a fucking Ask Dr Nerd Love segment, they're literally laughing at their shitty fanbase by acting like it's the 1980's where it's uncool to be into shit like that.

FFS I can't tell if things are actually getting shittier in many aspects, if I'm just old and this is normal, or both.


The advent of the internet means that it's easier to cherrypick negative shit than ever.

>This trans identifiying spaz with pink hair is ruining English.
>Read the title

damn you retarded as nigga shit is just a fucking url. Urls can be whatever the fuck and dont really matter since who the fuck is desperate enough to look into something as pointless as that simply to act all aggrieved and faggy about it?

Like shit just how sensitive are ya weenies that a fucking url triggers ya faggot asses so god damn much?

If the url was just a bunch of random numbers would that also trigger you fag boy? Jesus fucking christ and yall fags whine about fuckers being so sensitive and thinned skinned when ironically enough yall are exactly as or maybe ever more overly sensitive than the fags yall fags whine about.

god damn are yall fucking pathetically stupid that it would be hilarious if it weren't so god damn sad.

Shit is just damn meaningless url that could be substituted with whatever the fuck as long it takes one to the desired place. Shit man just how fucking stupidly shallow are you overly sensitive over reactionary faggots really?

this bait, lmao

Well we don't need to go as far back as the golden era for examples, like the 90's. We only need to go back maybe 5 years where this shit wasn't happening and people wrote stuff like they have some type of education.

It went from 'normal' English from the 50's on up (depending on where you lived) to adding "cool, yo, duuude", but people still pronounced words like they weren't fully retarded. Now it's trendy as fuck to say 'nigga' and pronounced words like you have 15 braincells, never graduated 3rd grade, and never finished tape 2 of hooked on phonics. Basically like a rapper inventing words because they're useless in every other way.

>ywn drink a 40 in the death basket
feels bad desu

Can't tell if really this retarded, or troll.

The simplest answer is usually the best, and the answer is both.

"and now, Hannibal Burgers"

This is the trash kids/tweens/teens idolize now.

he posts, he madd but he also baite


>This trans identifiying spaz

Be more specific please

>Read the title
It's a meme, you dip.

Archive you stupid nigger

It's a tumblr meme dipshit

It'a shitty memespeak, everyone yelling nigger just goes to show that Sup Forums isn't the meme machine it use to be

This. Memes don't originate here anymore

anything Kotaku goes instantly IN THE TRASH.

Was the herpes and abortion bill worth it, Nathan?

>go back maybe 5 years where this shit wasn't happening

>underage doesn't even know the dankest maymays
Fucking wh*teoids I swear.

They still can the problem is the rate of osmosis is so high that the memes are already spread to normies before they have a chance to wear out their welcome here. Used to people only got the old memes. Now a meme has been culturally appropriated by social media in an hour.

No wonder OP is triggered by an English-language meme, he's a fucking goddamn frog who doesn't understand English.

Fuck back off to France and stop making shitty threads about Kotaku on Sup Forums

>french posts are garbage
>Rank 25

fucking cheese-eating surrender monkeys

Why do you intentionally go looking for things to be upset about?

Is there a name for this mental illness? I feel like enough people out there are doing this so there must be a name already.


> being this retarded

Don't follow. Why did she change it?

Woah... you are probably 12 or something. Then you shouldn't post on Sup Forums. Go back to school.

it's a meme you dip

faceberg memes

the obvious chain of events is Chelsea/Zoe saw the negative review from her mom, called her and ask that she change it, and told her that it was for both of their best interests because her facebook and amazon accounts were being scrutinized by anonymous internet sleuths(Kymberlie's amazon profile and wishlists are now private and her facebook page went dark, consistent with the cover-up tactics Crash Override Network would recommend to protect yourself online). Notice that the review's new version admits it's the mom, still says Chelsea/Zoe wrote a bunch of
lies, and that the mom is making up crazy lies herself. Like mother, like daughter, as they say

>linking to kotaku
Shill detected?