>free to play
>handheld and tv all in one
>no region lock

Fuck eops tho

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isn't this just a streamable version of the game like onlive or ps now?

why not just play the fucking game already on pc, ps4, or vita? they got english patches available.


JP only user.

Everybody who cares about this game has already played it.
Let it go.

>no region lock

>free to play
more like pay to not get shitty drop rates

>have fun playing an mmo in a language you don't understand

enjoy 300 ms ping and why couldnt you play it on PC?

Reading/understanding nip isn't hard


my dude!

you know, YOU KNOW, those are default for PSO. i can't tell you all those fucking photon drops or Bravemans i'd get from red boxes in DC PSO back in the day.

Well, I said fuck eops in the OP. So yes, fuck eops ;)

Bring forth the Rappies.


They're fucking plotting something. How else to do show up on every planet, even ones in completely different dimensions!

They give out rare boosters like every day for free

They're completely harmless.

If you're a loser that plays everyday then sure. But if you drop in every once in awhile then no.


finally a reason to own a switch, other than as a door-stop

You can play it on PS4/Vita right now just using a JP PSN account

They stay in your storage for quite a while until you take them. I play around once a month.

That's just what they want us to think.


don't play grind games if you aren't comitted to the grind son

Why not play on PC instead?
I can't imagine it being fun streaming a game from Japanese servers to America or Europe. Too much input lag, visual quality suffers, and you're forced to play at 30fps instead of 120+ fps on PC

>bought Phantasy Star Online 2 Special Edition in Japan when I went in 2013
>couldn't play it because update exceeded memory card
>sat on my shelf since 2013 untouched

Shame. I also downloaded it on PS4 but didn't play it because of the SEGA account bullshit.


>japan only

so fucking mad

even if it arrived overseas it still would be terrible. would you really trust sega of america/europe with phantasy star after they fucked up the previous games

Kuso game. Fuck sega

>Came out in English in singapore
>Already dead and closed down

Can't wait to be years behind the Japan release again for starters.

You forgot that they added additional grind for no reason and translated it badly.

the game's fucking dead

the same fate will happen if it came out here in civilized countries. years behind in updates, missing content, hackers duping items, jew cash shop, etc.


yeah how dare they add a new class that requires you to play three seperate classes to the soft level cap

must be really boring to join a multiparty group and EVERYONE is the same class.

Great, but wouldn't it be much, much better to just play on PC? Isn't it mostly translated? I was a huge PSOfag during V1 and Xbox but could never get into PSO2 somehow.

of course it would be much better on PC. this switch version is nothing but a last minute effort to get more players into the game since its dying.

>can play it right now and with english translation if you dont understand moonrunes
hero was a mistake

im still sad they caved into the anime artstyle and mannerisms

yeah it very similar before, but it still wasn't balls to the walls anime

>this switch version is nothing but a last minute effort to get more players into the game
Truthfully it does feel like that because of how they didn't even bother to port the game directly and instead went with some sort of cloud service.


I think the bigger issue is that hero was the only advanced class that was released. If they had released multiple classes at once like when the 3 extra classes came, you'd probably see more variety, assuming the power levels were vastly skewed towards one class.

EVERYONE who already gave a shit already played it and got bored of it

t. Played it like 2 years ago, raised my character to level 65, 90 hours playtime, got bored

>>no region lock

that's a good thing how? Hope you enjoy playing with huehues and slavs

Guarantee if PSO2 ever did come out in the west the mass no western release complaints would instantly shift to this shit or every other similar complaint about how its actually "PSU2."

>streaming video games over the internet


is the game still the same as it was years ago
>wait hours in the lobby for the emergency mission to appear
>do it for a extremely shitty drop rate chance at good stuff
>go back to doing erotic roleplaying or AFK in the lobby until another emergency mission appears
>anything other than emergency missions groups are dead or locked password parties

i know nothing about phantasy star online but why is that video disliked that much?

I think most people just look at the EQ schedule nowadays and log in about 30mins ahead of time to get into a good block unless there's some limited quest to grind for badges.

most likely because the game is garbage and it's not even a real port, it's just the game streamed online to your console meaning input lag and bad framerate.

I doubt its that, well at least alone
More probable all the disgruntled PSO fans outside of Japan mass downvoting it again as Sega once again shows it does not give a shit about you if you are outside of Japan.