ITT: Truth

ITT: Truth


I think it's high time we get a different set of games in E-sports

move dota between sc2 and cs:go so that games form a slope and it's ok

where is Street Fighter V?

Starcraft 2 is widely considered dead but still 10 times more relevant than SFV.

>dota high skill
>lol low skill

wtf isn't those the same game with different publisher?

i don't really pay attention to mobas at all since they're so boring to watch and play.
because of this, idk what makes them hard. can someone enlighten me?
also does the strategy required in mobas really trump the raw mechanical skill needed for CSGO?
i mean it's no quake but still.

Bottom left.

You're a retard.

This though. Fighting games were like the ORIGINAL E-Sports and lend themselves best to being E-Sports in general. Moba and RTS shit is so hard to follow if you don't play the game yourself. In a fighting game, they punch and kick each other until HP reaches 0.

no, riot removed many mechanics from the original wc3 map to make it beginner friendly

old as fuck

>raw mechanical skill needed for CSGO

You called?

I don't play ASSFAGGOTS but why is Dota 2 considered so much harder than LoL?

Dota has a lot more strategical depth.

Mechanically though, it's basically the same, with a few exceptions for some dota heroes.

Is this thread about casual videogames that need to be removed from the planet? Add card games, battle royal, and every single dota game to that list


>raw mechanical skill needed for CSGO

CS is waaaaaay more about strategy, teamwork, and map knowledge than it is about skill, despite what perma-AWPing teenagers in casual want to believe.

get back to me when you have such good spray control that the automatic weapons are lasers and you can flick headshot everyone.

You'd have to play it to understand.
I could try to explain for hours and it would sound alien to someone who doesn't play either, but basically LoL is a dumbed down version of DOTA.

not even a dotard but I think you're selling it a bit short on the mechanical stuff
in lol you couldn't even dodge spells with blink when I played it

Without going into the mechanics of the game too much, Dota 2 gives you a massive roster of characters to choose from and only charges for cosmetics. League charges for runes which give you generalized spells that work across all characters, the characters themselves and cosmetics. You can technically get all of it for free by playing a lot but the same can be said about hearthstone. Also Riot enforces a strict meta on league, and breaking it is a bannable offense. This meta pretty much revolves around getting as much gold as possible by X minute mark and then steamrolling the other team. I stopped playing mobas since I'm fucking sick of them but at least dota would change from patch to patch. League is just the same shit over and over.

>spray control

Memorizing a completely arbitrary pattern along with "utilizing" RNG in an FPS is now considered skill.

Fuck video games man.

ok I'm back

Where's MELEE

Where's Halo 2, Quake, UT, any fucking fighting game, Catherine, and Smash

Your info is really out of date btw. Runes are basically free (10 IP each now) in preparation for Runes Reforged, which entirely free and available from the start for all players. Also, the rules regarding picks and choices has been revised. You won't get banned for weird shit as long as you're actively trying to win the game. Riot's generally got their shit together over the last year and a half or so.

as you can see, the popularity axis doesn't go into negative values

>Current E-sport games

It says e-sport you retard

where's lawbreakers?


>all these plebs think SC is hard

wouldn't an arbitrary spray pattern be one that just sprays in a cone, like every other FPS?
and what sort of methodology could you apply to making controllable spray patterns?
please, tell me what sort of spray pattern should be used instead and why it makes any difference.
if you're gonna complain about RNG you could complain about every full-auto gun in every FPS barring the LG.
it sprays. you're not supposed to use it past a certain range even with pattern control.
if you really think there's no effort involved in flick shots, spray control, and headshots in general, you need to neck yourself.

It is hard, but it's still shitty gookclick

Luck is also a skill



I mean, risk management is a skill, but it doesn't really apply to doturd


You mean riot added mechanics and skillshorts while dota is clicker RNG with no skill?


>video games are sports!
This is why nobody takes them seriously

Think he means judging risks

Risk management has nothing to do with RNG

>LoL and dota2 are considered competitive, balanced games
>they get major balance patches constantly
How the fuck can anyone say either of those games are balanced when the game is getting fucked around with literally every month? For anything with any degree of complexity a month is no where near enough time for a meta to actually settle and strategies / counter strategies having enough time to be perfected.

Wrestling is an art.
Hand to hand combat is an art.
The human bodies movement in a graceful way is an art.
The art of moving correctly in a certain way to throw things farther.

These are all sports.

Let's fix that, shall we?

It has to do with uncertain outcomes which RNG provides my retarded friend

it's interactive media, it can be whatever you want it to be.
that's why things as different as quake and the banner saga can still be related.

You would think this, but they try to male it so everything is viable.
You can also meme that they buff characters with upcoming or new skins as well. If this was true, this is also one reason that competitive play (actual esports) has the patched delayed by one or two for tournament play.

No its Risk vs Reward and is not inherently tied to RNG or randomness in any way shape or form.

There's no way you can try and spin this, RNG and luck is not skill, the more luck based or randomness a game has the less skill based it is, this is objective fact.

Are you retarded?

Because dotards are really really insecure for some reason.

Are YOU retarded?

dont talk about things you know nothing about, kiddo

dota isnt even close in popularity in relation to this image


I never said it's inherently tied to RNG, however introducing element of randomness is is one way to test risk management. Fog of war is also a game element that introduces risk management. Anything that introduces uncertainty basically.
I'm not gonna reply to the whole luck vs skill shit you inferred, because I never said it.


>LoL gets balance patches every 2-3 weeks
>dota2 has on average changed version each month every month this year

Fog of war is not "random"

>basketball takes more skill than football
Deluded americans are very funny indeed

randomness within the player's control is risk management. randomness outside of their control is just RNG.
it's like picking a powerful weapon that might jam vs being forced to use a weapon that might jam.

>us 90s kids right :D

I agree with your point, but to be fair SC2 has had a re-design patch last year and another one this year.

Good thing I didn't write it then.
I think you skipped some classes in elementary school bro.

football is played outside on grass, basket ball is played inside on a court.

also football is a shit sport for faggots and wankers

SCR just came out and that's the Quake Champions logo, you dork.

LoL is Dota streamlined. They removed mechanics that many players found difficult or confusing (turnrate, cast animations, gold penalties when dying.

>basket ball is played inside on a court
And how does that influences the skill level?
>american being stupid and ignorant
Nothing new to see here

LoL is Dota streamlined. They removed mechanics that many players found difficult or confusing (brush, cast animations, skill shots, summoner spells, runes, masteries

look as a dotard the skill level is way above league but i don't think it compares to an actual rts like starcrat

The graph is about luck to skill ratios not skill levels.

>>basket ball is played inside on a court
>And how does that influences the skill level?
Because it has less external interference, are you fucking retarded or is this just bait?

Guess again, faggot.

this is truth desu
i can't play basketball worth shit yet a few days ago after not touching a football since i was like 5, i held up pretty fine

none of those are difficult or confusing. If anything turn rates is a good thing.
Lol also does have cast animations and many characters can cancel them.

>added mechanics
they removed turnrate, cast animations, gold penalty when dying, denying, couriers, multiple shops, more complication vision, etc

Riot removed these complexities which is why LoL is a lot more popular

Or maybe it's because LoL sucks ass.

>removed cast animations

You're right about the rest of it but almost every ability in LeL has a cast animation and a big fucking bar in the centre of the screen to display that.

LoL is a lot more popular because it was out before Volvo even had the idea for their low effort chashgrab.
The kiddie artstyle also helped probably, see Overwatch.

cast time and cast animation aren't the same thing

>added mechanics
dota removed skill shots, cast animations,brush, masteries, runes, penalty's for leaving lane, more complication vision, etc

Valve removed these complexities which is why dota2 is a shit game

Many players find the gold penalty too punishing. I think it makes a more interesting competitive game to watch but it raises the bar of entry. New players get rekt and have no gold.

Shouldnt heroes of the storm be directly in the middle

at least you got it right the second time

>implying controlling spray doesn't require skill

>dota removed skill shots
mirana arrow, es fissure, pudge hook, aa ult

>cast animation locks you into a period where you can't do anything while your spell goes off
>this period of time doesn't count as "cast time"

What the fuck are you smoking?

>Commenting on the "skill required" of games with more depth than a basic, focused measurement of player ability regarding one specific aspect
>The generic "skill required" rather than any sort of concise statement like skill floors, ceilings, what kind of skills and the difficulty in obtaining those skills
>Implying you or I can quantify the skill of every esports game there is when no one can genuinely give each the time it would take to comprehend each
>You made this for (You)s instead of actually playing video games

Sorry ya, I worded that wrong. The cast point in dota is a bit more complicated to new users than LoL. I've found many LoL players say dota feels "laggy" because of the slow attack and cast times.

Also stuns. Dota has stuns for days, LoL is a lot more forgiving in this sense. It is frustrating to some players to be stunned for 5+ seconds. Worse if the other team chains the stuns.


Wow, whole 4 abilites. Epic doturds. Also fissure is huge as fuck, you need to be retarded to miss it.
Meanwhile, every hero in LoL has like 3 skill shots and a skilldash.


>Dota has stuns for days
dota also has spell immunity that lasts for more than 1.5 seconds on a 100 second cd

Dota definitely has skillshots and cast animations. There is a penalty for leaving lane if you don't manage your time correctly (fall behind in gold and experience)

Isn't dotas talents in some ways similar to masteries?

>Also fissure is huge as fuck, you need to be retarded to miss it.
lmao casting 1 fissure takes more skill than the entirety of lol, lolkek

Yeah, so much thinking in Warcraft 3, make Blademaster and pray for some crits.