Reminder that Simon is the best Belmont

Reminder that Simon is the best Belmont
>but OP, Richter is cooler, look at his item crashes and epic Dracula speech
That's nice and all but Richter is lame in comparison to Simon and here's why.
>Simon can use his whip in eight directions
>Simon was so badass he resurrected Dracula just to kill him again while Richter got his ass beat by a gay priest and had to leave Dracula to Alucard
>Simon didn't have any crutches to defeat Dracula, he beat him with his whip and sub weapons without any magical help
>didn't need anyone else to help him destroy Dracula both times
>Looks cooler

Richterfags need not reply

Someone make virgin Richter vs chad simon in paint

Also forgot
>Didn't defeat Dracula for any bitches did it for his clans legacy
>Simon not only killed Dracula twice but unlike Richter he didn't fuck up so bad that the whip had to leave the family for five hundred years

>Looks cooler


>needs to whip in 8 directions to beat Dracula

i always thought simon was the best

>Looks cooler

forgot pic

Richter is just a better dressed Ryu, Simon looks like he's dressed for war.

>Simon can use his whip in eight directions
Castlevania 4 is overly easy because of it, not sure why you would brag.
Trevor is the best Belmont.

>Exposed thighs and arms
>Dressed for war

>Trevor is the best Belmont
Why though

>Agility and light clothes

Not that much of a reason, just that his game is the best and he killed Dracula before Simon.

He jobbed in Curse of Darkness

simon looks like he is a Manowar reject and just as GAY

this is an American website, Lionel. Speak American or get back to prepping the muslim bull.

>Castlevania 4 is overly easy because of it, not sure why you would brag.
And despite that, it's still tougher than Rondo and SotN. How can Richter even compete?

How fucking retarded are you?
>In professional wrestling slang, a job is a losing performance in a wrestling match.[1] It is derived from the euphemism "doing one's job", which was employed to protect kayfabe. The term can be used a number of ways. When a wrestler is booked to lose a match it is described as "a job". The act itself is described with the verb jobbing, while the act of booking (rather than being booked) to job is called jobbing out.

to think we have chad belmonth because an artist would have to draw whatever the fuck he got from the sprites of nes simon.
that artist is blessed.

>Speak American

and i'm not saying "simon is better than...", nah, i just really like his design.

never heard anyone but britbong muslimcucks use that word, Nigel.

Julius is best Belmont. No ifs or buts about it


>doesn't have his own game

This Alpha never skips leg day.

Rasslin' is as American as it gets, your a fucking moron.

he doesn't skip "kick dracula's ass" day either.
without a doubt, user. he killed dracula once for all.

Sonia Belmont is the only Belmont worth anything.


>simonbabies actually believe this

>your a fucking moron

Hook, line and sinker

by the way, is sonia belmont still canon? or she was retconned out of existence by leon belmont?

Actually Julius is the most powerful Belmondo by far.

She was going to be brought back into canon by a cancelled Saturn game

Weird way to type Leon

what a shame.

Yeah well Juste still has the best theme.

AFAIK she was retconned into a parallel timeline the moment they published an official one.

BTW, what about that one random Belmont from LoS2? How's he power wise?


Dracula wasn't a big deal to him

I like Simon because he was my first Belmont

yeah thats all cool but can he do a backflip?

the guy was kinda good, but he was fighting gabriel belmont, who i think is a way more powerful dracula than the canonical one.
also, i give him an extra point becuase he sacrificed himself in order to give gabriel and richter a chance to fight against one of the sons of lucifer, and the guy didn't doubt for a second about it.

lookin' good


he doesn't need to backflip because he fights his enemies head on without fear of their attacks

deus ex: mankind divided

But which Simon is best and why is it pick related?

that simon is a fag and not worthy of the name.



>the only belmond who didn't kill dracula (and lost to a literral dracula in the making)

Are you a fucking idiot? Julius was the only Belmont to permanently kill Dracula and he didn't lose to soma at all.

Should I play all the Castlevania games chronologically or in oder of release?

1.Ricther can do that too though
2.Ricther got influence by Shaft because how badly he beat Dracula. He train his whole life for the moment, beat him so effortlessly he got bored soon afterwards and sat in Dracula's castle, waiting for him to comeback even stronger before Alucard showed up and smack sense into him.
3. Richter had no crutches nor help in his fight either in his fight.
> He thinks Simon is cooler than Dracula X Chronicles Richter

order of release, I'm doing it that way and feel like I made the right decision.



>jawline is a weapon itself
>chad haircut
>fur-lined collar because Castlevania is cold
>goggles but he knows that the first level with have a staircase down into a watery area
>mirror so he can check people for vampirism
>backpack full of sub-weapons
>smiles without fear, no time for spooky bullshit



>tfw look like richter from SOTN
>cosplayed him once
>some autist argued with me that he didn't have long hair

still makes me laugh when I think about it, guy sperged out for no fucking reason.


>lost to Soma
come on now
after their fight Soma even says he can tell Julius is fucking with him and could piledrive him into paste in no short order, full power of chaos or no

I guess he was right, I wasn't wearing the coat but the old outfit. Still it was insane how he just kept nagging on me to change my cosplay


>Dracula X Chronicles
Fuck off, might as well go back to your Mirror of Shitfates

He's not if you were cosplayinh pre sotn, especially when konami fused the two looks for Richter in that co-op game they made for 360/ps3

You forgot

>has a bangin' girlfriend/wife.

>with those disgusting big breasts


sorry you are gay

Simon got the sloppy seconds of Ralph.

No form of Dracula was stronger than any form of dracula that Ralph killed.


"i'll kill you AND the knight"
God that game was so fucking hammy but it was so accidentally good for that same reason

Woah there turbo. Dracula X Chronicles was nowhere near as good as Rondo but it was nowhere near as bad as Mirrors of Fate.

>Ralph C. Belmondo

>best Belmont not Julius

Fucker killed Dracula so hard he actually died for real


>he died for real
And by die you mean sent his will into a japanese guy
Didn't even kill dracula, they had to seal his castle into the moon with the help of shrine priestess and shit from Japan. Iga's Castlevania lore is a fucking mess.

>doesn't like loli, but goes on a website for lolicons anyway

Projection: The post


Julius > Simon


Sonia will never be canon because women in the Belmont/Belnades line are mages, not paladins. Only paladins can wield the Vampire Killer, and the males of the Belmont/Belnades line are paladins.

That's more than what the other Belmonts ever did.