this box is thicc
im still here ;_;
what could it be, Sup Forums?
The poor wrapping interests me, keep posting
What shitty creepypasta is this from
>that hand
why hello there, grandpa
>white hand
Don't you have some reparitions to pay? Go away
ty blessed user
I thought everyone on Sup Forums was black or spanish these days
ooh I recognise that seal :^)
Could it be?
>tfw a day early
>only for me boy dan
>no oompa loompa gay boys!
cracks me up every fucking time
you have pretty hands, no homo
my phone a blurry shit
thanks for stopping by anyway, Sup Forums
>hang yourself with the Game Boy Advance Game LinkĀ® cable
>opened already very limited collector's edition
no Jan Mulders no read
Give us some photos of the arbook
coming up my g