Be NEET for the entire summer

>Be NEET for the entire summer
>Just smoking weed and playing TF2 everyday
>Kinda getting bored of my games, decide to pick up Dark Souls 3 on PC back in June because this board says how good the saga is
>Literally get hooked on it. Logged in 75 hours in 5 days
>Beat the game, went into new game plus, beat the game again, enjoyed the campaign even more, enjoy the hell out of pvp
>In July, Dark Souls saga was on sale and I picked up the first and second one
>Played the first one, beat it
>Played the second one, currently on new game plus

Holy fuck. This game consumed my life this summer. Summer 2017 will always be remember as the summer of Dark Souls to me. Countless nights spent getting high and playing pvp on Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3. Wow, what a amazing franchise. Can't believe it's taken this long for me to get into it.

I'm playing it now, it's pretty good but the enjoyment is lowered by how much I fucking suck at both the game and real life


Walking into a new room and thinking "how will this game bullshit me" gets old fast, I can barely believe they went and made the same game 3 times.


there's really not much bullshit in dark souls though

>mfw Bloodborne will never EVER come to PC

I don't feel like getting into a discussion but fire salamanders are the worst offenders next to enemies who recover faster than you when you hit them.

You must be young

what's it like to be so utterly feeble?

>tfw can't play it because my PC is too weak

i can only run the first one and the second and i have 1000 hours on both

I never played dark souls 2

Straid was a straight up gangster admittedly

You have a heart of gold. Don't let them take it from you.

Bloodborne doesn't have the same replay value Dark Souls has.

There is lots of build variety for the classes, and the game can be played in several different orders. Bloodborne on the other hand is much linear than Dark Souls and there isn't much variety in the classes besides "heavy" and "speed"

that was a summer for me too a while ago, og dark souls and I was working 12hr shifts at a factory cause I aint totally useless. Good times

>tfw dark souls 1 gets 27 fps on my amd apu
>tfw battlefield 3 gets 60fps


Then you missed fire salamanders, thank god

fuck you

you'd think you would, you know, get good after a the first 12 or so hours. But if you really went into all 3 games struggling, then wow, you must truly suck. But this post is probably just bait for (you)s

Dark souls 3 is far far more linear than bloodborne.

Beat up all the strawmen you like, every room boils down to "how will the devs try to shank me this time"

Can you tell me why 90% of what you said was necessary? We didn't need a life story.


You and me both OP. I played Dark Souls for the first time this summer and I ended up beating it five times before moving on to Dark Souls II. I found the second DaS to be kind of mediocre so I took a break from it, beat Demon's Souls twice (which I had already completed once like six months ago), then got back to DaS2 and ended up beating it on NG and NG+ even though I didn't like it as much as the previous two games in the series. These games are highly, HIGHLY addicting and I don't think I'm ready for the new ride in December when I buy myself a PS4 along with DaS3 and BB.

Beat Dark souls 1 with DLC today. 26 (all) bosses in 26.30 hours and 107 deaths. Ended at lvl 91. How did i do?

isnt that every game ever?

>26.30 hours
That's a really, really fucking quick first playthrough, what the hell man? My first playthrough of DaS was like 50 hours, and that was without DLC.

Not him but I have to disagree. At times Bloodborne is more open but most of the time it is a lot less linear than ds3. It also has less reply value

Yeah I loved ds3 as well. I mean I sucked at it, traded it in, then I think I got it again. Game was too hard for me after BB. but I'm at the cathedral of the deep atm looking for this bloody doll and enjoying it a lot


what's the best dark souls? or should I start with the first?

*a lot more linear than ds3

1 is the best

>played BB for the first time this summer when I was also NEET
Shit consumed my life for a month. Don't mean to be a disgusting fanboy but I dunno what to do now that there's no more souls on the horizon. It hits a perfect gameplay loop that I crave like it's fucking heroin. And I've played 1 and 2 so much that I just can't anymore.

Play 3 then

1 for singleplayer
2 for all around best
3 for multiplayer

user smoking weed everyday is unhealthy, it's bad for your memory and dulls your reaction time making you bad at dark souls

>every room boils down to "how will the devs try to shank me this time"

So every game ever made?

The best is 3, but either way you should start with 1 OR demon's souls if you're a hipster

>enjoy the hell out of pvp
>In DaS3

Absolute fucking pleb, as expected of a pothead waste of life.

I mean if you've never played dark souls you could just say so

It's fun to play them in order. You will see things/locations/characters that are in all the games, and some characters have little subtle story arcs across the 3 games and you learn about their fate in the 3rd game. Just a neat little reward you get if you play them in order.

but i have, a shit ton of it. then my computer died and i had to go back to my laptop toaster. probably for the best, now i can go back to it in the future and i won't have played it to death.
3 is actually my favourite

apparently dark souls 1 on pc is garbage, is it still worth playing it?

75 hours in 5 days? Jesus Christ dude, go outside. I can only imagine your stench.

>Starting with the first game in the series (which is very much worth playing, by the way) means that you're a hipster

Same thing happened to me with ds1, I was wasting my time on Tf2 and got bored, tried something new and end up with 80h of ds in two weeks.
I wish I could run ds3.

But it's autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern

Mind your own business faggot


That's insane for a first playthrough. But good on you unless you used a guide in which case you're a fag. You know what you did use one because there is no way in hell you accessed the dlc without it.

>3 months
>omg such a neet lmao xD
that's not how it works retard.

Get DSfix and it's great.

will i miss out on anything by pirating it?


Online play. Co-op is fun but I've never cared about the pvp.

Played DS1 and BB loved both, put about 10 hours into DS2 and hated it.

Worth trying DS3? don't want to drop the money and then regret it later.

Must be nice living at home rent free and blogging here on Sup Forums fag

>triggered lardass mcneckbeardo

Take a shower, vermin.

I love DS and DS3. DS2 is the worst of them all.
DS3 is still pretty linear compared to DS if you care about that. The world just feels much better than DS2.
There are people who disagree with me. Just buy it and if you're not feeling it just refund before 2hour.

normies get the fuck out if you have never done this you are on the wrong website. proceed back to rebbiitt, thank you

>played skyrim 2 or 3 times in a row when it came out, thought it was great but frustrating on console with bugs and loading times
>Sup Forums was always talking about ds1 around that time
>decide to play it
>better everything
100% woke

>ywn play bloodborne for the first time again
Why live?

i've played all 5 games, and Bloodborne is my favorite of them all
but i have to agree, there will never be a game that i can replay so much like DaS1

Despite you being a subhuman degenerate DUDE WEED LMAO NEET you're right that your first experience with the series is fucking great. I first tried with DeS back in like 2010 and it just didn't click for me, granted I tried it when I didn't have much freetime to dedicate to games. In 2013 I finally gave DaS a go and it completely sucked me in. My first playthrough was 40 hours and I loved every minute of it.

>can't anymore
what are you, casul?

>my filth that encircles my disgusting existence is absolutely necessary to enjoy video games

You need to be put in a labor camp, I bet your mum tried to abort you but you survived due to her mistake of chosing the wrong abortion pills.

>ywn play bloodborne

If you were my irl bro, I'd let you borrow my ps4 to experience Bloodborne, because you seem pretty cool. It's a shame my pc bretheren will never ever get BB, because it truly is one of the best "Souls" games. ( its victorian era Dark Souls, don't care if its technically not part of the series)

fuck you this was supposed to be a nice thread

Best we can hope for is a 60fps remaster on PS5. I'd buy the console for that alone.

slow and steady

There's only one single prerequisite for playing Bloodborne.
Can you guess what it is?

Enjoying life?

DaS3 is a lot more linear and has less fun/viable weapons.

What are some good DS3 weapons for high dex low str? I'm using a pontiff knight curved sword, everything else I can use seems like shit.

Literally the opposite

I fucks with the Falchion.

1 is the best by far. DeS and BB are great as well. DaS 2 and 3 are mediocre compared to the better games but still worth playing.

Ricards rapier in right hand
Parry dagger in left
Wear mirrah set with pharis hat

>Putting ds1 above bloodborne
You either havent played bb or are to nostalgic for ds1 to realize bb is better


I've done 4 playthroughs of BB and more than I can count of DaS. It just has more replayability due to having a connected world wich allows you to keep challenging yourself. I also didn't like the fact that a lot of the great weapons in BB like the church pick, burial blade, rakuyo etc were found so late in the game.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Chaos Blade is a Katana that deals stupid damage with a pure dex build

You can always take something like the Lothric Straight Sword and infuse it with sharp.

I'm a strength user. Heavy infused Great club is my shit.

Drang Twinspears are pretty awesome. The rolling attack didn't get nerfed like the Gotthard's Twinswords did so it comes out really fast.

BB has arguably some of the greatest bosses in the series and really fun combat but I understand why people prefer the world and build variety of DaS.

>tfw when Souls game have yet to surpass DeS and DkS1

>tfw there will never be a HD remake of DeS where they improve some of the mechanics like world tendency

if you've got AoA then there's a whole pile, crow talons, crow quills, follower sabre, valorheart.

if you don't there's shit like warden twinblades, pontiff knight scythe, painting guardian sword, carthus shotel, farron greatsword if you've got the str, maybe even a spear type since spears are always fun. even whips are fun to use if you don't expect it to be overpowered.

Just about anything infused with Sharp other than something retarded like a club.

Please, let's keep this thread comfy and not turn it into another console wars thread

I asssume you get the scythe by farming that guy using it in front of the pontiff fog gate?

yeah, only place to get it. fucking S scaling in dex though, pretty worth it.

damn, I know what I'm going to do next

may your farming yield a quick harvest
at least it's close to the bonfire.

Cool blog OP

That's not entirely true. Initially, yes. There Is a sort of learning curve when high and DS3, I used to smoke erryday and play. I was initially worse, but I ended up being better at the game when high before I eventually quit.

>close to a bonfire

I hope you're using the broken sword and not manually running back and forth from the bonfire.

glad you enjoyed it op

this serie literally saved modern gaming desu